So I grabbed the microphone and sang,
Do you see the lights, Fernando?
They are shining green for you and me,
But yet, you're still sitting there in your pitbox blocking me, you eejit!
Lewis: 'So i put this tarantula in his bed and it crawled up under the covers up onto his chest and.....'
Jenson: ' Dude, you've been watching too many Bond films'
Lewis - '...and then I grabbed Fernando's balls and he was like ARRHH and then he punched me in the eye. Thats why Im wearing glasses, you?'
Hamilton - Where the hell is my thumb?!
LH: Who's this?
JB: Naked Kermit?
Lewis: Fernando! I thought I told you to bring me my latte'! I don't see it in my hand. Look, if I try to drink I get nothing but air. How the hell am I supposed to drink my coffee if it's way the hell over there on that table? Answer me! How am I supposed to drink my coffee when it's on the table? It needs to be right here, in my hand. Hey, don't walk away from me. You haven't gotten me my coffee yet! We have to be a team Fernando. We all have to do our part to win the championship. I can't do my part if you don't do yours. If I'm not awake enough to drive fast, who's fault is that? Is it my fault I didn't have my coffee? Or is it the coffee boy's fault?
Jenson: It's like a train wreck.
Button: "Hey, Lewis! Stop sharpening your nails on that wall. Look at all the grooves you've made! You think you're a cat or something?"
Hamilton: "Did you just call me a pussy?!?"
JB: I just don't believe that Alonso has 4 nipples!
LH: No, it's true honest.
JB: "Lewis, are you ok?"
LH: "Shh, you are ruining my concentration"
JB: "What are you doing?"
LH: "I am trying to use the force to crush Fernando's balls"
Lewis : See Jenson your problem this season is you don't believe! You gota believe! You gota get in the zone! You gota have the power! Say it with me Jenson, 'I have the power!'.
JB: 'The power' has gone to your head....
Lewis finally realises the ring he recieved from Jenson was infact Kryptonite.
I just felt like strangling the mother...
(sick, Frankie Boyle-inspired moment forthcoming)
Lewis: "See, I said to my bro, this is how you hold a cup".
Jenson: You know, if I had a seat at Mclaren I would be the best British driver in F1.
Lewis: What are you going to do about it then.
Jenson: I will fight you for it.
Lewis: Then you leave me no, 'Mr Claw' Muhahaha
LH: ... so I looked at the burger closer, and it was like, ewwww mayonnaise!...
JB: Eeewwwww, that's sick, man!
LH: But like, I ate in in one bite, man. Fernando's never gonna get another one over on me.
JB: ...
Button: Man, it’s sad how quickly your reputation fell, I’d hate to have that happen to me.
*Lewis clenches fist*
Lewis (to himself): Don’t take the bait man, it’s too easy. Bite your tongue. You’re better than this.
Hamilton: "I've won this many races. How many races have you won?"
Button: (obscenely gestures) "Just one."
Hamilton: "That's not very nice."
Button (walking away): "And put that fourth finger down. You didn't win in Monaco."
Hamilton: "So, we stopped at the red light, and guess who was on the corner playing his sax? Miles Davis, man! Miles starts to go, 'Bee-pop. Beeebebebebooooo-bop, bop. Bop-bop.' I was like, 'Yeah, blow that sax, wild boy!'"
Button: "Hamilton, you incredible moron. First off, that wasn't Miles Davis. He's been dead for quite some time, now. Second, that was a homeless person on that corner. Third, Miles played the trumpet, not the sax. Fourth, that homeless person wasn't really playing a musical instrument, unless you consider the 'skin flute' a musical instrument. And finally, your 'air trumpet' sucks, man."
Button: No, Lewis Hamilton ... I am your father!
Hamilton: NOOOOOOO!
Button: Nah, you're right. I'm just screwing with you since we can't beat Spyker anymore. You've gotta find a release somehow ...
Lewis: The FIA's penalty was a bit draconian, Jenson; they cut off my thumb as a warning.
Round 15
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