F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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I can't help but notice the bottom of the front of Webber's jacket...

There's a whole world of "helmet" gags in there somewhere.
Webber: The name's Bond ... James Bond.
1. Alfaholic
2. Pupik


Webber: Down skip! Down!
Lo- No, Bell: So this is the throttle?
Webber: Ohhhhh GOD!
DC's Thoughts: "That could be a useful moisturisor(SP) for my Pole Position range.. Hmmm.."

A promotional photo for the upcoming Formula One movie, starring Eric Bana as Mark Webber, Buzz Lightyear as David Coulthard and Zoe Bell as Heidi Nickfeld.
I can't help but notice the bottom of the front of Webber's jacket...

There's a whole world of "helmet" gags in there somewhere.

Eww. Now I can’t see anything else in the picture… :yuck:

Rebecca Loos not wanting to be upstaged by a better looking bike than herself employed the help of two happy F1 drivers

I should also point out that the woman in the picture is Zoe Bell, a stuntwomanperson double, not Rebecca Loos...
I should also point out that the woman in the picture is Zoe Bell, a stuntwomanperson double, not Rebecca Loos...

DAMN! i just followed the crowd as i dont even remember what rebecca loos looks like!

Curse you famine for ruining my caption!

So like i was saying..........


REBECCA LOOS not wanting to be upstaged by a better looking bike than herself employed the help of two happy F1 drivers


So like i was saying..........


REBECCA LOOS not wanting to be upstaged by a better looking bike than herself employed the help of two happy F1 drivers



Reminds me of playing Theme Hospital. Bloaty Heads ahoy!

1. The Cracker.
2. Diego
1 - Pupik
2 - TheCracker


David - "Mark, you bell-end"
She's not that bad looking... she was in some Survivor spin-off here, and otehr than a stripper who got voted early on, she wasn't half bad looking.
"I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like. It's got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good. I'd give it to you, if I could, but I borrowed it. You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world. I'll give you anything, everything if you want things."
Oh, yeah, well I’ll see that and raise you:

Webber: Bicycle races are coming your way, so forget all your duties oh yeah! Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today, so look out for those beauties oh yeah! On your marks get set go! Bicycle race! Bicycle race! Bicycle race!
Crazy D: Fo’ sho’!
"I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like. It's got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good. I'd give it to you, if I could, but I borrowed it. You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world. I'll give you anything, everything if you want things."
:bowdown: Nice one! 👍
Mark Webber is proud of his magnificent erection - it took him ages to put that Red Bull tent up...
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