Expert Class: Fuji - RWD Only - 500pp - @ :03, :18, :33, :48

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO
Edit: Sorry just been told its an rx7 cup tonight is will pop in the next one :lol:
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Very nice first race for me. :)

With Prudent and MJH 👍

Yep, good race - first and last for me though unfortunately - too much stuff to do. Would have been in at :48 but the phone rang. Sorry guys, catch you later.
Thanks aki that was awesome! Hope you got it on tape:)

Yes I do... It really was awesome!

Sorry JvM and Jack... that Evo got me really bad in the end of the mainstraight. :(

ps. Until that I taped really great battle between you! never had a even chance to try pass, I could only be spectator behind you.
I have tested RX7 in this combo and its great! Think it will be very close racing..

So, any interest??

Rules: Wait 20sec, RWD cars only!!

I just notice you have edited first post... and I have to say you really were right when assuming that, 'it will be very close racing'!

It really is. Never have so many tight battles. This car acts so nicely and feels 'real', and torque is very smooth so it wont throw you to spin suddenly. I love it. Somewhy I never tested it before seriously, only that division qualifier for few hours. Very great find!

Thanks! ...I'll be in xx:48.
I just notice you have edited first post... and I have to say you really were right when assuming that, 'it will be very close racing'!

It really is. Never have so many tight battles. This car acts so nicely and feels 'real', and torque is very smooth so it wont throw you to spin suddenly. I love it. Somewhy I never tested it before seriously, only that division qualifier for few hours. Very great find!

Thanks! ...I'll be in xx:48.

glad you enjoy it:) It feels very real,.. and defently close! Back xx18 if there still is some action.
I still have time to take two race.

Sorry JvM my defensive lines at chicane... but I need to shut that door. I saw your thoughts. ;)
I still have time to take two race.

Sorry JvM my defensive lines at chicane... but I need to shut that door. I saw your thoughts. ;)

Haha, no problem. :)👍
Very nice race that one with you and mr_geez. 👍
Sorry i had to disappear before. The wife wanted some quality time. i tried to explain to her that i was having quality time, but she insisted i spend it with her. Anyway. Back on at 03 if anyone is still there.
I'm so sad that I must go to sleep :(

Thank you all so much, this was one of the best racing nights in my GT5P history!
I got so much epic battles on tape, that it takes many hours to import them to my Mac, and after that to YouTube, so dont expect there is anything until late tomorrow.

Have a nice night guys. 👍
Thanks all of you:tup: Really great battles, proper driving that is;) One make races is very fun, so many cars are not competitiv in this game because of bad pp.. those cars get the attention it deserve in these kinda races:tup: Hope too do this again:) :cheers:
Thanks for setting it up for us. We should do races like this a lot more often. Just had 2 races on my own, guess everyone has retired now.
Really fun and tight Rx-7 races tonight. Thanks for those, guys. :cheers:

I'm really with you Volcano on the one car races. It's nice that all are equal against each other. And no one gets bored of the cars since we can change to another car whenever we like. :) There's quite a lot RWD cars available. ;) Really waiting more of these. 👍
I think MAYBE Paulie is working on one.. I gonna post my tune later:tup:

I will make one some time soon. I'll aim for before the weekend, or at least during the weekend.
Meanwhile, lower it and stiffen it up to the max, easy on the camber and toe seams a good way to start. I'll be coming back later tonight trying this out.
thanks Aki for your videos! nothing better then to kill some time druing working hours watching some good racing from yesterdays evening! ;) I need to take better line in last two turns that's for sure..
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thanks Aki for your videos! nothing better to kill some time duing working hours watching some good racing from yesterdays evening! ;) I need to take better line in last two turns that's for sure..

Oh, you noticed they are there! Thanks about feedback. Strange that race 2 and 5 never came to YouTube, even I uploaded them and everything went fine. Need to try again if they dont come there today.

Isn't it funny to see own driving from another point of view. :) ...and youre not first who says they have find things what needs bettering. That's one of the biggest things why I release them on YouTube. I also like very much myself watching them, and seek my own mistakes, and what faster racers do different.
Is video 2 or 5 video of 1vs1 battle we had in the end? Couldent see that one.. I also saw a few thing to better in my lines.. You drive quite good lines AutoAki:)

Thanks for the videos:cheers:
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Is video 2 or 5 video of 1vs1 battle we had in the end? Couldent see that one.. I also saw a few thing to better in my lines.. You drive quite good lines AutoAki:)


I just checked, and race 2 is our epic Mano vs Mano! Maybe it was too exciting even for YouTubes moderators?

I put it to upload again... watch out again after 1 hour, and there hopefully is HQ available.
I wont be on before later too.. Saw video 2 aki.. That was a very cool race! Happy with some of the moves there:tup:

Yes it was!

I cant even yet see HQ-version about it there. It reads under the clip, but it aint HQ...? Maybe it comes later. Strange that race 5 isn't there either this time. Everything went fine with this second time upload too, but video wont show there... must be busy in the YouTube servers, or something.
Anyone Ready xx03? 👍

I guess to keep interest in one make race maby we should do one race event a week??
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My possible race-days are Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. (not all of them in a same week :( ) my suggest is Mazda-Monday! I really liked that car.
Well... I tried last night and all I can say is that this is not for me. My skills (with a PAD at least) are not enough to brake, turn or accelerate properly with N3. I can have fun, but can't be competitive... :grumpy:

I've watched Autoaki's videos (great by the way!) and smooth is more than ever the way to go, so I just hope Santa brings me a G25 💡
Not much respons....

If I say every Monday start 20.03gmt
RX7 500pp for now, but If you have another RWD in mind let me know:tup:

Will any show up? Suggest a time if it not fits:)
Not much respons....

If I say every Monday start 20.03gmt
RX7 500pp for now, but If you have another RWD in mind let me know:tup:

Will any show up? Suggest a time if it not fits:)
yeh volcano i'll have abit of that my friend, MAZDA-MONDAY lol :) sounds good 👍
you should make a new thread in the race event section just so the members can see it more