Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
Old World Blues is out, USD$12.99 and ~650MB on PC. The first section of dialogue in the DLC is weird as hell :lol:
I can now confirm the current level cap goes beyond level 45. I have just hit 45 and am still not at "max XP." Not sure how much father it goes but people are saying 50. I wonder if I can get to 50 before OWB comes out.

Been out the loop on this, is the increased level cap part of the patch or is it dlc dependant?
It's meant to be DLC dependent, but appears to be actually tied to the patch that comes out just before the DLC.

In Fallout: New Vegas it's 30, 35 with one add-on, 40 with two add-ons, 45 with three add-ons, and 50 with four.

However people with no DLC and just the game patches have reported levelling past 45, so it seems Obsidian screwed up once again.

Also T_A, why would you want to try and hit 50 before OWB? If you're at max level you can't get any of the new perks OWB adds (and Lonesome Road will).
Also T_A, why would you want to try and hit 50 before OWB? If you're at max level you can't get any of the new perks OWB adds (and Lonesome Road will).

I believe he's using his "glitch save". He said he wouldn't care if he lost the save.
Found a glitch with v1.06. When I loaded my save I was in 3rd person mode. When I tried to change to 1st person, it wouldn't work. I also can't use VATS...

EDIT: All seems to be OK now...
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Lonesome road has been all but confirmed to be released this month. OWB was delayed due to the patch but there is no such issue now.

I highly enjoyed OWB. By far the best DLC so far.
Lonesome road has been all but confirmed to be released this month. OWB was delayed due to the patch but there is no such issue now.

I highly enjoyed OWB. By far the best DLC so far.

Does seem like they're milking it a little with the dlc though huh?
Not really, F3 had as many DLCs. I guess if you mean how they're taking longer maybe a little.

No, I'm talking about the sheer amount of dlc content available and how frequently it is released. I have new vegas, but I will buy the inevitable GOTY edition when it is released. That is, If I'm not too absorbed in Skyrim to notice it.
Save often, save often, save often. The game WILL crash five times an hour. Max out Swift Learner (3 ranks I believe) and Intense Training (10 ranks, 1 SPECIAL point each rank) as early as possible.

Finished OWB the other day, pretty amusing DLC. Roboscorpions were annoying though.
Save often, save often, save often. The game WILL crash five times an hour. Max out Swift Learner (3 ranks I believe) and Intense Training (10 ranks, 1 SPECIAL point each rank) as early as possible.

Finished OWB the other day, pretty amusing DLC. Roboscorpions were annoying though.

I'm close to max out Fallout 3 + DLC, so in few days I'll be using those advices 👍
Save often, save often, save often. The game WILL crash five times an hour. Max out Swift Learner (3 ranks I believe) and Intense Training (10 ranks, 1 SPECIAL point each rank) as early as possible.

Finished OWB the other day, pretty amusing DLC. Roboscorpions were annoying though.

So, it's the same as Fallout 3? Nice.
Where do I get my home? I have so much crap I collected, I need a place to store it all. In FO3 I got one from the start.

I just finished Sherrif for Primm. Now I need to go to Nipton, or someplace.
I'm still on my first play through so there may be other options that I missed, but I got my first home after making a big decision. Can't really tell without spoiling something for you though. I was in New Vegas at the time.
I got my first in Novac (where the dino-dee lite motel is). You need to be accepted and do a quest for either the motel owner or the gift shop owner.
Ah... Forgot about that one. Haven't played PS3 since January. Will be lost when I return home and try to pick up where I left off in New Vegas.
I got my first in Novac (where the dino-dee lite motel is). You need to be accepted and do a quest for either the motel owner or the gift shop owner.

I just got a room there. Thanks.

Now, I need caps! What's a fast way to get some? Doing missions is not one, that's for sure. I need a good cheat! 👍
Pickpocket people's stuff and sell it back to them (if they're a merchant).

edit: if you're playing on PC you can hit ~ and type player.additem f x where x is the amount of caps you want (eg player.additem f 10000 for 10k caps). Disables Steam achievements for that session though.
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I just got a room there. Thanks.

Now, I need caps! What's a fast way to get some? Doing missions is not one, that's for sure. I need a good cheat! 👍

Quickest way to make caps is to be a big jerk. Lie, cheat, steal and you'll be so loaded in no time. I have a tendency to play these games as this type of character and never seem to have money issues. By the time I made it to Vegas I didn't even need to take any jobs in freeside (a place on the outskirts of Vegas that has work available that pays okay) but instead I waltzed right into the strip.
Pickpocket people's stuff and sell it back to them (if they're a merchant).

edit: if you're playing on PC you can hit ~ and type player.additem f x where x is the amount of caps you want (eg player.additem f 10000 for 10k caps). Disables Steam achievements for that session though.

Quickest way to make caps is to be a big jerk. Lie, cheat, steal and you'll be so loaded in no time. I have a tendency to play these games as this type of character and never seem to have money issues. By the time I made it to Vegas I didn't even need to take any jobs in freeside (a place on the outskirts of Vegas that has work available that pays okay) but instead I waltzed right into the strip.

Cheat, lie and steal. 👍

It's helping. FO3 I stayed nice as possible for the "heavenly" ratting. Now, I don't care. I need caps!

I restored power and now can gamble in Primm. How do I cheat?
It's hard to cheat gambling...however if your luck attribute is really high( mine was 9/10) you win A LOT more than you lose.

I think I got a lot of my armor early on exploring some random places and just selling the weapons/armor/loot/ that I didn't want to keep.
Are they dead (they can die if you're playing hardcore mode)?

If they're not dead you'll find them where you recruited them, ie Boone in Novac and ED-E in Primm.
Are they dead (they can die if you're playing hardcore mode)?

If they're not dead you'll find them where you recruited them, ie Boone in Novac and ED-E in Primm.

I found them where I last left them. Funny thing, it took several game days for them to reappear.

By luck I found a Gauss rifle. Is this the most powerful rifle in the game?

Things are getting really expensive. I NEED MORE CAPS! Petty theft ain't going to cut it anymore. lol

I need some decent armor. Where is a good place?

EDIT: Oh, I have the platinum coin and don't know what to do with it. GIve it back? Find on my own what's on it?
I think they patched it already, but if not you used to be able to go to vault 22 and use the elevator. This would make your companions reappear right there with you.

Now, I think if you simply use one of the companion firing terminals either at the gun runners or at the lucky 38 they should go back to where you found them at.