@dhandes Yes, If you notice, this is the third week where I haven't used proper letters, as it is the perfect way to avoid the annoying caps issue.
Is caps a joke or something?
aLewis - "You never know Martin, I might finish the race today without a visit to the stewards!"
bLewis and Martin's reaction to watching replays of Vettel's spin.
cLewis: ......And then the donkey said "thats not gone well".
eLewis tells Martin of the chilli powder laced cake he presented to Jenson after the race.
fWhitmarsh: Hamilton? Going to Red Bull? What a laugh!
Hamilton: Yeah but have you seen what I have underneath Martin... ~unzips jacket~
gHamilton: I can still win this championship
hHamilton: Yeah, and then he went on to the grass!
iLewis - I was sat at home the other night, when there was a knock on the door. Upon opening the door, I was confronted with a stag beetle that was 6ft 6, and it butted me straight on the nose, Blood everywhere.
Whitmarsh -Then what?
Lewis - Well, I had to go to hospital to get it checked out. When I got there, I started to explain what happened to a nurse, and she said "let me guess, you were sat at home, when there was a knock on the door, you opened the door and a 6ft 6 stag beetle butted you straight on the nose" , I then said 'yes, how did you know that', she replied " Well, there's a nasty bug going round".
Whitmarsh (Under his breath) - Not because your black then.
jTonight Martin, I'm going for... the Full Monty.
kLewis Hamilton: "It was totally worth it. You should have seen the look on Paul's face when he went past. It looked like this!"
l"So now I take off the costume...Lewis will be very happy he's had no penalties for once."
mMartin: Good news, Lewis, Red Bull has been disqualified from the 2011 Caption Championship!
n"Actually, Lewis, it wasn't raining. Button's dust just had a high moisture content and you were eating it."
oLewis: These velcro zippers are like Sky Sports - they're a rip off!
pLH: I sent Seb a bavarian band and told them not to stop playing till he wins a German GP.
qLH: Do you think I's be able to beat Button if my earrings were made of carbon fibre?
rLewis:Yeah, Alonso tought he had overtaken me!
sWhitmarsh - ...to get to the other side! HAHAHA! Get it? Hahaha!
Lewis - Yeah, yeah, hehe. No...
tHamilton: Like my new Bob Marley beard and my new, cool, briefs?
uLewis: So I'm on vacation after this race, right?
Martin: Right.
Lewis: So I don't have to mention my sponsors until Spa?
Martin: Right.
Lewis: And I won't have to talk to the press?
Martin: Right.
Lewis: No testing, either?
Martin: Right.
Lewis: And which side air gun will you sabotage this week?
Martin: ...
vJenson: Is that dandruff in my hair?
Lewis: When are we going to tell him that when he wins, he uses Pantene?
Thanks haitch, I was in a rush today and so thanks for taking the time to check and for letting me know quickly 👍You got me down twice with p and D. P is the last one I submited and the one I wish to enter and to anyone who doesn't see the humour I was referring to the top gear episode that was repeated this sunday.