Expections for GT7 in 2023?

  • Thread starter alex511
I think its time to add more championchips their is not enough more high paying events, fix the roulette tickets more ways to earn them, do more special events to have chance to earn special parts and engine swaps, they need to add much more menu books, and i really want the Dodge srt chsllanger demon to arrive, and Grand valley speedway
Am not worry that much about gt7 what will bring at 2023 , definitely they will improve it with new cars , new tracks , some extra menus , etc.
Am almost certain that they will keep the same path on " griding races " that needs to ride 25 times same race to buy those pricey cars , perhaps they will add one or two more races but ...... but taste will be the same i guess.
I wish they could bring the seasonal races from the past but ain't gonna happen since daily races etc. replace them and you can't establish championships and other ( profitable) events on them.
What i expect the most ( too early to happens soon ) is when the availability of ps5 will put an end to the scalping era people are facing two years after his launch.
If they added Grand Valley , Tokyo R246 , Autum Ring and Silverstone Id be happy if we never got any new tracks .
PD seems to be avoiding city tracks for some reason .
They would add Silverstone if the licence wasn't so damn expensive

as for city tracks , they do have some like the Tokyo R246 but atm they focus on racing circuits because Sport mode i guess
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If they added Grand Valley , Tokyo R246 , Autum Ring and Silverstone Id be happy if we never got any new tracks .
PD seems to be avoiding city tracks for some reason .
They said city tracks take 5x as long as a normal circuit.
Tigdney said on a recent stream he’s aware of one track that’s definitely coming, and it isn’t Silverstone, Zolder, Hungaroring or Grand Valley. Not that any of those aren’t planned, just not the one he was aware of.

He did say it has been mentioned when track discussions were on his channel. For me it would be strange to get another real wold US track so soon.
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Tigdney said on a recent stream he’s aware of one track that’s definitely coming, and it isn’t Silverstone, Zolder, Hungaroring or Grand Valley. Not that any of those aren’t planned, just not the one he was aware of.

He did say it has been mentioned when track discussions were on his channel. For me it would be strange to get another real wold US track so soon.

Maybe the license fees are significantly cheaper for the American circuits?

My guess is Road America or VIR, though I’d really love trying COTA in a game that can actually be played on controller. PC2 is damn near impossible to play.
Tigdney said on a recent stream he’s aware of one track that’s definitely coming, and it isn’t Silverstone, Zolder, Hungaroring or Grand Valley. Not that any of those aren’t planned, just not the one he was aware of.

He did say it has been mentioned when track discussions were on his channel. For me it would be strange to get another real wold US track so soon.
NEW Japanese circuit people most likely be exposed to next.
My expectations for 2023 is that Forza Motersport is more aware of the issues that frustrate us in GT7 and will provide a racing sim that addresses these issues.

I took a 3-4 month break. I dragged the racing chair and wheel out this past weekend but could not get back into GT7. I'm done chasing the rabbit and being forced to drive like a butthole. And I'm done grinding.

I guess I got my money's worth out of this game, but I have better ways to spend my time. I'll check back in the the spring, but I don't have even medium expectations.
I still think we'll go fast and turn left.
UNLESS we're at Suzuka, then we'll go fast, turn right, then go fast again, then turn left.
Maybe we'll get a non SVT Ford truck, maybe a 1997 Expedition or something to rally with.
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They said city tracks take 5x as long as a normal circuit.
Because they need new assets . I could probably make the trackside details of a normal track my self with pre made textures trees and grass in a weekend by my self and make them uber detailed , I know because I would make highly detailed far cry 3-5 maps for fun and PD has access to better tools. Making one building by scratch would take longer though and tracks like Tokyo have hundreds of unique building which will have to be modeled , in the ps2 and ps3 days they were boxes with textures . I also think tracks with unique trees and such will take longer vs tracks like Sardinia road or Dragon Trail Gardens which are mostly asset flips .
Expectation ? I selled my copy last month, i lost any hope to see a proper GT 7 in a short time. Lobbies are still in awful conditions along with the netcode which is clunky, and they didn't even added new soundtracks, along with some proper championships ( not these ridiculous cafè missions ) like the good older GT 3-6. Game is going for 1 year already since the release. Sad.
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Expectations are very low, and hope like others that Forza will shake their cage.
I haven't been playing for 3 months over the summer because of work, and I have completed all new content in a few days.
I have lost any interest in grinding too after I bought all cars that interest me, and I don't see the point in grinding for useless duplicate VGT's made to raise the number of cars in the game.
Game is lacking relevant new performance cars, and they should first add those cars to fill some voids in the game. Audi RS models, new BMW M3/4/5, Abarth 124, Hyundai I30/Elantra N, new Civic Type-R, any Infiniti model, last generation Megane RS, new Mazda 3 with petrol engine please, VW Golf R 7 or 8, any new Jaguar , and any Tesla model younger than 10 years.
Duplicate VGT's are just a waste of resources and if I wanted to play with imaginary cars I would stay on Ridge racer.
I hope they give us the ultra turbo kit for the mässing cars. same with supercharger high rpm s witch have been seen in the roulette but still unaccessable. And even other s parts that we still dont have. but the most important thing for gt7 is more championchips and events in general that more important than new cars and tracks but they are still very Welcome also
About new circuits, based on some traces, it is possible to infer some things. I'm not saying these are real indications, but possibilities.

Firstly, we have the datamined information of the Red Rock Valley, Grand Valley and Tokyo R246 circuits, information that also brought Trial Mountain, Watkins Glen, Deep Forest, Daytona and Atlanta, tracks that were confirmed in GT7.

Second, there's the vestige of Apricot Hill in GT7's launch advertisements. So far we have no other information about this track.

Thirdly, we have Yas Marina being presented by Kaz Yamauchi, in August 2022, in a lecture at CEDEC, on how to idealize a racing circuit. It is very suggestive that they use this circuit as an example alongside Suzuka, when they could use another real circuit that is already in the game, such as Monza or Interlagos.

Fourthly, we have the Hungaroring. The real circuit had already appeared, partially, in a clip of the Gran Turismo Sport championships in 2020. Today, the same circuit is used for the filming of the Gran Turismo movie. So, it is possible to infer that PD-Sony must already have some commercial agreement with the Circuit Administration to launch the circuit in its video game.

Fifth, YouTuber @Tidgney has heard rumors from key people that Zolder may appear in the future of GT7.

Sixth, user @wbhumphries claimed before Road Atlanta's release that said track would appear in GT7, just like Sebring. He said this based on a source. Road Atlanta has been confirmed.

That's what we have for traces. I said traces, not evidence. Others point to Sugo for the circuit being mentioned in the game's historical panels. Others say that Sebring is possible to appear due to the commercial agreement that PD closed with Michelin and IMSA, on which I have no way of knowing the influence of this.

So, we have as possible circuits for the future of the franchise.
  • Red Rock Valley
  • Grand Valley Speedway
  • Tokyo R246
  • Apricot Hill
  • Yas Marina
  • Hungaroring
  • Zolder
  • Sebring
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Maybe Im being too naive and optimistic but I think the game will see a lot of improvements this year. My logic around that is if it takes them 3/6 months for cars/tracks. Most of what we've seen so far were things they had in the release pipeline before. Then late last year we started to see some of the more requested cars and a couple of tracks. So, really hoping for a great year with things the community has been asking for :)
Hm, I wonder if GT Sport's servers being taken down in January will at least help GT7 grow at least somewhat faster. One can dream. Edit: I hope I didn't post in the wrong place.
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