ASWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BMechanic: Hey, you remember when Montoya span on the formation lap?
CNH: "Headache, dizziness, heart-palpitations, nausea, uh-oh I think I'm going to puke. What's wrong with me?"
Mechanic: "It sounds like altitude-sickness to me, you're just not used to being this high up!"
DThe slick 'masked' bandit who 'stole' the pole on Saturday!
(just in case for clarification; not actually stolen; but well deserved and timing is everything)
EWhile his mechanic can only laugh, Nico rather regrets that bet he had with Rubens that if he got a pole position, Rubens would do a naked Samba dance!
FMechanic: Still got some of the "Hell Energy Drink" left from Saturday?
Nico: I used it all up on "Red Bull"...
*Nico duly finishes 8th*
HHulkenberg: Can I hold it?
Engineer: That's what she said.
JMechanic: "Nico, you know we're looking for a driver with a bit more cash? Well, we're giving your race seat to Russia's number one."
Nico: "Petrov?"
Mechanic: "No. Vladimir Putin."
KMechanic: "Uh...Nico..."
Nico: "Yeah?"
Mechanic: "You know the way that Rubens has a special towel for his...arse..."
Nico: "Oh my God...I feel..."
*Nico pukes*
LMech: Nico, I thought we discussed this, safety blanket is for emergencies... wait that isn't it.
Nico: It isn't?!
Mech: Nope, that's Rubens' *whispers*
Nico: O.o
MAs a way to boost their performance for Brazil, Williams hired Nico Hulkenburg's sister to drive the car at Brazil, let's just she was a tiny bit embarrassed when the umbrella holding man asked her to hold his rod.
NNico: Is that Jessica Michibata? Did she break up with Jenson again? Ohmygosh, is she looking this way? Did she see me? She knows I'm on pole, right? How's my hair? Is there something in my teeth?
Mechanic: Yes. Dunno. Yes. Yes. Dunno. You've got a cap on, and it's fabulous. Nope. Go for it, Nico!
Nico Is it still hanging there?
PMechanic: "Frank, Sebastian superguled Nico's hands to his towel."
Frank Williams: "And Mark superglued the towel to his face?"
Mechanic: "No. Nico managed that on his own."
QThe Incredible Hulk: You realize you’ll hold this pole much longer than I do?
Rmechanic: Hitler came to me in a dream saying you should help Sebastian as much as you can another German champion would be great for propaganda.
Nico pukes at the thought of Hitler coming back in any way shape or form.
SMechanic - You know, my arm didn't get this big just by holding umbrellas
Nico - **Barf**
TNico throws in the towel
UTry as he might, there was no way Nico could wipe the grin off his face
VNico's comments removed at the request of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
WEngineer:Hey Nico! That's the same sweat towel Juan Pablo Montoya used here in 2004. Now, I'm not supersticious, but maybe you could win for us... please?
Hulkenburg: ...(gurgh)...
Engineer: Oh god, he's gonna hurl! RUN!!!
XNico - "What! You're replacing me with Pastor Maldonado for next season! I just scored your team's first pole for over 5 years and this is what I get in return. Pathetic!
Mechanic - "Nico, we've actually negotiated a contract for you with another team. Look here comes the team boss right now. Nico, say hello to Mr Kolles..."
YNico hides his grin as brundle gets shot down by another female member of the press on his way to jinx him.
Please see the voting rules in Post #1.V-1
Bypasser stence.
What if the announced tomorrow that they were breaking up and that all their records were being burned?And that's the first and only time I'll ever say "U - 2" in a good way.