G - 2
I - 1
Nice, no points this round again. I think i'm the Pastor Maldonado of this competition.
Genetically modified organisms?
Haha! I was going to post that.
edit: Also, WOOHOO! I got my first (I think) point of the season. I feel like Tiago Monteiro.
a"...Someone sat on my cake."
bWhile Lewis wonders why he keeps driving so recklessly, Jenson fills Lewis' drink bottle with the Ale.
cToo much Champagne and cake had Jenson feeling quesy, and unlucky for Lewis, he could not make it to the porta loo...
dWhilst the celebrations are ongoing in the Mclaren motorhome, Jenson goes searching for his lucky fifty pence piece which he dropped earlier.
eJenson Button was wondering what changes he could do to Lewis Hamilton's cockpit so his teammate would not be able to be competitive (if I typed it wrong, please correct me) for the remainder of the season.
fOoh, Look!! They've painted my picture on the car!
gJenson Button: "Hmmm, it certainly looks like Lewis' car, but ... a-ha! 'Driver - Rowan Atkinson'? I knew it!"
hJenson Button, steadying himself when he heard the news that Lewis still thought he (Hamilton) could win the Championship!
i...there's no stopping meeee....
I'm burning through the skieeees, yeah!
Two hundred Grand Priiiixs
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheiiiit!
I'm travelling at the speed of liiight
I wanna make a su-per-so-nic-man-outta-you...
Don't stop me now!
I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball...
jWhere's he gone? I knew it was a bad idea to let Bernie have a go.
kJessica enjoys a bit of peace while Jenson is distracted by a cunning ploy...
"9997, 9998, 9999, 10000... OK, coming ready or not!"
mJenson, are you ready for your prostate exam?
n"I've looked everywhere else. Perhaps Touring Mars hid my votes from last week in here?"
o"Ugh, who put chewing gum on the inside of my car?"
pWhitmarsh: "Jenson, come back and eat your pie. You know you can't play with the car before finishing your pie!"
Button: Crap...
qWhats a can of Red Bull doing in Lewis's car?
r"Ah so there's the nut behind the wheel"
sAh, so thats where he keeps his magazines
tJenson: What's with these low garage ceilings, anyway?
uLewis' car looked somewhat different after McLaren honoured his request to have a "Win Wet Race" Button installed.
vButton cannot hide his disappointment...
All that cake...
All those candles...
His car still hasn't turned into a Red Bull. And to make matters worse, Lewis has stolen his steering wheel when he had his eyes closed.
w'How long do I have to hold this panel, until the glue sets then?'
x(*Looks behind the wheel, reads: "Lewis wuz here", after seing the damage made to the nose JB shouts:You gotta be joking*)
yJenson having a look at Lewis's car and finds that Lewis's downshift paddle has been replaced by a handbrake.
zJB: Hang on a sec...
*drools into cockpit*
JB: Let's see him try to focus with my spit in there!
aaJenson notices the new on board camera angles requested by Sky to increase interest in the up coming 'packages'.
bbJB: Mirror mirror on my car who is the fastest of them all.
Car: Fernando is faster than you.
ccJenson "I'd give it 5 minutes if I were you"
Thanks for pointing that out, I've editted the poll.My first entry was not removed (L). Unless someone stole it when I abandoned it?...
That would be bestPupikUse...letters.
Such foul language![]()