Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom May 8, 2023 #1,171 Lance Stroll is caught leaving Skid Marks at Turd 4
Blitz24 Chromalusion Member Premium 21,086 NJ/USA Blitzbay May 9, 2023 #1,172 Stroll-ing towards a crap (is this allowed)?
ro_har_ 1,144 GB ro_har_ May 9, 2023 #1,173 Here we see Zak Browns hiding spot after a horrid race for McLaren
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom May 15, 2023 #1,176 Round FOUR Results - Azerbaijan 1: @XJ40 - 6 votes (25 pts) 2: @Touring Mars - 5 votes (18 pts) 3: @Blitz24 - 4 votes (15 pts) 4=: @Redneckchef, @Liquid, @Famine - 3 votes (10 pts) 7: @ro_har_ - 2 votes (6 pts) 8: @Jimlaad43 - 1 vote (4 pts) XJ40 Kevin boosts the team coffers by taking the younger kids' lunch money. Click to expand... Current totals for the season are: (* denotes round win, ^ denotes shared round win) 1: Touring Mars*^ - 77 2: XJ40* - 63 3: Famine* - 53 4: Liquid^ - 50 5: redneckchef - 34 6: Jimlaad43 - 32 7: ro_har_ - 27 8: Pupik - 18 9: Blitz24 - 15
Round FOUR Results - Azerbaijan 1: @XJ40 - 6 votes (25 pts) 2: @Touring Mars - 5 votes (18 pts) 3: @Blitz24 - 4 votes (15 pts) 4=: @Redneckchef, @Liquid, @Famine - 3 votes (10 pts) 7: @ro_har_ - 2 votes (6 pts) 8: @Jimlaad43 - 1 vote (4 pts) XJ40 Kevin boosts the team coffers by taking the younger kids' lunch money. Click to expand... Current totals for the season are: (* denotes round win, ^ denotes shared round win) 1: Touring Mars*^ - 77 2: XJ40* - 63 3: Famine* - 53 4: Liquid^ - 50 5: redneckchef - 34 6: Jimlaad43 - 32 7: ro_har_ - 27 8: Pupik - 18 9: Blitz24 - 15
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom May 22, 2023 #1,177 Round FIVE - Miami 1=: @Pupik, @Redneckchef, @Flex0r - 6 votes (19 Pts) 4: @Liquid - 4 votes (12 Pts) 5=: @Famine, @Jimlaad43 - 2 votes (9 Pts) 7=: @Touring Mars, @Blitz24, @ro_har_, @XJ40 - 1 votes (3 Pts) Pupik Plan P Click to expand... Redneckchef Here in Miami we visit the Stewards working in their Office Click to expand... Flex0r Doodie reduction system enabled Click to expand... Current totals for the season are: (* denotes round win, ^ denotes shared round win) 1: Touring Mars*^ - 80 2: XJ40* - 66 3: Famine* - 62 4: Liquid^ - 62 5: redneckchef^ - 53 6: Jimlaad43 - 41 7: Pupik^ - 37 8: ro_har_ - 30 9: Flex0r^ - 19 10: Blitz24 - 18
Round FIVE - Miami 1=: @Pupik, @Redneckchef, @Flex0r - 6 votes (19 Pts) 4: @Liquid - 4 votes (12 Pts) 5=: @Famine, @Jimlaad43 - 2 votes (9 Pts) 7=: @Touring Mars, @Blitz24, @ro_har_, @XJ40 - 1 votes (3 Pts) Pupik Plan P Click to expand... Redneckchef Here in Miami we visit the Stewards working in their Office Click to expand... Flex0r Doodie reduction system enabled Click to expand... Current totals for the season are: (* denotes round win, ^ denotes shared round win) 1: Touring Mars*^ - 80 2: XJ40* - 66 3: Famine* - 62 4: Liquid^ - 62 5: redneckchef^ - 53 6: Jimlaad43 - 41 7: Pupik^ - 37 8: ro_har_ - 30 9: Flex0r^ - 19 10: Blitz24 - 18
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom May 29, 2023 #1,178 Round Six - Monaco Image selected by @Redneckchef Entries by Monday 5th June 0900 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. Please read the full rules available here before entering. A reminder for everyone who enters a caption, please remember to vote or you won't receive any points for your caption that round. Last edited: May 29, 2023
Round Six - Monaco Image selected by @Redneckchef Entries by Monday 5th June 0900 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. Please read the full rules available here before entering. A reminder for everyone who enters a caption, please remember to vote or you won't receive any points for your caption that round.
Flex0r Premium 2,027 The Netherlands Flexman May 29, 2023 #1,180 After parking the car, Lewis immediately resumes his fitness routine. Last edited: May 29, 2023
Redneckchef 2,794 New Plymouth May 29, 2023 #1,182 Lewis finally finds a way to put the whole field behind him again.
Giz WCR-666 260 Australia Gizmohawk- May 29, 2023 #1,183 ...here we have Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain on the uneven bars.. he's getting ready for the dismount...! 6.5 Last edited: May 29, 2023
...here we have Lewis Hamilton of Great Britain on the uneven bars.. he's getting ready for the dismount...! 6.5
Blitz24 Chromalusion Member Premium 21,086 NJ/USA Blitzbay May 30, 2023 #1,184 Lewis is taking the directive to enjoy the Monaco playground to heart.
Liquid Fission Mailed Premium 30,050 Bratvegas GTP_Liquid May 30, 2023 #1,185 Hamilton in F1 limbo. Last edited: May 30, 2023
Pupik dig the bolts in my neck Staff Emeritus 19,728 Alabamamania May 30, 2023 #1,186 Maybe now Mercedes will get around to raising the bar.
Touring Mars ツーリング マルス Moderator 29,436 Glasgow GTP_Mars May 31, 2023 #1,187 Lewis Hamilton grabs pole at Monaco
Famine GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author Administrator 87,830 Rule 12 GTP_Famine May 31, 2023 #1,188 After a year and a half of carrying all development on the Mercedes car, Hamilton decides to try carrying an entire F1 circuit.
After a year and a half of carrying all development on the Mercedes car, Hamilton decides to try carrying an entire F1 circuit.
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom May 31, 2023 #1,189 Lewis swaps his Zero pods for a Zero Naughty Seat
XJ40 912 Scotland Gremlin100 May 31, 2023 #1,190 "PRIVATE HAMILTON YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU CAN'T DO ONE PULL UP? GET DOWN OFF MY OBSTACLE!" "Sir yes sir" Final entry
desmodan 373 desmodan what's an Xbox ? Jun 5, 2023 #1,191 Oi! Get off my fence. It's not a bloody climbing frame.
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom Jun 5, 2023 #1,192 Round Seven - Spain Entries by Monday 5th June 0900 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. Please read the full rules available here before entering. A reminder for everyone who enters a caption, please remember to vote or you won't receive any points for your caption that round.
Round Seven - Spain Entries by Monday 5th June 0900 BST - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. Please read the full rules available here before entering. A reminder for everyone who enters a caption, please remember to vote or you won't receive any points for your caption that round.
Liquid Fission Mailed Premium 30,050 Bratvegas GTP_Liquid Jun 5, 2023 #1,193 "This isn't what I had in mind when the team said I'd be getting a pizza the action." Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
Famine GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author Administrator 87,830 Rule 12 GTP_Famine Jun 5, 2023 #1,194 "Please make it out to 'Andrew Tate'."
Jimlaad43 GeoGuessr God Premium 13,095 United Kingdom Jun 5, 2023 #1,196 De Vries discovers what Ferrari means when they say "Box Box"
Blitz24 Chromalusion Member Premium 21,086 NJ/USA Blitzbay Jun 5, 2023 #1,197 "One order of Pizza and De Vries, to go please."
Redneckchef 2,794 New Plymouth Jun 8, 2023 #1,198 De Vries misunderstood his instructions to sign up for boxing to improve his focus
Touring Mars ツーリング マルス Moderator 29,436 Glasgow GTP_Mars Jun 8, 2023 #1,200 For one lucky fan, this moment will take some topping