Fallout 4

  • Thread starter Wiegert
  • Not sure how to get perks, if they're gone then that's a damn shame.
They are there, it's in the pipboy under STAT>PERKS and you press triangle on PS4 to bring up a perk chart which you can choose perks from, if you have gained any points from levelling up.
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Quick run through my first thoughts.

  • Haven't ran into glitches yet. Only had a coupe of frame rate drops.
  • :censored:ing Radscorpions! And feral Ghouls. 🤬 them too.
  • I quite like the way Power Armour is done now. It is actually how I imagined power armour should be 👍
  • Rain! Weather! Woohoo!
  • The grenade system is a lot better. Can both have your gun out and throw a grenade! Oh and hit people with your gun.
  • Not sure how to get perks, if they're gone then that's a damn shame.
  • Less barren and glum. Quite like that.
  • Armour is a slightly odd system. Individual limbs get individual pieces. A mix and match armour makes more sense especially in the wasteland. Neat little touch.
Overall, I'm enjoying it. Even if I get my ass kicked by a raider with a pistol.

When you level up, you can either put points in your SPECIAL attributes, or below, you have 10 levels of each trait that can be unlocked and upgraded. The levels are the perks. It's all combined now, but still there, like bloody mess, ....
Armour is really a bit odd to figure it out.

But that's the Fatboy it seems. So there is a fatboy and a cryo gun at the very start :embarrassed:

The Dog, ooh how he can get in the way.... button mappin on PC is okay but nothing more.

I encountered so many hard hard enemies, but seeing the threat map, I'm nearly at the coast :lol: so yeah it explains a Sentuary bot shredding me to pieces...
And armor piercing would probably be handy.

In small numbers Supermutants are doable. But in numbers they are raining down on me.... and there is always one unlucky bastard that runs around with a nuke trying its best to kamikaze you. But one VATS shot :lol:

Oh yes the explosions are nicely rendered....

One question, i read somewhere that when you use parts (toys, clocks...) to mod your weapons it only uses the parts needed in those items, and the rest is lost? True?
Because how else would one disassemble, scrap objects ?

Only way I know is in the workbench menu, but that would mean laying all your stuff on the ground and break up piece by piece???
They are there, it's in the pipboy under STAT>PERKS and you press triangle on PS4 to bring up a perk chart which you can choose perks from, if you have gained any points from levelling up.
Ahhhhhh, neat.

I guess that's what the poster that came with the came is showing.
One question, i read somewhere that when you use parts (toys, clocks...) to mod your weapons it only uses the parts needed in those items, and the rest is lost? True?
Because how else would one disassemble, scrap objects ?

I think the left over parts are still there, in the workshop inventory, it just isn't updated until you close and reopen the interface

Otherwise you need to drop the items and scrap em.
Anybody else annoyed w H how your equipped weapon into shown on your back/holster when you're not using it?
I think the left over parts are still there, in the workshop inventory, it just isn't updated until you close and reopen the interface

Otherwise you need to drop the items and scrap em.
Yes, the junk items are auto-scrapped if you need them, no need to do that in advance. So if you have a part that has steel and wood, and you need only the steel, it will scrap the item, then use only the steel. Armor, weapons and neighborhood junk need to be manually scrapped. Not sure if the same applies to other non-junk items though.

EDIT: At least this is how it *should* work, I read several comments elsewhere that indicate otherwise.

Anybody else annoyed w H how your equipped weapon into shown on your back/holster when you're not using it?
Not using 3rd person, so not looking at my character. Ignorance is bliss I guess. ;)
Just witnessed my first nuclear thunderstorm. Freaked me out a bit. :D


Ominous. :cheers:
In case anyone needs them, here is a page with some very nice and useful tips: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=551069501&tscn=1447077828

* Changing the FOV in first person, the FOV in third person and the view model FOV.
* How to unlock the frame rate (may help if you have stuttering or you find you game capped at 30fps for some unkown reason).
* How to remove mouse acceleration.
* How to match vertical and horizontal mouse sensitivity.
* How to change sensitivity when ads.
* How to remove gamepad acceleration.
* How to add 21:9 support.
* How to add 4:3 support.
* How to skip the intro when loading the game.
* What to do if your mouse isn't visible at the menu/how to permanently disable your gamepad for Fallout 4.
* How to unlock the in game console.
* Various fixes for the invisible lockpicking bug.
* How to disable Depth of Field
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I gotta say, I'm finding this game very difficult! I play on normal, and I die CONSTANTLY! I constantly lack stimpacks and my weapons don't seem to do any damage. If more than two enemies show up at once, forget it, I'm as good as dead!

I'm doing the mission where your have to travel to the Oberland Station, which is about half way to diamond city. I'm encountering Super Mutants with mutant hounds and rocket launchers, packs of feral ghouls (including the glowing ones) and Yao Guais...plural! How in the name of Fawkes am I supposed to take them on with 10mm gun and a shotgun!?
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In case anyone needs them, here is a page with some very nice and useful tips: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=551069501&tscn=1447077828

* Changing the FOV in first person, the FOV in third person and the view model FOV.
* How to unlock the frame rate (may help if you have stuttering or you find you game capped at 30fps for some unkown reason).
* How to remove mouse acceleration.
* How to match vertical and horizontal mouse sensitivity.
* How to change sensitivity when ads.
* How to remove gamepad acceleration.
* How to add 21:9 support.
* How to add 4:3 support.
* How to skip the intro when loading the game.
* What to do if your mouse isn't visible at the menu/how to permanently disable your gamepad for Fallout 4.
* How to unlock the in game console.
* Various fixes for the invisible lockpicking bug.
* How to disable Depth of Field

There is a config editor on Nexus that does most of that



I also like the no cash register sound mod...

Yeah...I'm trying to, but again. Enemies in huge groups everywhere! Grenades and Molotovs flying all over the f-ing place!
If you plan on wandering into the Massachusetts state house,

please wear your Power Armor as you may or may not encounter a mirelurk queen. She sucks. Even with a freezing minigun, molotovs and Brotherhood Power Armor.
Rouge ghouls and exploding cars can really add an element of risk to otherwise regular cut scene dialogue. Like when I'm halfway through hearing what Preston has to say about the castle while a fusion reactor takes out myself and a whole group of minutemen.

So unphased was Preston that he kept talking as if he hasn't just lost everyone close to him while our limbs fell back down to Earth. The hallmarks of a true leader.
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^ :lol:

Remember to do a good old hard save. I lost, due to some bug, a few mission progress....

I did like 3-4 missions, quicksaving,... roamed a bit around... died... quickload, same level, perk gone, missions again tagged as not completed...:banghead::grumpy: And the quicksaves are wierd... 3 saves with 5 min inbetween, and then comes ones that's hours before....
Started playing just two days ago - don't have that much time on my hands, so I haven't gotten far yet.

Dumped everything in Luck. Its skill tree seems pretty strong. Gonna back that up with some Agility and sneaking. I have to admit, I'm skipping through most of the dialogue :lol: The voice acting feels meh and I generally don't feel like the story is going to interest me a lot.
Technically wonky and visually outdated (playing on PS4, I don't have a gaming PC at the moment so no chance for beautifying mods) - like all Fallout and Elder Scrolls games - but massively entertaining and addicting.
I've been playing from midnight to early morning every night since release (around 22 hours so far), and I've still only seen and done a fraction of what's on offer.