ABernie: I wish Daniil was Russian to the grid and Valtteri could Finnish his reconnaissance lap
BEcclestone forgets that everything is upside down in the Southern Hemisphere, not backwards.
CBernie: Where are all my fans?
DFor the second time in 2015, a track is invaded by a crazed loon who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Formula 1.
EThe brand new track surface sees the effects of Bernie's special Pirelli stunt heelies...
FWorst. Pirelli Calendar. Ever.
GBernie Ecclestone tries his version of Moonwalk.
H"I know DC threatened to get his willy out, but I didn't think he'd actually do it ..."
IBernie: I thought I told Jean to make sure the grid guys wore the same outfits at the girls.
JPictured: Bernie and all the drivers who want double points to return.
KHost: "There appears to be a confused old man running circles on the straight!"
Co-host: "That's Bernie Ecclestone!"
Host: "Like I said there appears to be a confused old man ......"
LBernie: "Are you sure you don't want my bribes? I will do my best to remove Pirelli from the championship..."
MEcclestone: "Why are these men dressed up as grid kitchen appliances?"
N"Yet another place Fernando would rather be..."
There's one more round after this one - R19 Abu Dhabi will follow next Monday(ish)Now this is the final round, let's wrap it up in style, gentlemen! 👍
There's one more round after this one - R19 Abu Dhabi will follow next Monday(ish)
A"McLaren can't even get a break in reality TV, as they're voted off first in this year's Strictly."
B"Jenson... we achieved more points finishes in the caption competition this year than out on track."
C"You look a bit tired Jenson.. oversleep?"
D*shakes Jenson violently* "Please, save me from this GP2 engine hell!"
EOut celebrating a new bromance #PlacesAlonsoWouldRatherBe
FFernando: Good news Jenson; only one more year with Honda engines!
Jenson: You're hurting my arm Fernando!
GJenson: Have you been sunbathing again?
H"Merry Christmas Jenson, I got you a dog! He's slow, he's toothless, he'll spend more time at the vet than at the park, and he's covered in these weird red patches. I called him MP4-30"
ITrust me, it's quicker walking.
JAlonso: "Jenson, let's go back to Windows 8, this Windows 10 engine programming will get us nowhere fast."
Jenson: "At this bloody rate, not even Windows '95 will save us, chico..."
KJenson: This is NOT the "Cheeky Nando's" I asked for.
LAlonso: Jenson, I finally know why we crawl around the track with our cars.
Button: And why is that?
Alonso: The last time my engine was replaced I saw the mechanics stuff an ASIMO in the engine compartment.
Button: So basically we've got robotic peddle cars.
Alonso: *sobbing* And my lawyer can't find a way to get out of this contract.
MAlonso: I love you, I love McLaren, I love Honda, I love Ron, I love GP2 engines...
Button: Fernando, please, did you steal the podium champagne again.