F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Rig 1: "I had the most horrible dream last night!"
Rig 2: "What was it about?"
Rig 1: "I had to service Christian Albers!"

Left Rig: 'You know after last weeks race, I think Ralf may actually be the third best driver in F1, I mean 6th place, and he held off Alonso's much better car for half the race...'

Right Rig: 'Third best driver in F1...*laughs*...Yeh, and I am Michael Schumacher...*laughs*

Left Rig: 'I am talking about Ralf not Micheal...'

Right Rig *shakes head*...its a figure of speech...':dunce:
Asked what would help them to improve their laptimes, Toyota engineers misunderstand Ralf and Jarno's request for 'a couple of hose'.
Left Rig: "I used to be in the movies, pal. I was the stunt man for 'Johnny 5.'"

Right Rig: "I was a soda vending machine in Kimi's trailer. However, they found out I was stored with booze instead of soda, and now they got me doing this."

Toyota finally get the message and quit F1 for something they suck at less - the vacuum cleaner industry.
Toyota finally get the message and quit F1 for something they suck at less - the vacuum cleaner industry.

Surely, you'd want to suck more in the vacuum cleaner industry? If its possible for Toyota to suck more...
Round 12 Result

1. Touring Mars - 10
2. Alfaholic - 8
3. -Diego- - 6
4. Solid Lifters - 5
5= Gingiba, Pupik - 4
7= peterjford, FatAssBR - 1

Thanks for the votes, guys 👍 Round 14 will follow shortly...

Round 13 Vote


Left Fuel Rig: Exterminate!
Right Fuel Rig: Oh come on Ralf isn't that bad!

Left rig: Boy, those colleagues at Spyker really found the wrong job.

Right rig: Yeah... (giggles)

Nigel Stepney (left rig): Shh, Mike ... alright, here's the plan: we sneak in disguised as fuel rigs, steal the data for next year's Ferrari and sneak back out again.
Mike Coughlan (right rig): And what do we do when Jean Todt comes looking for us first?
Nigel Stepney: Relax ... Jean will never notice a thing!

Mechanic in the backround: "Oh GOD, ITS TAKING ME IN!!"

(Sucking sound)

Other mechanic: "Wow that sucks harder than Ralf.."

In an effort to reduce the teams fuel costs, Toyota is retrofitting their fuel rigs with speedpass technology to charge the drivers for the fuel used.

Left Rig- Whats your take on this Hamilton vs Alonso squabble?
Right Rig- OMG, a talking rig!!

Left Rig: In and out, in and out, that’s what being a fuel-rig is all about!
Rear bodywork: I think I got the wrong gig… :crazy:


Rig 1 - Danger, Will Robinson
Rig 2 - Bedeebedeebedee, Buck
Rig 1 - I am your father, Luke
Rig 2 - I'll be back
Rig 1 - lol
Rig 2 - rofl
T-car display - :rolleyes: I have to work with those guys....

Left rig: Ahhh man! That liquid lunch has given me gas.
Right rig: Very punny.

Rig 1: "I had the most horrible dream last night!"
Rig 2: "What was it about?"
Rig 1: "I had to service Christian Albers!"

Left Rig: 'You know after last weeks race, I think Ralf may actually be the third best driver in F1, I mean 6th place, and he held off Alonso's much better car for half the race...'

Right Rig: 'Third best driver in F1...*laughs*...Yeh, and I am Michael Schumacher...*laughs*

Left Rig: 'I am talking about Ralf not Micheal...'

Right Rig *shakes head*...its a figure of speech...':dunce:

Asked what would help them to improve their laptimes, Toyota engineers misunderstand Ralf and Jarno's request for 'a couple of hose'.

Left Rig: "I used to be in the movies, pal. I was the stunt man for 'Johnny 5.'"

Right Rig: "I was a soda vending machine in Kimi's trailer. However, they found out I was stored with booze instead of soda, and now they got me doing this."

"All your T-Car are belong to us."

Toyota finally get the message and quit F1 for something they suck at less - the vacuum cleaner industry.

Mechanic: Well, if we are gonna suck, may as well do it properly.
1) - Sureshot
1) - daan
1) - Venari

....what do you mean I have to pick two? :grumpy:

oh OK then.

1) - Sureshot
2) - daan, just 'cause I can imagine that if fuel rigs could talk, they'd have a conversation something like that..
Round 14


So I grabbed the microphone and sang,

Do you see the lights, Fernando?
They are shining green for you and me,
But yet, you're still sitting there in your pitbox blocking me, you eejit!

Lewis: 'So i put this tarantula in his bed and it crawled up under the covers up onto his chest and.....'

Jenson: ' Dude, you've been watching too many Bond films'
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