
  • Thread starter BLITZ_69
I think has had a sequence fail!

This post:


is followed immediately by this one:


This, however, is a whole Santa's sack-full of FAIL...

Touted as a winter wonderland, it has already attracted hundreds of complaints, requests for refunds and demands for immediate closure - and it only opened on Friday :lol:

Here's a little taste of the magic of Christmas, Dorset-stylee... :crazy:


Baby Jesus wept... the nativity scene


The Christmas Market - it costs extra to get in though... (really, it does!)


Park your car, guvnor? Would you hand over your keys to the elf...?


It's behind you!


Is it real? No expense spared on the animatronic reindeer


Walking in a winter wonderland... all for just £25 a head

I love the quote from the organiser:

He blamed "a few groups of professional troublemakers" for the allegations over the attraction which opened on Friday.

"Like all people they like to get into queues and just generate a bit of aggravation."

Yeah, we all love to do that don't we :lol:
:lol: You have to admire the audacity of a man who can say that when the photos pretty much speak for themselves... that stuffed polar bear in the trees is just classic. I haven't laughed as much as that since I left the nitrous oxide cylinder on...
NoScript is blocking scripts on it's own site.

It's possible, however remote, that it's not as amusing as I thought... :D

That and it's -10° but that's for a different thread.
NoScript is blocking scripts on it's own site.

It's possible, however remote, that it's not as amusing as I thought... :D

That and it's -10° but that's for a different thread.

It's lqtm, lol. Also, I lol'd at "Your browser is YOURS!" Longcat is LONG!
I would like to say that I don't find this "funny" (much) since people have died, but this is FAIL on a level so far beyond epic they haven't invented a word for it yet... 1) Hijack a supertanker containing £100m dollars worth of oil and hold 25 people hostage for 2 months 2) Demand £3m in ransom money 3) Take delivery of said money and release the supertanker 4) Attempt to return to shore with share of money in a little boat 5) Capsize and drown... FAIL complete :dunce:

The pirates' plan:
  1. Hold an oil tanker ransom.
  2. Get ransom money.
  3. Leave tanker in tiny boat.
  4. ???
  5. Get Rich

Perhaps they should have figured out step 4.
Oh you ruined the joke, it's supposed to go:

  1. Hold an oil tanker ransom.
  2. Get ransom money.
  3. Leave tanker in tiny boat.
  4. ???
  5. Profit