Explosions at Brussels' Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station

  • Thread starter Ken
There has been no news about a nuclear power plant evacutation on the Belgian news. I have been listening to the news constantely. Even right now, the news is on.

I've watched the news but you have to remember that the belgian goverment ask to not publish any info atm. So maybe the closest newspaper are more inclined to do so than UK newspaper.

As for the subject, I'm trying to reach a belgium friend and got no news so far, I hope she's doing good along her family. She doesnt live in brussels so it should be fine.
I've been giving it some thought myself (even before the attacks this morning), I just want to note this is theorising on my part, I'm not claiming this as fact, and that it's not my intention to cause offence;

I can imagine there are quite a few places in the world where communities are living almost side-by-side but with a gap (sometimes huge) in terms of well being and general contentment, be it health, wealth e.t.c. It stands to reason that people who are less well-off may well feel resentment to those on the other side. In most cases, this wouldn't result in anything as serious as what we've seen today and in the past, but when you take radical Islam into account (and their promises of an eternity in paradise for blowing yourself up along with the "infidels") it tilts the scales considerably.

Let's not forget, when you're struggling to make ends meet and the future in general looks utterly bleak, suicidal tendencies may already start to creep in. Whilst the reasoning from going to taking you own life to those of everyday people in the process is a massive gulf for me, you and just about every right-minded person out there, when you're indoctrinated into a way of thinking such as those that Daesh teach, it's merely one small step I fear.

Revenge is another to consider; your family getting wiped out by a drone/air strike (a morbid example) is a powerful trigger to "hit back"; for some they won't even attempt to make the distinction between whether it was the US, Russia... just to hit back at "them", I can imagine the ring-leaders of the extremists are very good at blurring the lines in that regard.

I also remember reading an article or two a little while ago about the problems second-generation Muslims have with growing up in "the west", leading to something of a conflict of identity, I'll try to find it later. Overall though, I fear it's very much a case of emotion/passion clouding reason; in most cases I think they're too far gone to actually stop and consider what it is they're doing, it's all bottled up until the very end.

As an aside, some of the reports I saw of Salah Abdeslam's arrest mentioned that he was "co-operating with police" (specifically, the police had released that info). In hindsight, that now seems very ill-judged indeed, as it may well have spurned today's cell into action in case Salah had anything on them.

That is quite a theory there. But when the cores of the religion these morons act in says things where killing an innocent person is the second more severe sin, where it says that every person is to be treated with equal respect, honour and care regardless of who they are and what they follow, where terrorism is explicitly forbidden in law and that terrorism in Islam actually includes things like robbing a community etc. How do people look at the likes of Daesh with their anti-Islamic teachings and say 'Oh yes, this is my way to make things right'? How do people get brainwashed the way they do, or are they just looking for any excuse to harm someone and the easy one right now for so called Muslims is join ISIS and go blow yourself up? It's a good theroy though, thanks for sharing. Though as a Muslim growing up in the 'west' (I don't consider things the east and west, I just consider the UK as home and every other country just another country), I don't have any problem with my identity at all. I am a Muslim, and proud to be one. Similarly my pride for being British is just as strong. Sure, I don't agree with the Government on many issues; and I don't like certain aspects of Britain, but on the whole I am proud of being a Briton and a Muslim and don't feel that the two clash at all.

Ignorance. A good amount of the so called "Isis fighters" are illiterate. And a good amount of "normal" people have never read the Koran and never will. They take parts to terrorists attack just because someone they trust says them they will be recognized as "heroes" so they will find virgins when they die.

If you are not with them you are against them, no matter your religion, race, sex. We need to realize this people is a threat for ALL of us. And no, another stupid TV show debate, won't solve the problem.

Can you define 'normal'? Are you referring to those who are pulled into the Daesh agenda? Because if so, you may be right, I don't know. What I do know is that it is important now more than ever for Muslims (and others too) to read the Qur'an and get commentary from the scholars, in order for Muslims to understand what verses mean and combine them with the hadith and historical situations, and for those who are not Muslim to also understand the same in order to combat the likes of Daesh more effectively.
Not like we didn't see it coming. Sadly it was a question of 'when' instead of 'if'...
Enough IS sympathizers around in our major cities, and us being 'sensitive' when it comes to cracking down on them is a recipe for disaster.
There has been no news about a nuclear power plant evacutation on the Belgian news. I have been listening to the news constantely. Even right now, the news is on.

I suppose they don't want to cause a panic among the local population. Glad your OK kikie 👍
Trump's reaction:

Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels wss. Not anymore, it is from a different world! U.S. must be vigilant and smart!
Yep. Banning Muslims and giving them specific identification marks will put a stop to that. :rolleyes:

We must ask the blowuppies to wear specific marks before going out in public, like a big giant arrow floating like a halo.



The bomb vest has been destroyed in a controlled explosion.

Edit nr2.

All those fruitless speeches by the politicians. It the same **** after every attack. Their words mean nothing anymore.
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Any more news about the power plant? The caves in Australia aren't getting much information...
We must ask the blowuppies to wear specific marks before going out in public, like a big giant arrow floating like a halo.

Take Molenbeek and Saint-Denis and your Google Map will probably light up big time! Seeing those neighbourhoods makes me really ask if this is the image one would like to have as a civilized european city.. don't think so.
I just read a post of the Russian blogger molonlabe, who is an actual serviceman of a counter-terrorist Spetsnaz unit. That's what he thinks about it (my rough translation):

What is the basis of the Belgian security failure? Something they won't tell and why it's not the police's fault:

First, open borders of the European Union. Even in one single country, this is difficult to ensure coordination and cooperation of the security services, but on the international level - this is utopia at all. This is what the chain looks like: a terrorist enters country A, gets a legal status in country B, then moved to country C, and did an attack in country D. Who is to blame? Look for scapegoats wherever you want.

Second - uncontrolled migration. As a result, there are very many people came to EU that the law enforcers know nothing about. Was he a doctor in his homeland, or a serial murderer? Try and guess. When there's such a massive flow of immigrants, you can forget about proper filtration. Moreover, migrants aren't a crowd of people with sad eyes, it's often an agressive crowd - assaulting, urging for something. I'm not condemning the migrants here - it is hard to be calm when your child wasn't eating for two days and he's sore, and you're being kept in an open field. Thus, it is impossible to find out the intentions of every refugee, whether he's fleeing the war, or bringing the war with himself.

Third - hesistance of the European politicians, their reluctance to define, who is the terrorist. They didn't consider the terrorist attacks in Damascus something worth condemnation, keeping calling the Syrian opposition "moderate". If you're closing your eyes on your partners bombing civilians in another country, then sooner or later you'll have to open them very wide to see what's happening in your own.

Fourth - diplomacy. I mean, the approval of revolutions and supporting the rebellions aganst "tyranic" regimes. If beasts are kept in a cage, this is not always explained by the cruelty of the cage owner. It is bad to kill tigers, but to kill human-eating tigers is necessary. If there's no cage, the tigers will change their inhabited area easily, and now they're in Europe. Try and find the killer ones.

You can't expect the law enforcers to defeat terrorism on their own. Like you can't expect firemen to extingush fire that is kept being fueled more and more. Terrorist attacks are not prevented in airports or subways. If a terrorist act is not prevented on the preparation stage, it will be done in 90% cases. So I think that the Belgian law enforcers weren't working bad. But, when a tsunami is going on, it is useless to try and handle the situation with water pumps. No state can be completely protected from terrorism. Otherwise, it'll be totalitarism. There's still a question, why Belgium? I think, the target is to cause anti-migrant sentiments in the society. This will cause their radicalization and attract new recruits into the terrorist cells. They don't care who to bomb. Too bad the European politicians still don't get it.

P.S. Ukraine as always: the head of Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) said he "won't be surprised if it's a part of Russia's hybrid warfare, although everyone will be blaming ISIS". Nuff said...
There's still a question, why Belgium?

Today's attacks were on the political capital of Europe, the train station was, we're told, full of EU staff.

First, open borders of the European Union. Even in one single country, this is difficult to ensure coordination and cooperation of the security services, but on the international level - this is utopia at all. This is what the chain looks like: a terrorist enters country A, gets a legal status in country B, then moved to country C, and did an attack in country D. Who is to blame?

Well, I guess...

You can't expect the law enforcers to defeat terrorism on their own.

It's a tiny proportion of people who are taking up arms and making attacks - a vanishingly tiny proportion. Are you suggesting we should all be under martial law to prevent attacks?

What about all the recent terror attacks in Europe undertaken by home-grown terrorists whose families have lived here for hundreds of years?
Umm... Did I say otherwise?

This part of your post could be misconceived as such...

Ukraine as always: the head of Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) said he "won't be surprised if it's a part of Russia's hybrid warfare, although everyone will be blaming ISIS". Nuff said...

BREAKING: FOX is reporting that Belgian Authorities is detonating packages at two locations. No word if they are suicide vests or not.
Nice that Facebook have activated their system by which one can inform family and friends that you've not been blown to bits by Islamic extremists 👍
Yep. Banning Muslims and giving them specific identification marks will put a stop to that. :rolleyes:
Kinda like those Japanese People in the USA years after WW2.

Because entire Japanese People hates Americans for sure.

In all seriousness, we had faced this multiple times. Surely we can judge it more objectively.
Nice that Facebook have activated their system by which one can inform family and friends that you've not been blown to bits by Islamic extremists 👍
Would be even better when Facebook and Twitter will finally close ALL the accounts related to isis and terrorist groups.
Police can't control millions of people, it's not acceptable that social networks are spoiled to organize terrorists attacks.
Would be even better when Facebook and Twitter will finally close ALL the accounts related to isis and terrorist groups.
Police can't control millions of people, it's not acceptable that social networks are spoiled to organize terrorists attacks.
Facebook, I think is pretty much on top of things. It is twitter that is the issue here.
It's a tiny proportion of people who are taking up arms and making attacks - a vanishingly tiny proportion. Are you suggesting we should all be under martial law to prevent attacks?

What about all the recent terror attacks in Europe undertaken by home-grown terrorists whose families have lived here for hundreds of years?
Not sure I'd use the word "tiny" to describe anything associated with nearly 75 terrorist attacks conducted or inspired by ISIS in 20 countries other than Iraq and Syria, that have killed at least 1,280 people and injured more than 1,770 others, in less than 2 years.
Would be even better when Facebook and Twitter will finally close ALL the accounts related to isis and terrorist groups.
I respectfully disagree... I don't use Twitter much but I don't find it that hard to avoid their disgusting bile, just as it is relatively easy to avoid other stuff I don't wish to see via the web, even though I know for a fact that it is there and not hard to find either. They don't need to use Twitter to organise attacks - if anything it is probably better if they do rather than using a more heavily encrypted alternative.

I would rather these braindead asshats make themselves known to the world through their IP addresses, their acquaintances and networks etc., rather than using the dark web exclusively. Sadly, there is also the issue of maintaining our own right to free speech and free expression that would be threatened by any attempts to silence these people. I hate what they think and what they have to say, but I can usually choose whether to hear it or not without too much trouble... I'm also not personally bothered by remarks that are intended to cause offense or justify the unjustifiable, so banning people from saying these things wouldn't make any difference to me in that regard. It's also quite instructive to know who is saying what, and from where, and who these people communicate with.
I respectfully disagree... I don't use Twitter much but I don't find it that hard to avoid their disgusting bile, just as it is relatively easy to avoid other stuff I don't wish to see via the web, even though I know for a fact that it is there and not hard to find either. They don't need to use Twitter to organise attacks - if anything it is probably better if they do rather than using a more heavily encrypted alternative.

I would rather these braindead asshats make themselves known to the world through their IP addresses, their acquaintances and networks etc., rather than using the dark web exclusively. Sadly, there is also the issue of maintaining our own right to free speech and free expression that would be threatened by any attempts to silence these people. I hate what they think and what they have to say, but I can usually choose whether to hear it or not without too much trouble... I'm also not personally bothered by remarks that are intended to cause offense or justify the unjustifiable, so banning people from saying these things wouldn't make any difference to me in that regard. It's also quite instructive to know who is saying what, and from where, and who these people communicate with.
I fully understand your point and I partially agree, but we also need to consider these criminals oftens use the most common devices to organize their murders. Why? Because they are easy to use and can reach millions of people all around the world in no time. They use social network to find new soldiers.

Some FBI agents will eventually find their IP? They don't even care. They can act quicly and eventually can always use encripted paid services if they need to. It's not like if you have a Syrian IP you can always provent attacks. Isis know this.

Paris attacks have been made through Sony PSN network. Not only they are killing us, they are trolling us.

These fools mount machine guns over Toyota pickups and find new soldiers with social networks. It sounds like a joke but it's the truth, and our retarded politicians are unable to stop them.
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Not sure I'd use the word "tiny" to describe anything associated with nearly 75 terrorist attacks conducted or inspired by ISIS in 20 countries other than Iraq and Syria, that have killed at least 1,280 people and injured more than 1,770 others, in less than 2 years.

In that case I'd suggest that you adjust your sense of proportion. The US matched those figures in a single year with mass shootings, by population (300 million to the Middle East's 150 million).