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aHorner - So, anyway, in accordance with Red Bull's policy of giving everything to Sebastien first, we allowed him the first go at Ann Neal...
Vettel (out of shot) - Luke... I am your vater...
bWebber: was all a dream about Tennessee?
Horner: Maybe you should take that NASCAR Truck Series drive for next year.
cNow Mark, visualize those five red lights. What do you do when those five red lights go off?
Urrh... I check my mirrors and signal to turn?
*sigh* Let's try this again...
dWebber Remembers Valencia '10, when Red Bull did give him wings...
eHorner: New regulations for this GP Mark, no more off throttle exhaust blowing. Should bring you a little closer to Seb.
Webber: How come? We both lose it.
Horner: You never had it....
fValencia: So boring even the drivers fall asleep.
gDuring debriefing, Mark had the unfortunate luck of encountering a Jigglypuff.
hHorner: So, Mark, are you visualising the track?
Webber: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Horner: Mark?
(Webber wakes up)
Webber: Sorry, what did you say?
Horner: I said, are you visualising the track?
Webber: I tried, but it's just too bloody boring, so I fell asleep about a few hundred metres after the bridge.
iRedbull gives you....................smelly breath
jThis caption is boring. There's nothing to see here.
kHorner: Have you got all golds on the Vettel Challenge yet?
lHorner: Have you seen the comments about your driving on the GT Planet website F1 threads?
Mark: Meh!
mHorner: Hey Mark, wake up...
Mark: *Coming out of a daze* I was back home. I was riding along in a kangaroo pouch. We were so fast. A-a-and..then...*Sobs*...Another kangaroo came flying past us.....Vettel was riding in it!!!
nMark grumped after frequently failing for the Vettel Challenge.Homer says, "Did you golded the Vettel Challenge in GT5?" 💡
oHorner: "Mark, I want you to close your eyes and imagine victory. Win this weekend and you will have the most beautiful girl in Spain for the night.
... Come in 2nd behind Vettel and I won't tell you she's been with Flavio Briatore for the past few years."
pMark Webber: "Mmmmm ... I'm sorry - what were you saying again?"
Christian Horner: "I said 'Seb wants to know where you think he should stick his finger'.
You know, that giant foam finger you got for him in Valencia?"
qMark's diffuser may not be getting blown any more, though it appears something else still is...
rHorner: Mark, GTP's F1 caption game features you again.
Webber: Aw 🤬 me.
sHorner: Mark, we've got Silverstone coming up.. Oh hey! Remember that one time, last year, when we took the front wing off of your car and put it on Vettel's? That was so funny, hey?! hey?!
And then at the end of the race you were all like "Not bad for a number two driver!" and now it's funnier, cause your car has the number 2 on it. Ay?!... Ay?!...![]()
t"Mark, do your impression of that guy from Lonely Island again."
uMark after hearing Christians response to the Lewis to red bull stories.
vEver keen to try new relaxation techniques, Mark's routine to imagine himself as a carp goes awry when his mouth gets caught on a fish hook.
wThe left side of Mark's face imagining the news Vettel has signed for Ferrari.
The right side realising Hamilton would be his replacement...
xInvisible Barrichello: There's something on your face.
*Punches Mark*
yWebber's face after Vettel failed to beat his time on Top Gear.
zMark So you're saying that having my eyes closed when racing will make me faster and it's not for the benefit of Vettel?
Horner Yes, Adrian has said that if you close your eyes, the aerodynamics will make you faster, similar to when they take out your KERS system
Mark You know, I could swear that Vettel has one of those and he goes faster with it. Does he close his eyes when racing?
Horner errrrr
Vettle giggles in the corner.
aaMW: Alright Boss, your turn!! 1...2...3....4.....5.....6....7.....
CH: Mark, it's time to talk strategy, not play hide and seek!!
bb"I came..."