Expert Class: Fuji - RWD Only - 500pp - @ :03, :18, :33, :48

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO
^me too, lots of failed to connect,

About lap times, I did 2.01.8 in free run. RX7. How is other cars stacking up?

Can a moderator add RWD only to thread title??
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Mr Volcano,

You can change the thread title your self.

Just go to your first post, click edit, the go advanced you can then edit the title.

Come on then peeps, lets see some more 500pp racers on the grid. :lol:


No one in the :33.
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Hyperuk:tup:That Evora goes very well,with you in it:).Only starting to tune the RX7,long way to go yet me thinks.

dc in 33
Ill come for the xx:18

Coming to race a 111r. Might not be fast enough but its damn fun to race :)
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I think I'll come and join in shortly.

What's the etiquette for the start exactly? Pull over onto the grass till everybody has passed, pull back onto the tarmac so you can get traction for the start, stop, then nail it when the clock hits 20s?
I think I'll come and join in shortly.

What's the etiquette for the start exactly? Pull over onto the grass till everybody has passed, pull back onto the tarmac so you can get traction for the start, stop, then nail it when the clock hits 20s?

Pretty much, just resume your original grid position once the other cars have passed. 👍
The rx7 is so nice to drive. it was one of the first cars i bought in gt4...good momories lol. Be back for xx33
If you want to try the Evora, this is what Im running, Dc tune for the Evora Cup, with tweaked gears. :)

-30 -27
4 6
3 4
-6 0.00
1.7 1.6
4 4


No 5th or 6th. Nice and lazy car to drive.

Best yet, 2'00.2xx, I feel a 1'59 coming soon. 👍
I did a 2:02:xxx in free run with a 111r.

Hyper are those race times or free times?
Hmmm, just joined the xx:33 race and it was only me and a bunch of GTR's, so guess where I finished.
Sorry to theewar if i was getting a bit close for comfort. First time out in the lotus.

Where is everyone tonight?
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Yea. It was nothing man.

Theewar. :lol: So sorry man. That was the most insane hit I've ever given to anyone. :D
Other than that, nice racing. :)👍
Yes yes yes, managed a 2.00.8 in the evora, and even won a few, which doesn't happen often to me. Thanks for the racing guys, this combo is gonna be awsome.

Night all.
How many 'outsiders' there is in average race... is it always full grid, or something like 6-9 drivers, and how long 'players matching'-time is?

I'm just curious about this events popularity among outsiders. I have some interesting ideas in my mind for future. I will tell more after Star Wars-tournament...
Good racing with you Mr_Geez:tup:some really nice overtaking going on in most of those races:D
Morning peeps, just ran a few free run laps in the Evora, 1'59.521, just watched the replay and it looks like I lost some time in a couple of places. I think a 58 is possible. 👍
Cheers buddy, I think you will like it. :)

You know he'll like it. :sly:👍. Do i detect a Evora cup creeping back,Oh no full grids again.......xx03 ill give it a blast.
just had a hyperuk and mr_Volcano sandwich not very nice, but fun please help. :crazy: :scared:
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