F1 2016: First ScreenshotsF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
You using a wheel? Because I can feel is when it's about to go. Steering starts to get light for that split instant.
And you get vibration with a controller. Which is actually pretty distracting because you always get vibration when the inputs are putting stress on the car.
People who don't have a wheel will not get the same gaming experience with the controller. It totally changes the way the game is played and will give people a different outlook on what is good or what is cactus. I know not everyone can afford a wheel as there rwsiculously over priced but IMO if you ever get a chance to get a decent one, don't hesitate, you won't regret it. Project cars was another, people hated it because of the handling aspect but most of those people played on a controller, if you played it on a wheel, you will quickly realise it's possibly one of the greatest car games ever. But that's my opinion.
I have a wheel, but I don't have a decent place in which to set it up. Plus it has to be put together and stored out of the way most of the time... I've had to therefore adjust to the controller, and it takes a while mentally to switch between the 2. Apples and Oranges really and you can enjoy both.
I got the game this morning on PS4 because I thought it would be more of a casual game that I'd play every now and again. I have a wheel for the XB1 and I buy games I'll play more seriously on that console. So after about 3 hours of play time I'm really wishing I got it on the Xbox, still really enjoying it so far.
In using the wheel and I'm doing s lot better now I've lowered the acceleration on the diff to 55%. Force feedback isn't great as it goes numb as you turn in to tighter corners.
People who don't have a wheel will not get the same gaming experience with the controller. It totally changes the way the game is played and will give people a different outlook on what is good or what is cactus. I know not everyone can afford a wheel as there rwsiculously over priced but IMO if you ever get a chance to get a decent one, don't hesitate, you won't regret it. Project cars was another, people hated it because of the handling aspect but most of those people played on a controller, if you played it on a wheel, you will quickly realise it's possibly one of the greatest car games ever. But that's my opinion.
This is the thing that confuses me. Pcars. I am able to run with 100% AI in open wheel cars. In this I am miles off the pace.

I need to practice.
Played FP1 in career, absolutely thrilled by this game. If anyone had doubts, those can be put aside.
I've shared a couple on my Twitter. Saving a stockpile for when I make a post later.
So far I have sampled most of the circuits - I still need to do Monaco, Sochi, Silverstone and Spa.

I really like Baku. The whole section around the Old City is very tricky, and I love throwing it over the crest before dropping down to the Presidential Palace.
Right now I'm holding off on the PS4 version. I have the Fanatec CSW 2, with Xbox One steering hub. I saw the list, and it wasn't listed supported for the PS4, but it is for the Xbox One. I was wondering if anyone has tried it on PS4 yet, to see if it will still work.

If it doesn't, I'll just get it on Xbox, but I rather play it on the PS4.
I'm gonna wait till the price drops. No need to buy it on the first day, it's not like we haven't got other racing sims to play in the mean time!!
Realised pretty quickly how much I suck at racing with a controller now lol. Poor Fanatec wheel sitting in the corner gathering dust, while I try to drive with the controller, feeling like I'm barely in control of the car, and possibly breaking my controller from being so rough with it lol.

Had to put it on expert, because I'm just way too inconsistent with the controller to run on legend. On expert I will lap 1 - 2 seconds faster than my team mate, and on legend he will lap 1 - 2 seconds faster than me, so I'm kind of in no man's land with my poor controller pace.

I've also noticed the AI are ridiculously careful during the race. Cars that are over 1 second faster than me in quali, will be doing very similar times to me in the race, and when I go to pass, they often swerve violently out of my way, even sometimes running right off the track to give me room. I've also seen a big line of cars running behind the leader, because he was going slowly, and none of them would try to pass him. In a Sauber, I chucked it up the inside of the 6 leading cars, and ended up in the lead :odd:. I really hope Codies do something about that, because they need to be more aggressive. From so much Pcars, I am more than capable of avoiding a collision myself, I don't need the AI to treat me like a special case.

Other than that, I love the game. I'll be using a GIMX to make my CSR work, because if Sony think that forcing devs to stop supporting Fanatec wheels will get players to buy official wheels, they can think again. It may be just as much Fanatec's fault for advertising PS4 compatibility without paying a licence fee, but I'm really dark on Sony for putting the gamers last on this one. GIMX will keep me sim racing on PS4 until I can afford to build a gaming PC and finally say goodbye to the restrictive console world and it's greedy overlords.
I've also noticed the AI are ridiculously careful during the race. Cars that are over 1 second faster than me in quali, will be doing very similar times to me in the race, and when I go to pass, they often swerve violently out of my way, even sometimes running right off the track to give me room. I've also seen a big line of cars running behind the leader, because he was going slowly, and none of them would try to pass him. In a Sauber, I chucked it up the inside of the 6 leading cars, and ended up in the lead :odd:. I really hope Codies do something about that, because they need to be more aggressive. From so much Pcars, I am more than capable of avoiding a collision myself, I don't need the AI to treat me like a special case
From reading today's reactions, the AI seems to be the biggest concern. Is this adaptive AI like in Raceroom that learns how you drive and what your pace is, or just normal difficulty settings?
From reading today's reactions, the AI seems to be the biggest concern. Is this adaptive AI like in Raceroom that learns how you drive and what your pace is, or just normal difficulty settings?

I don't believe it's adaptive mate, but I could be wrong. They just need to tone down the AI's tendency to hit the brakes or jump out of the player's way. The balance they had between aggression, and yielding to the player, was almost spot on in 2015, so I don't know why they've made the AI so timid this time around. Should be a simple fix though if enough people tell Codies about it.
I've had cars particularly Hamilton defend there line from me. Had an epic battle with him in China. I was quicker than him on the first part of the lap but he was faster than me on the second half. So he was always drafting me and using Drs to try a move on me and mixed it up a few times to. I would come out of the sweeping right handed and put me car in the middle of the track and one lap he would try the inside and another he would try the outside until we eventually touched as he tried a lunge down the inside and I couldn't seem him and turned in at the last moment. He spun and I managed to keep going and my crew told me I was under investigation. Nothing happened lol, maybe they saw as his fault lol. Wicked IMO.
I've had cars particularly Hamilton defend there line from me. Had an epic battle with him in China. I was quicker than him on the first part of the lap but he was faster than me on the second half. So he was always drafting me and using Drs to try a move on me and mixed it up a few times to. I would come out of the sweeping right handed and put me car in the middle of the track and one lap he would try the inside and another he would try the outside until we eventually touched as he tried a lunge down the inside and I couldn't seem him and turned in at the last moment. He spun and I managed to keep going and my crew told me I was under investigation. Nothing happened lol, maybe they saw as his fault lol. Wicked IMO.

What difficulty are you playing on. I'm interested as once I've got the GIMX up and running so I can use my wheel, I'll be able to run on at least Legend, as that's what I played on in 2015. With the controller I am just a tad terrible and inconsistent lol, so I have to play on Expert. Obviously if the timid AI is a result of Expert AI and they are more aggressive at Legend and up, I'll be happy. 👍
What difficulty are you playing on. I'm interested as once I've got the GIMX up and running so I can use my wheel, I'll be able to run on at least Legend, as that's what I played on in 2015. With the controller I am just a tad terrible and inconsistent lol, so I have to play on Expert. Obviously if the timid AI is a result of Expert AI and they are more aggressive at Legend and up, I'll be happy. 👍
Talking about legend AI, here's a sample:

Question: what does the career booster perk do? I haven't played an F1 gane since 2012 (and I returned it after two days because my system couldn't handle it even on the lowest settings), so I have no idea what it does.
Question: what does the career booster perk do? I haven't played an F1 gane since 2012 (and I returned it after two days because my system couldn't handle it even on the lowest settings), so I have no idea what it does.
Gives you some rubbish non customisable helmets. Makes the laptop the same colour as the helmet and adds a few R&D points to your total.
Gives you some rubbish non customisable helmets.
Most of the customisable helmets are pretty horrible. I tried to create one that was emerald green and it came out snot green.

adds a few R&D points to your total.
Just so long as it doesn't make the game easier. I hate pre-order and Day One release bonuses that do that.

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