F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Ralf - "Wow they are right, you got fried like a waffle."
Lauda - "How many championships did your brother win again?"
Ralf - "......"
Lauda - "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it."
Ralf - "Could you teach me how? Just assuming from past experiences and all."
Lauda - "......."
Ralf: Hey Niki! What are you still doing here?

Niki: I was about to ask you the same thing...

Ralf - "Wow they are right, you got fried like a waffle."
Lauda - "How many championships did your brother win again?"
Ralf - "......"
Lauda - "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it."
Ralf - "Could you teach me how? Just assuming from past experiences and all."
Lauda - "......."

Round Six Result

1= kylehnat, -Diego- - 9
3= pupik, Appie17 - 6
5= Touring Mars, RN3KKWWMT - 4
7. Do you race? - 1​

First equal share points for positions 1 and 2. Third equal share points for positions 3 and 4 (rounded up). Fifth equal share points for positions 5 and 6 (rounded up), leaving 1 more point to be awarded - judges selected Do you race? to receive 7th place, despite no votes :P

-Diego- can select a picture for Round Eight and the picture be posted tomorrow.
Round Seven Vote

Please vote for your two favourite entries in order of preference!


Niki Lauda: More like twenty third best driver!

Niki Lauda: You're in luck, Ralf! David and Rubens have bought you a passenger ride with me. Through Bergwerk.

Ralf: You may be a 3 time champion, but at least I’m earning a million dollars a race.
Lauda: You know I own a commercial airline… right?
Ralf: Shhhhiiiii…

Ralf: "Here's a joke for you guys - Who was the 1977 World Champion?"

Niki: "errr......i woz"

Ralf "I SAID, WHO WAS THE... no, no you are ment to say 'louder' "

Niki: ".....but i woz ze World Champion in 1977"

Bloke on left: "Hi, can i order a taxi for Schumacher please"

The last time Ralf will ever be on the 'top' of the podium.

Guy on phone: "Oh, my God, his face is hideous! Oh, and there's Niki Lauda."

Ralf "why do you have a girlie name?"
Niki "Why do you drive like a girl?"
Ralf "im the third best!"
Niki "at what? Driving like a girl?"
Ralf "you.. you..."

Ralf: Have you seen my sunglasses?
Niki: :rolleyes:

Ralf: Can't you spell Loser? L-O-S-E-R

guy on phone: No, no one has won the stareing contest yet... Ralf is making funny faces and Niki keeps taunting him with "are you sure you're not adopted?"

Lauda: "So, heard the rumour of me taking your seat next season?"

Ralph: "Cheeeeeeeese!"

Niki: "Don't shine your pearly whites at me, you twit! I haven't got a bloody camera!"

Ralf: And then Taku was all like 'I've scored more points than you'

Nicholas Cage meets Ghostrider.

Ralf: Hey Niki! What are you still doing here?

Niki: I was about to ask you the same thing...

NL: "Hey Ralfy-boy, I saw you with a hot chick last night, get anywhere with her? ;) "

RS: "Nah, I crashed and burned..."

*stoney silence*

Man on phone: Hi, can I have a taxi for Schumacher, please?

Ralf - "Wow they are right, you got fried like a waffle."
Lauda - "How many championships did your brother win again?"
Ralf - "......"
Lauda - "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it."
Ralf - "Could you teach me how? Just assuming from past experiences and all."
Lauda - "......."

Very tough choice this week! Probably the best set so far!
Round Eight
(Picture selected by -Diego-)


Please keep voting for Round Seven as well :D:tup:​
Vettel: I deserve a seat
Thiessen: I'm not listening... la la la
Vettel: I'm not listening to you saying you're not listening to me... la la la
Thiessen: I'm not listening to you saying you're not listening to me saying I'm not listening to you... la la la

ahh screw it :indiff:

Vettel: I know ancient kung fu technique "angry monkey with large ears"
Thiessen: I know ancient kung fu technique "jaw like Coulthard"


"And now, please all stand for our National Anthem, sung today by Mariah Carey..."​
Round 8 entry:

Patrick Head: "Wow, this Thiessen mask fits perfect. Must thank the boys back at the factory. Nico, you keep a lookout while I drop some of this powder in their fuel tanks. By the way, you should wear that Vettel mask more often. It makes you look older."

Nico Rosberg: "No problem boss. Hey, did you bring your Nigel Stepney mask with you too? Maybe we can hobble Ferrari on the way out."

Oh, and BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ Touring Mars's entry. :lol:

EDITED: to identify that this is actually an entry for Round 8.
1. Blake
2. Peterjford



Marco: "I can put my fingers in further than you!"
Sebastian: "No, I can put my fingers in further than you!"
Mario: Sorry Sebastian, there was a clause that said that if we didn't honour his contract, we must play 'Private Paradise' in the garage throughout the whole of the next season.

"Before the race weekend begins, the orchestra will play the Polish national anthem to celebrate Kubica's well-being."



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