Expert Class: Fuji - RWD Only - 500pp - @ :03, :18, :33, :48

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO
Think I will do that:) Theres plenlty who like low pp racing, so where are you..?

Have now posted a new thread about RX7 Cup
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Sorry mate, I'm quite sure I wont be racing at 19gmt, but later at night I will.
And yeah, saw your tune in the thread. 👍
Everybody using this schedule and requirements today... take RX-7.

You will love the race with it! There is bunch of us tonight doing testing for tomorrows Mazda-Monday, so you can have good compare about your competivity.
Sweet race.

Don't know if you two were sandbagging, but I managed to dice with you a couple of times that race lol - all on cam!

Hopefully next race is even closer!

P.s. I don't mind a big of paint sharing, just so you know. I won't go out of my way to get it, but if you happen to nudge me, don't drop behind me...! Didn't happen that race, but fear it may in the future - us lot are mature enough to know when fair is fair :)
I'll come into play at xx48...

If it's just me and you, I'll go back to either Fuji or Daytona max PP!

Be nice to see you on either of those dude?
Thanks guys... very fun test session for tomorrow!

So sad that I must sleep... I'm really starting to think about some illegal choices to avoid that waist of quality-time. :dunce:

I hope so many as possible could join to Mazda-Monday. This car really can give fair fights with 500PP and N3 tyres.