F1 2016: First ScreenshotsF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
The one thing that drives me nuts so far is when you do a qualifying simulation in practice and you can't choose what compound.
Then why don't you do it straight away? Or does the track rubber in, making FP3 the best time to do it?
I use a controller, so I have to have some assists on to compensate for the way I get less sensitivity in throttle and braking. But I know that I can go faster without assists.
Thanks to the dropping of Fanatec on PS4, I'm also using a controller at this stage (until I've got the GIMX), and I too am struggling with the limitations it imposes. I'm using ABS and TC, because the DS4's triggers don't exactly allow for smooth modulation (or maybe it's my fingers' fault).

The worst part about using the controller though, is the usual steering assist for controller that you can't turn off in games, whereby the game limits the steering angle depending on your speed, and even if you slam the stick left to right, the driver on the screen takes half a second to turn the wheel. This steering assist is killing my times, and making me feel like I've got very little control of the car. For this reason, my steering inputs are incredibly inaccurate, and my lap times inconsistent, so I have to be on Expert AI. Although I may need to start trying Legend with the controller, as I just won the Monaco GP from Pole in a Sauber lol.

Then why don't you do it straight away? Or does the track rubber in, making FP3 the best time to do it?

The track evolution in this game is very well done. Actually, the way track surface grip is modeled makes sims like Pcars look a bit "yesterday" in comparison. The way the ideal line on the track rubbers in over the course of a weekend, and how that affects not only grip, but also tyre wear, is handled very well. However, the really impressive part is how tyre marbles build up off line, especially in high load corners. Going slightly off line onto the marbles leads to a sharp drop off in grip, which is really cool. Trying to brake really deep, and running a little wide, can actually be a big problem, as you've got no grip on the outside of the racing line, so you have to slow considerably to make the corner.

The way the wet track surface evolves is also very impressive. The surface changes very dynamically when it starts raining, and when it stops and the track starts drying out. Racing on slicks as soon as the racing line is dry enough can be mental, because one mistake and you're off the line and onto the wet surface, and likely into a wall.

It's also nice to see they've re-modeled wet surface grip, as well as the way the cars handle kerbs, grass, and astro runoff. In 2015 the car was on rails in any condition, and throwing it over kerbs did nothing to unsettle the car's balance. This year, those things have been changed dramatically for the better. A example is at Catalunya's long turn 3, where there's a strip at the start of the runoff on the outside that's either painted green or astro-turf, and even dropping one wheel onto it will get the car out of shape and slow you down.
The track evolution in this game is very well done
This is my first F1 title since 2012 (which didn't last long - my system couldn't handle it), and I haven't actually made it through a practice session yet, much less a race weekend, so I wasn't aware that track evolution came into it. I am, however, glad that it's there.

The worst part about using the controller though, is the usual steering assist for controller that you can't turn off in games
I've never really noticed it myself. But I have only ever played with a controller, so I don't have anything to compare it to.
I've never really noticed it myself. But I have only ever played with a controller, so I don't have anything to compare it to.

I never really noticed it myself when I only ever played with controllers, but now that I've been playing with a wheel for a fair while now, going back to controller has made me realise just how little control the game gives to the player. Can't wait to have the wheel working again.
Then why don't you do it straight away? Or does the track rubber in, making FP3 the best time to do it?

Well yeah fp3, the track is certainly faster. By almost 3-4 seconds in some cases so your damned if you do and damned if you don't sort of thing to wether do it earlier in the other two practice sessions or trying be competitive on your harder compounds available.
Well i qualified in 18th in Australia,my TM narrowly beat me into 17th,but our pace was better than both Renaults surprisingly. Both Williams had grid pens and started at the back!

To the race,there was an incident on lap 2 where Nasr spun as i went to overtake him,my TM crashed into him and held all the others up behind,so i had a nice bit of breathing space. Nasr retired as a result. The race went pretty smooth and i finished in 14th,having a nice battle with Button throughout. Massa fought his way back up into 10th and got driver of the day,a nice touch. I easily beat my TM Wehlein,who didnt have his qualifying pace. A good start really!

I agree this is the F1 game they shouldve made years back - the career mode needs to be in-depth like this so that the build-up to the race is intense and you know everyone pace inside out. I actually spent more time in practice than anything! Onto Bahrain!
I have been playing around with the quick race mode to judge where I am against the AI. Got an easy pole in Mexico, but in a wet race I made a mistake at the start and wound up causing a pile-up. Upped the difficulty for Russia where I qualified eighth and put a really nice move on Kvyat late in the lap, but got ambitious trying to pass Pérez on the next lap and spun. Might need to push the difficulty up to hard for the race; I'm falling short on one-lap pace, but in the races it's easy to reel the AI in.
To be fair, I didn't mean just in this game. Pretty much all racing games are the same in that regard.
I don't play nearly as many racing games as I once did. Other than F1 2016, all I really play is Dirt Rally, and while that might have the same issue, you don't really notice it because of the nature of the roads.
Ugh, I just got Palmer-ed into the wall. Set the AI to very hard around Singapore. Made a mistake in qualifying and started last in the rain. Coming onto Raffles Boulevard, Palmer hooked his front left in front of my rear right. I snapped around under traction, but caught it and Palmer pivoted and ricocheted into Magnussen. Carbon fibre and suspension struts and wheels went everywhere and the end result was a Siamese Renault. I lost my front wing and understeered into the wall coming onto the Anderson Bridge, retiring on the spot (since I don't use flashbacks).

Did run into my first glitch - once I retired, the game never showed the final standings; I was stuck with a static camera shot of the Singapore Flyer.
Of course it's going to look similar - it's a yearly release that uses the same physics and graphics engines. All of the changes have been to the gameplay mechanics.
I haven't played any racing games in a little while and I use controller, so I have started on Hard. I'm finding it easy as you might expect, but I can't lap consistently enough for Expert. Single lap, I'm just about where I should be if I really get the lap right. I'm enjoying the racing though, it still isn't a walkover in the Manor.

I captured my first PS4 video last night though. A full lap battle with Raikkonen and I think it shows how improved the AI are in this game!
I wish there was a slider for difficulty. I'm fine on Expert and my car has developed into midfield and get 8th-12th in races yet on Legend, I can barely get top 15.
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Ran Bahrain last night. Started 7th in the McLaren while Alonso started 11th. Full 57 laps was brutal. Safety car for Palmer losing his engine helped me get some position back. I went with an aggressive strategy that simply didn't work. Lucky to hold onto 6th at the finish while Alonso finished 5 seconds behind me in 9th. So we went from double retirement in Melbourne to double points finish in Sakhir. Loving this game on expert difficulty for the DS4. I am running traction control because right now I'm just too unfamiliar with the game to be brave without it. But ABS is off and that makes the tire strategy fun to play with because of how easy it is to lock up.
Just done a full race at Melbourne. Good race. Started 10th (due to some luck with the rain in qualy) and finished 9th in the Renault.

I am so glad you are able to change your front wing level at a pitstop. The first stint the rear was unstable so I put it down 1 turn and everything was good from that point on.
Hi guys, short question. Is it possible to change the team in career mode after the season?
Yep. If you get a contract offer that is.
Am i the only one thinking F1 2016 is F1 2015 with a new DLC? It looks really similar (from a non hardcore player point of view)

Two official F1 games, only a year apart, look similar? Colour me shocked...

Of course it's going to look similar - it's a yearly release that uses the same physics and graphics engines. All of the changes have been to the gameplay mechanics.

To be fair, it's not just gameplay mechanics that have changed, although there have been a ton of changes and additions to gameplay mechanics. The physics have been significantly improved over 2015, which was already a decent step up from the last gen F1 games. The wet road physics are a lot better than last year, the tyre model models slip more realistically, and pressures have an impact on grip and tyre temps, which they didn't last year. They've even added brake temp transfer to the tyre carcass, which is the first time Codies have done that. They've also reworked the way the cars handle kerbs and bumps, making suspension tuning more important, and the damage model is a lot better than any of their previous F1 games, including mechanical failures for the AI.

So while the gameplay itself is lightyears ahead of previous F1 games, the physics are also dramatically improved.

Hi guys, short question. Is it possible to change the team in career mode after the season?
Yes, it is also possible to change team mid season if you get a contract offer. (there's a trophy for it)
Well, couldn't resist. Enough improvements all round to warrant a purchase (my last one was 2013).
Some gigs to download now so i hope i can check back in tomorrow :).
Is it just me does the safety car have very strict requirements for it to come out, I've yet to see it even when 4 cars are wrecked in the middle of the track
Is it just me does the safety car have very strict requirements for it to come out, I've yet to see it even when 4 cars are wrecked in the middle of the track
It won't come out immediately after a safety car or virtual safety car period ends, I know that. I've seen a safety car come out of something like a front wing on the racing line.
I am so glad you are able to change your front wing level at a pitstop. The first stint the rear was unstable so I put it down 1 turn and everything was good from that point on.
I haven't even begun to play with the MFD. All I know how to do is alert my team that I am coming in this lap.
using the voice commands is better this year. They worked pretty well last year, but could be a bit of a pain sometimes getting the engineer to understand you. So far this year the engineer has heard me every time. There also seems to be a fair few more commands. I like the fact you can tell them you're going to box, tell them which tyres to have ready for you, and tell them if you need front wing adjustments. It's the little things like that that make this game such an immersive and authentic experience.
Voice commands. (L1 I think) and the first option in the list.
using the voice commands is better this year. They worked pretty well last year, but could be a bit of a pain sometimes getting the engineer to understand you. So far this year the engineer has heard me every time. There also seems to be a fair few more commands. I like the fact you can tell them you're going to box, tell them which tyres to have ready for you, and tell them if you need front wing adjustments. It's the little things like that that make this game such an immersive and authentic experience.
There's a ton of options to use on race weekend and they've helped bunches online.