Thiessen thinks: "...damn teenagers, only one thing on their mind. But why's he staring at my chest?"
"Simon says touch your ears."
Jacques Villeneuve: "Hey guys!"
Jacques Villeneuve: "Hey guys!"
Mario Theissen: "Did you hear something?"
Sebastien Vettel: "No, I did not. Let's move over here now."
Mario: "I hate these away races; there's never any room for the Cone of Silence!"
Vettel: I know ancient kung fu technique "angry monkey with large ears"
Thiessen: I know ancient kung fu technique "jaw like Coulthard"
"And now, please all stand for our National Anthem, sung today by Mariah Carey..."
"Oh very funny, who put the superglue in the earplug container?"
Thiessen and Vettel involved in a stare contest.
Patrick Head: "Wow, this Thiessen mask fits perfect. Must thank the boys back at the factory. Nico, you keep a lookout while I drop some of this powder in their fuel tanks. By the way, you should wear that Vettel mask more often. It makes you look older."
Nico Rosberg: "No problem boss. Hey, did you bring your Nigel Stepney mask with you too? Maybe we can hobble Ferrari on the way out."
Marco: "I can put my fingers in further than you!"
Sebastian: "No, I can put my fingers in further than you!"
Mario: Sorry Sebastian, there was a clause that said that if we didn't honour his contract, we must play 'Private Paradise' in the garage throughout the whole of the next season.
Thiessen thinks: "...damn teenagers, only one thing on their mind. But why's he staring at my chest?"
Thiessen: "Hey, you kids still play that?"
Vettel: Can I borrow your head?
Thiessen: Sure, can I borrow yours?
Vettel: Yup.
Thiessen: I still don't hear the ocean, are you sure we shouldn't be using bigger shells?
Vettel: The only shells I could find were these puka shells from my necklace.
Thiessen: Damn you, now these shells are stuck in my ears!
Vettel: Shhhh... wait, I think I heard it...
MT: Sorry Vettle you wont be racing next week...
SV: If i cant hear him ill be racing.
MT: If i cant hear him argue back hes out.
Thiessen: lets see those GTP b****** get a good caption out of this one
Vettel - You're not going to bite my ears off, Mr Theissen.
Mario Thiessen: When you grow up Sebastien, you'll have mutton chops this long.
Thiessen: from the screams coming from Nick in the toilet, it seems he won't be able to race on Sunday. Don't worry, we'll say he has a back problem. Damn 'roids.
Jacques Villeneuve: "Hey guys!"
Mario Theissen: "Did you hear something?"
Sebastien Vettel: "No, I did not. Let's move over here now."
Mario: "I hate these away races; there's never any room for the Cone of Silence!"
Sebastien: "What was that, Chief!?"
I think when they're not driving/racing, all F1 personnel are repressed:
MT: Is that a German cap, or did you borrow it from Christijan?
SV: Nice pussy.
Sebastien Vettel: Ahhh! My eardrums! They burn! What is that sound?!?!
Mario Theissen: Sounds like Alonso's not happy with McLaren....again.
Sebastien - "You know, I think we're doing this wrong. Our fingers should be up our nose, and not in our ears. Personally, I don't mind the sound of a fart, but I do mind the smell."
Mario - "Shut up! And do what I do! Here comes another one..."
Sebastien - "sigh"
SV: I stuck a packet of crayons in my ear and one didnt come out
MT: Just stick your fingers in your ears like this and try to pick it out.
SV: Oh god, now I cant get my fingers out!
"Before the race weekend begins, the orchestra will play the Polish national anthem to celebrate Kubica's well-being."