F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Yeah, baby, second place! Now I've just got to break my duck (and I'll do it faster than JB's 113 rounds ...)

Anyway, my votes are as follows:
1 - Touring Mars
2 - Solid Lifters
My entry doesn't count? :( I know I wouldn't get any votes, but still...

1 - Diego

2 - Gingiba
My entry doesn't count? :( I know I wouldn't get any votes, but still...
Sorry, I missed it! :dunce:

Can everyone who has voted already please note that FatAssBR's entry was omitted from the list of entries, and if you would like to amend your vote, then please do so 👍 - sorry for the mistake :guilty:
1. Alfaholic
2. Touring Mars

Sorry for the late-braking response...


Alonso prepares for his next job with McLaren: Pre-race umbrella holder.
:lol: That's a good one... shame it's beyond the deadline (after the poll has gone up), but since you are a podium sitter, I'll let you off this once.

Can everyone who has voted already please note that FatAssBR's entry was omitted from the list of entries, and if you would like to amend your vote, then please do so - sorry for the mistake! Also, Pupik has decided to enter the competition late but his entry is really quite funny indeed, and so you may change your vote if you want to - just this once!
Really tough call this time around!

Round Twelve:

1) Solid Lifters
2) Alfaholic
*) Gingiba & Pupik (* very honorable mentions!)

Reporter - "Hey, Hamilton. Why are you driving?"

Hamiliton - "Well, the team used to let Alonso drive. But, it took too long to get where we needed to go, since Alonso waits an extra ten seconds at every stop sign."

Alonso - "I was under team orders."
:lol:👍 "Briliant!"

The McLaren drivers test the car built from the stolen Ferrari data.
Their verdict: "I think we've been had."

Man: "Excuse me, gentlemen, what are you doing at this funeral!"

Hamilton: "Uh... So this isn't Schumacher's Fondue-party?"

Alonso: "Told you it was left!"

Alonso prepares for his next job with McLaren: Pre-race umbrella holder.
R12 voting
1) TM
2) GV

Yay, I won something \o/

Round 13



Left Fuel Rig: Exterminate!
Right Fuel Rig: Oh come on Ralf isn't that bad!


I thought this might be a bit of a challenge.
Nigel Stepney (left rig): Shh, Mike ... alright, here's the plan: we sneak in disguised as fuel rigs, steal the data for next year's Ferrari and sneak back out again.
Mike Coughlan (right rig): And what do we do when Jean Todt comes looking for us first?
Nigel Stepney: Relax ... Jean will never notice a thing!
Mechanic in the backround: "Oh GOD, ITS TAKING ME IN!!"

(Sucking sound)

Other mechanic: "Wow that sucks harder than Ralf.."

In an effort to reduce the teams fuel costs, Toyota is retrofitting their fuel rigs with speedpass technology to charge the drivers for the fuel used.
The only reason I find this completely unfunny is because my sister's pulled the juice out of these jokes by repeating them, like, 5 times a day. Other than that, good one.

Left Rig: In and out, in and out, that’s what being a fuel-rig is all about!
Rear bodywork: I think I got the wrong gig… :crazy:
1- Alfaholic
2 - Solid Lifters


Rig 1 - Danger, Will Robinson
Rig 2 - Bedeebedeebedee, Buck
Rig 1 - I am your father, Luke
Rig 2 - I'll be back
Rig 1 - lol
Rig 2 - rofl
T-car display - :rolleyes: I have to work with those guys....


Rig 1 - Why iz Williamz faster than us when they use our enginez?
Rig 2 - Lulz
Round 12 vote:

1) Diego
2) Gingiba (hon. mentions for Pupik and Solid Lifters. Both made it really tough.)

Round 13 caption:

Left rig: Ahhh man! That liquid lunch has given me gas.
Right rig: Very punny.
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