F1 2010 Patch Thread (All Formats)F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter icelt
I don't really understand a lot of their decision making. They released the game clearly lacking in playtesting despite Steve Hood apparently saying that they didn't have much to do in the final weeks coming up to release apart from just touching up the game here and there. Then they make an impressive list of things that were to be corrected in the patch, then release the patch unannounced, leaving out half of the things they said would be corrected and tamper with other parts of the game which no one complained about, such as watering down the FFB.

I wonder whether they may have taken too much upon themselves. I mean, they are probably already working on F1 2011 and Dirt 3 is scheduled to be released also in 2011. I'm expecting those two games to be quite huge in size and I'm sure they've got some other stuff on the side coming up.

I'm not really bothered by the failure that has been F1 2010. I've had a lot of fun, even though the game is way too easy. But hopefully they've learned their lesson and make a decent game out of F1 2011.
I wonder whether they may have taken too much upon themselves. I mean, they are probably already working on F1 2011 and Dirt 3 is scheduled to be released also in 2011. I'm expecting those two games to be quite huge in size and I'm sure they've got some other stuff on the side coming up.

I'm not really bothered by the failure that has been F1 2010. I've had a lot of fun, even though the game is way too easy. But hopefully they've learned their lesson and make a decent game out of F1 2011.

The other games they work on is irrelevant. (Indeed racing games for 2011 are Dirt 3, Grid 2, F1 2011 and I wouldn't rule out a TRD4, though that might be for 2012). F1 is made in the Brum studios, the racing "floor" at Leamington Spa makes Grid and Dirt series. There's more than enough man power.

A lot of people seem to be forgetting this is their first attempt at an F1 game, they need to be cut some slack for this. Playtesting is all well and good, but that can never compare with the data of millions of users, not to mention how easily some of the bugs could have been created in the final stages of production.

There also seems to be a lack of understanding for why the FFB has been altered with. Do people actually think Codies went "Well let's make the FFB worse?", they were making changes to allow other wheels to work more efficiently with the game, as a result of those changes, the FFB in general has taken an affect.
A lot of people seem to be forgetting this is their first attempt at an F1 game, they need to be cut some slack for this. Playtesting is all well and good, but that can never compare with the data of millions of users, not to mention how easily some of the bugs could have been created in the final stages of production.

Even if it's their first attempt, with the amounts of bugs and complaints in general there is no slack to give.

I haven't played yet since the patch today, so I don't know how my DFP will be affected. I thought the FFB was insanely good and the best since GT4 before the patch.
I personally don't think it's that buggy. they are just quite apparant.

I agree with you in terms of personal bugs experience.

The only gripe I have with the game is the punctures, which can be corrected with flashbacks and the easy AI. But for the rest I've had an awesome time in this game so far. It's just a shame so many other players on the console versions of this game cannot experience the same amount of fun as us.
...and tamper with other parts of the game which no one complained about, such as watering down the FFB.

There were several threads on the official forum, and long ones too, specifically about the desire to switch ghost cars off. Page after page of, 'yes please' 'yes please' ..and what do they do? Ignore the obvious and intrude on something like FF. Its not normal what they are doing with this game. BTW: supposedly GT5 has gone gold and is currently being pressed.
Soon this Codemasters mismash of a game will assume its proper place in the order of things :)
why they did't fix the pitlane bug? still loose alot of seconds at pitstops...👎

They fixed. I've got released right in front of ai already. But if they're really close, you will have to wait.
So, Microsoft finally decides to distribute the patch. That alone deserves an astute happy dance, but I don't get the complaints of the FFB issues. It feels even better than it did beforehand, and with a little bit of tinkering on my behalf I reckon I could make a "Feels Real to Me" package.
I agree with you in terms of personal bugs experience.

The only gripe I have with the game is the punctures, which can be corrected with flashbacks and the easy AI. But for the rest I've had an awesome time in this game so far. It's just a shame so many other players on the console versions of this game cannot experience the same amount of fun as us.

As with many things, I think if you go in to something with a negative frame of mind, you will not enjoy it. I really enjoy the game, it's fun, it's got a "one more race" factor and it's a good F1 experience. Taking in to account it is also their first attempt at an F1 game, even with it's issues, it's a good effort and I think the future of the series is good.

There were several threads on the official forum, and long ones too, specifically about the desire to switch ghost cars off. Page after page of, 'yes please' 'yes please' ..and what do they do? Ignore the obvious and intrude on something like FF

"Intrude"? Again, I go back to my earlier points on technical issues with improving compatibility with a wide range of FFB hardware. Nor do I see why it's a let down in a "patch" because they haven't added a feature request. When adding something like that, particularly in a patch, you would have to spend a lot of time on it in testing, it really all depends on how the code was designed. Not everything is as simple as it looks from the outisde.

They've mentioned "patches" before, so it'll be interesting to see what/if the next patch contains.
I think the FFB problem is with the logitech wheels only.And i think thats the only problem with the patch..
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They've mentioned "patches" before, so it'll be interesting to see what/if the next patch contains.

Word around the forum is that this will be the only patch and that they've already started on F1 2011. I'm not sure myself, the question is how much energy Codemasters are willing to put into this game to get it a 100% right. Which is something I'm not asking of them, so I'm fine with this being the only patch.
"Intrude"? Again, I go back to my earlier points on technical issues with improving compatibility with a wide range of FFB hardware.

We both understand that Cmasters did not intentionally mess up force feedback. And in my case I just reinstalled the game without a patch, so I am not touched by the unpleasant side-effects of their good intentions.

And split times were added in the patch. They were added ONLY because of the popular demand for them on the official forum. So dont tell me that adding a feature is not the province of a patch. And what is turning off the ghosts?? I'm not a programmer but its intuitive that such an 'off' switch to ghost loading is small potatoes. And there were heavy calls for it, but to no avail.

I hear what you are saying about this being a first attempt and all that. And I try to enjoy the little square meter of fun I have found and staked out in the game. But I dont respect Cmasters, not really. I'll buy their game, but as a racing publisher they are just hot air with really good graphics and sound.
And what is turning off the ghosts?? I'm not a programmer but its intuitive that such an 'off' switch to ghost loading is small potatoes. And there were heavy calls for it, but to no avail.

I used to have a real problem w/ the Fn ghost but now I treat it like a "Red Headed Step Child" I use it as a rabbit to drive me crazy until I kick its rear end until I hit my wall. I used to have more of a problem w/ the Fn thing but since it is their intention to leave it in without a toggle, I'm now ok with it.
And split times were added in the patch. They were added ONLY because of the popular demand for them on the official forum. So dont tell me that adding a feature is not the province of a patch. And what is turning off the ghosts?? I'm not a programmer but its intuitive that such an 'off' switch to ghost loading is small potatoes. And there were heavy calls for it, but to no avail.

"Adding" split times would be far easier than an ability to turn off the ghosts. There'd be no need to change any part of the interface, as there was already a place for what they had before. By adding an option to turn off ghosts they'd be having to make changes to the interface, on top of actually programming it, which as I said before, may not be as easy as it looks. Whereas the split times would be quite a bit easier, as that data was already being created.

Turning off Ghosts would be a nice option, but there's a difference between adding split times and the ability to turn off ghosts.
Well having just downloaded the patch and completing a race weekend at Melbourne I thought I might add my opinions to the discussion.

From what I can tell FFB strength has been reduced, but extra effects have been added. For instance I noticed the wheel would strongly drag to one side if my tires went off the tarmac at high speed.

The game seems to be easier now, i'm guessing this is because the AI are now affected by fuel loads. My car still seems to be indestructible when making contact with other cars though.

I didn't get a single puncture in my time playing, which was great! And the graphics performance was much better on my machine. I was able to up the graphics from medium-high to high and i'm getting better, smoother framerates.

Overall I would have to say i'm very impressed with what Ive seen so far. The new timing setup is also MUUUUUUUCH better.
In regards to FFB, I think the cars were too easy to drive pre patch. I have reduced the drift setting on my wheel to 1, and did 15 laps of melbourne in my career mode lotus, then 15 laps in a ferrari on TT. That ferrari goes like a dream, and the FFb is perfect. The lotus by comparison is a dog. Which is how it should be. It begs the question though. Why is the AI still so slow In career?
I downloaded the patch on ps3, still haven't noticed anything different. do i need to restart again?

I have noticed a difference in feel of my G25 since the patch. I think its better as you can now slide rather than immediately spin (my wheel FFB settings are all at 100%).

Also with tyres and fuel on the car feels that much heavier and sluggish.

I also like seeing AI cars pitting when I do and beating them out of the pits 👍

Going to start up My Career again without fear of losing data :)👍
By adding an option to turn off ghosts they'd be having to make changes to the interface..

I beg your pardon but there is already an option in My F1, and it says 'stop ghosts from saving', and you have the option to turn it on/off. What does it actually accomplish? I dont know. Do you?? This is what everyone (in the many 'kill the ghost threads') assumed would keep ghosts from loading ..its part of the interface thats already there. Right now I go into the PS3 saves folder and delete the ghost saves, then I make sure the ghost saving 'feature' is turned off. And I still have ghosts.

So no, they would not need to readdress the interface at all, but only use the bogus function they call 'stop ghosts from saving' to actually accomplishing something useful.

..having said all that I dont care, really :)
I dont expect much from that company, so my feelings are flat.
I beg your pardon but there is already an option in My F1, and it says 'stop ghosts from saving', and you have the option to turn it on/off. What does it actually accomplish? I dont know. Do you?? This is what everyone (in the many 'kill the ghost threads') assumed would keep ghosts from loading ..its part of the interface thats already there. Right now I go into the PS3 saves folder and delete the ghost saves, then I make sure the ghost saving 'feature' is turned off. And I still have ghosts.

So no, they would not need to readdress the interface at all, but only use the bogus function they call 'stop ghosts from saving' to actually accomplishing something useful.

..having said all that I dont care, really :)
I dont expect much from that company, so my feelings are flat.

If you have the "new ghost save" turned off, it'll do just that. If you have it turned off before you set a good lap time, the super slow default ghost will remain the ghost for that time trial.