Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
Increase your barter skill. The higher the barter level, the lower prices will be when purchasing items.

It's at 14. lol

I need more battles with guys with supersledges. Them damn things are gold mines!

I never went to visit Ceasar. I killed his clan members so many times, I can never join thus failed like 8 quests. They came in showing me I failed them one right after another. Oh well.
Lonesome road coming out on XBOX/PS3/PC September 20th. September 27th two new DLCs drop. DLC one will cost $1.99 and gives access to all pre-order packs. DLC 2 will cost $3.99 and gives access to about 30 new guns and additional weapon mods.
Lonesome road coming out on XBOX/PS3/PC September 20th. September 27th two new DLCs drop. DLC one will cost $1.99 and gives access to all pre-order packs. DLC 2 will cost $3.99 and gives access to about 30 new guns and additional weapon mods.

How many dlc's are there in total? And if it's not too much, could you rank them based on your own opinion please? I may get one or two. Maybe even all of them :sly:.
The 4th actual story DLC comes out on the 20th. Without having seen that one personally I'd say it goes Old world blues, Honest Hearts and then Dead money. They're all good though. Dead money and Old world blues have several tie ins with each other so if you don't have them both you might not understand everything in old world blues. Honest hearts is pretty cool though with one of the neatest terrains I've seen. It even has rain effects which are cool.
I have the game as well, and I'm really enjoying it :D I'm on my 3rd playthrough, which is a melee character (did a god-like character and a ninja character). But unfortunately, I didn't play the game in months, nor haven't gotten the DLC yet.
There will be a GOTY version eventually. I don't think you'll be saving any money though. Regular NV is $15 used at game stop and the GOTY will be $60 new. Do the math. You'll pretty much save a couple bucks just buying the DLC.
I had this game, but I traded it in, because it scared me too bad :scared:

New Vegas isn't too scary other than the feral ghouls, Nightstalkers, maybe Nightkin/super mutants, and Deathclaws. Yes, the story behind the series is saddening and depressing, but New Vegas' setting dealt little of that, as it felt more... "connected" between people, from wastelanders to doctors, unlike Fallout 3. Plus, if you would concentrate on weapons, armor, collecting stuff, etc., it can help resist the depression.
New Vegas isn't too scary other than the feral ghouls, Nightstalkers, maybe Nightkin/super mutants, and Deathclaws. Yes, the story behind the series is saddening and depressing, but New Vegas' setting dealt little of that, as it felt more... "connected" between people, from wastelanders to doctors, unlike Fallout 3. Plus, if you would concentrate on weapons, armor, collecting stuff, etc., it can help resist the depression.

Everything scared me, I don't know why it just did, like the Mantises :(
Everything scared me, I don't know why it just did, like the Mantises :(

Perhaps you prefer another video game genre, because I'm safe with this game. I do get a bit sad here and there, esp. I don't have anything to do and just doing whatever. The Vaults can also contribute, like the Vault where it had democratic problems with the overseer, and then the Vault went haywire when some sort of leak or something came out and angered the dwellers.
There's also this thing at the end where you get to a Sacrificial Chamber and after the slideshow, Sentry & Mr. Gutsy bots came out of nowhere and went ablaze. Good thing I had the Pulse Gun, but it was hard, as I could only take cover from the projector, while my companions is getting obliterated trying to fend them off.

And I'd rather not have that fantasy come true Time_Attack :scared:
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It plays well to my skill set I think.

I see. The content featured in the game plays well to some of my skills, too like bartering.

Do you have any companions? I usually don't have one, as I'm doing a melee character. Maybe I could get Lily to join.
I only have two or three weapons that I know are super-effective against robots, I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of problems with Lonesome Road... already nearly died when a ton of sentry bots popped up out of nowhere :dunce:
I prefer to not have to worry about them. They are often a distraction.
I'm with you. I enjoy to do they missions then leave them to their fate :) However, in Fallout 3, I couldn't for some reason leave Charon...I think I felt he was a buddy of mine, even with his weird personality...
I'm with you. I enjoy to do they missions then leave them to their fate :) However, in Fallout 3, I couldn't for some reason leave Charon...I think I felt he was a buddy of mine, even with his weird personality...

The companions can get annoying, like they take kills from me, they get in the way, they wander during battles to the point of losing them, etc. But I still prefer to have at least one companion with me to keep me company at times.

In Fallout 3, if Dad was alive I would take him as my companion, always. He did tremendous when we were traveling to the Jefferson Memorial for the Purification project. He punched out of everything that came in our way :dopey:
I find the AI for companions to be buggy especially at higher levels.

LR so far seems to be very organic monster based. There are plenty of robots but many more ghouls and other creatures that far outweigh them. I've died a couple times so far but never to a robot.

Just an FYI-

at some point there is a unique version of the legendary deathclaw. It is faster and more powerful. You might also get attacked by ghouls using stealth boys. Be aware.

-Enjoy. :)
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I already knew about the Legendary Deathclaw. I think one lurks in the Deathclaw Promontory and another in the Quarry before Black Mountain.
I'm talking DLC here.

Well I just finished the DLC. It was pretty good. I have a feeling there is still more to be found and there were enough options to warrant a replay on another save file.
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Pro tip, the 12.7mm SMG is your best defence against deathclaws. Found this out the hard way after getting pretty much repeatedly spawnkilled by two of 'em...
I had much better luck with a .45 SMG. For some reason the 12.7mm SMG doesn't have the same punch against deathclaws as it did before the recent patch.

I tried to play this DLC again on a different save file and it ended up freezing up right as I was leaving the first missile silo. Now I have to start over again. Lame. I am interested to see the new area in the Mohave you can unlock though. I was not aware of this before choosing how to end it the first time.
So I've finally decided that I'm willing to drop a tenner on one of the DLCs for NV. Which would you all recommend, Old World Blues or Lonesome Road?
I just could not get into FNV like I did with F3 so I just traded it in. So many bugs and problems on release and just overall a huge disappointment. The ending was great but the rest was just nowhere near as fun as F3.