F1 Caption Game 2018: VOTING - RD21 - Open to Mon 17th Dec 1000 GMTFormula 1 


  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tuesday 6th May 0900 GMT
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries
Rocquelin: "I've got a text here for you from Daniel. He says... Oh. Oooh... Well, it rhymes with 'tough luck'."
"Seb, it's a message from Daniel - he says "Kamui is faster than you""
"I want Mark back"
It is a message from the boss. It says welcome to your new role as a number 2 driver.

Mark sends his congratulations.
Red Bull team orders in China: "I'll have some Crispy Spring Rolls and the Duck in Orange Sauce"
Find out who swapped the stickers, get him fired and make sure I get my car back for the remainder of the season!
Rocky: Shanghai?
Seb: No, about 20cm off the ground
I haven't told anyone else, yet, but I'm thinking of retiring this year. Maybe try something new.


I hear there's a spot open on the Porsche WEC team...
A message from Daniel, he wrote you a poem:
The bull is red
The car is blue
Caterhams are slow
But not as slow as you
Red Bull are concerned about the extent to which Vettel is ignoring the team:

Rocky: Sebastian, how do you think the car felt after P3?
Seb: Nooope. I'm not telling you, no.
Rocky: Well, do you think tha...
Seb: ...No, no, no, I'm not going to talk to you.
Rocky: I liked you more when you were winning..
Seb: No you didn't.
"Your accent is putting me off this year"
Vettel: "When I was winning every race, I got boo's. But when Lewis Hamilton does the same, he gets hailed as one of the best?"
Rocky: "Tough luck."
"Who are Will and Kate, and why am I so engrossed by whatever they are doing?"
If you don't stop giving team orders I'll be using a different finger when I win.
Vettel: I swear I saw Mark sneaking around in the paddock this weekend and every time I tried to use drs the car changed gear. Weird isn't it?
Rocky: Seb, don't look at my phone!
Seb: *retches* Why are Alonso's pants wet?!
*whispers* "You know Rocky...., I liket when zou unzip your shirt lika that. I can zee your airy chest"
Seb: What are you looking at?
Rocky: This letter from Mark. He sends his condolences to your championship career.
Seb: So how long until I can win a race and shave my hopeful podium beard off?

Rocky: Do you mean this season, or next?
Seb: What does Adrian mean Mark is better than me?
Rocky: Well Mark put his on the podium this weekend and you didn't.
Seb sees an Instagram picture of Mark Webber from Silverstone. The caption: "Podium in my first race with Porsche. Great race, guys! #podiumselfie #finallybeatvettel #:censored:youseb"

If your entry is missing or inaccurate, please contact me via PM ASAP. Sometimes entries may not be included in the poll if they are deemed inappropriate, but sometimes entries are omitted accidentally. If your entry is omitted in error, the poll can be amended and people who have already voted will be given the chance to re-cast their votes. In the event that a missing entry is not spotted in time, then 10 bonus points will be awarded in compensation.

@niky; @BlacqueJacques
@Solo; @TheBook
@Akmuq; @haitch40
@prisonermonkeys; @DK;@zed300; @C-ZETA
@pezzarinho17; @Jimlaad43
@Soundtrack; @Terronium-12
@Beeblebrox237; @Flex0r
@magpie1997; @GTP_Ingram
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CFU - Point each.

Sorry, I made a mistake in the poll and so some of the entries have changed letter - can you check that your vote still corresponds to the correct letters, and if not, please edit your post accordingly... sorry about that, and thanks for voting 👍
A-2, E-1, and an extra side order of shanghai rolls. I'd give multiple twos if I could.
Do more than 2 of us know what a playoff beard is? :lol:

Any thoughts on only allowing one vote per caption to spread some more votes around? Seems humour is different on different continents eh :)
I don't think that would make any difference - it's already an option so people can split their votes 1-1-1 if they choose.. the voting is already designed to encourage spreading votes, as it's either 2-1 or 1-1-1, but voting for just one is not an option. As a result, there's already a pretty good spread of votes - the other week just 3 of 26 captions got no votes, but only the top 8 or 9 captions scored points since captions required at least three votes (i.e. at least two voters) to score.

  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You may use up to three votes
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tuesday 27th May 0900 GMT
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries

Pastor: I promise you, give me to Q1 and I will show you what I'm made of...

PM: "Rule #1, the deal is the deal. Rule #2, no names-"
SP: "Well how is that going to work if I can't say Nico Hulkenberg is the package I want you to 'take care of'?..."

Sergio stop blowing at me, you know damn well how badly tailwinds affect me.

Pastor: "Look, I've got more talent in my little finger than you've got in your entire body."

"One small step to losing my Super License, One giant leap forward for Formula One"

"Sergio, if you want to be my wingman, you're going to have dress a whole lot better than that..."

Pastor: "Hey Sergio, pull my finger!" :dopey:
Sergio: "Knock it off with the 'pull my finger or I'll crash into you' Pastor , it's getting old.
Pastor: "You'll never see me coming." :mischievous:

Pastor performs the “How many fingers am I holding up?” as Checo finally escapes his latest sponsorship duties...

Sergio: Is that the number of accidents you admit you were at fault Pastor?

Pastor: Absolutely not Sergio, this is the finger I use at the ATM machine when I need more money to keep me in my Lotus position.

Sergio: So how did your date with that Austrian pop singer go?

PM: This is how many laps I plan to do on Sunday.

Maldonado: "Okay, look. I will bet you my seat that I can go an entire weekend without crashing."
Perez: "Surely you can't be serious."
Maldonado: "I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."

Perez: Why are you playing eniee meanie miny mo?
Maldonado: It's my method of target selection for the weekend. Please don't interrupt.

Perez: Heard rumors your going to be taking my seat next year, that can't possibly be true.

Maldonado: It is true, thats why Smirnoff has sponsered Force India. Ever tried that stuff before a race?

"Sergio, it maybe true that I have flipped Gutierrez, that I have crashed into your good self on several occasions, as well as Hamilton, Bianchi and Di Resta amongst many others, I have crashed because I wasn't looking where I was going, because I was driving into the pit lane too fast, because I was trying too hard on my first flying lap of Q1, on the last lap of a race when a podium was possible, and also whilst during a demonstration in my home country... But how many races have you won?"

Pastor: This is the number of races I have to score points before PDVSA HQ gets ransacked for wasting what remains of my country's money.

SP: You do realise that points on your license are DIFFERENT to World Championship points right?

PM: ...

SP: Which Qualy session did you make it to? How many sets of tyres did you use in Qualy? How many laps did you do in Qualy?

"No wonder Sebastian isn't doing very well - he's left his arm in the middle of the paddock."

If your entry is missing or inaccurate, please contact me via PM ASAP. Sometimes entries may not be included in the poll if they are deemed inappropriate, but sometimes entries are omitted accidentally. If your entry is omitted in error, the poll can be amended and people who have already voted will be given the chance to re-cast their votes. In the event that a missing entry is not spotted in time, then 10 bonus points will be awarded in compensation.

Apologies for the lack of some formatting in the entries - unfortunately there is no longer any multi-quote functionality on GTP and manually quoting each post is too time consuming. Unless I can figure out a quicker way of multi-quoting, formatting features in captions will be ignored in future polls, including web links.

@niky; @BlacqueJacques
@Solo; @TheBook
@Akmuq; @haitch40
@prisonermonkeys; @DK;@zed300;
@pezzarinho17; @Jimlaad43
@Soundtrack; @Flex0r
@magpie1997; @GTP_Ingram
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