Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
If 200 hours is a severe addiction I don't want to know what I have.
For a single player game to consume that much of MY time is classified as an addiction to me. I have much more time than that in multiplayer games and co-op games. No single player game I have played has ever consumed me like F3 did. I only have about 70 hours into FNV and I just want to be finished with it. It didnt help that the game had a lot of bugs and glitches when it first came out. :indiff:
Honest Hearts isn't bad, I played it for about 2 hours so far, then I realized I killed some important NPCs on accident and have to restart the whole DLC. :/ Kind of a shame as they looked like the other enemies and were hidden in a random cave. I sniped one of them and now they all hate me and won't give me missions.

Anyway, this is why you create a lot of game saves and don't overwrite all the time like I do. Starting the entire DLC over today.

Also, my weight limit was 100 lbs instead of 75 without a speech check somehow??
I am actually stuck right now with the campaign. I spent about 2 hours selling my horded items and stocking up for a battle at the end of the game. Well I thought it was the end of the game.....

I was told to get prepared at the dam for a battle to protect the president. So I sold most of the items I had stocked up for 70 hours and filled up on weapons and ammo. Then I saved the president and now I just have no idea what to do. I killed house and was working for Yes Man but now he wants me to bypass something but the NCR gets angry if I try to do it. I dont want the NCR angry. I just want to finish the campaign. What do I do now??
Then you have probably already committed to the yes man ending. This ending is non-cannon. I believe the NCR ending is considered cannon. Where you went wrong was working with yes man. Some missions in the game are the same but it matters very much who you get them from and how you complete them. I'm assuming it was yes man who sent you to protect the president which means you had nothing to do with the NCR. In this case it would make sense for them to have no work for you sense you were not working for them anyway.

Had the NCR given you the mission to protect the president you simply would have gone back and talked to a certain someone and had been given the option to start the final mission from there. By doing the yes man quest as you have done you must now install the over ride chip in the sub station as I can tell you have already tried. This is the second to last step in pushing the NCR out of the region. Obviously they aren't going to be happy about this. Be prepared to fight both the legion and the NCR for control of the dam in the final mission.
The Ranger at the Dam asked me to protect the president but it must have been because Yes man sent me there. Dang that sucks that I have to keep working for Yes man. I only did that so I wouldnt be working for House anymore. But none of the NCR missions ever came up for me. It just says "dont tread the bear". So now it sounds like I am commited to Yes man now. :(
If you had been working for the NCR you would have been taking missions from the embassy and then later from the dam itself. You can work for any of the four main players at the beginning but eventually by mid way through you have to pick one. The others will either become hostile to you or simply refuse your help after that. You can still complete some smaller missions after that but the main quest line will branch out in such a way that you will only be given certain options based on your past choices.

If you play through again to get a different ending take careful note of certain things that will pop up on the quest page. There are a few "quests" that will come up stating that if you either work with the legion or work with the NCR or with yes man the other two will become hostile and not accept your help. Working with any faction much past these two things popping up will tie you into working with a certain faction from there on.
I finished Honest Hearts this weekend and felt that Dead Money was a lot better. The characters and story weren't as interesting, there was nothing particularly new about the enemies or weapons (tomahawk was kind of cool though), and it seemed a lot shorter than Dead Money too.
I really hope that Obsidian steps it up in the next one.
I finally finished up the campaign last night with about 80+ hours. And that includes searching every single location on the map. The ending was actually a LOT more rewardging than I expected. The decisions you make truly have an effect on the way the end of the game plays out. l would have to guess there are at least 10 different ending possibilites minimum. I started the game working for the NCR but somehow made a couple wrong decisions with House and Yes Man so the NCR wasnt happy with me at the end. Not really the ending I worked for but oh well.

I dont see myself playing through the game again. I just couldnt get into it like I did with Fallout 3. The only highlight of the game in terms of Vista points was the Vegas Strip but it ended up being underwhelming. So I might play through the DLC I purchased and then after that probably just be done with this game and trade it in.
I dont think I am interrested. I just havent been able to get into FNV like I did with F3.

I'm in the same camp. I can go back and play F3 anytime, but have really struggled to enjoy FNV. I think it was the setting of the game to be honest. I really preferred the wastelands of Washington.

Although I was initially a little interested to see what DLC they would come up with in FNV, I am pretty disappointed in what I've seen so far. I tend to like my Fallout character to be a bit of a douche and the DLC is not really geared to support this. It looks like it almost forces you to be a good guy, which feels to me to be a bit at odds with the rpg genre. Maybe if the next DLC gives more freedom of choice, I might consider it, but I think I'll give the first two a miss.
Honest hearts completed. This one was worth the $10 for sure. Now hopefully the next one will be released on time in a couple weeks. Old world blues should be awesome judging by some concept art and back story I've seen.
Oh nice. I will have to check that out even though I am just bored out of my mind with FNV. I dont even know if I will even finish HH. Does it get better than the first hour or so? Just so slow paced.
I am still early in the game but I made it to the broken plane and picked up the compass and completed the rest of that mission. I made it all the way to the top left of the map. I am guessing maybe an hour into HH.
How do you get to the plane? I've completed HH twice now and haven't been able to get to it. I figured you couldn't after I tried and couldn't find a way up.

Anyway, I suggest exploring some more. There is some pretty cool stuff hidden away in off the path places. The desert ranger combat armor and the survivalists rifle and both pretty bad ass.
The plane was in the water at the bottom of where 2 hills came together. Looks more like a broken bus. Or was it a bus? I am pretty sure we are talking about the same thing. Had to get a broken Compass there?
The thing in the water is a bus. You notice all the child skeletons and if you hack a certain terminal you can find out there was a boy scout trip that never made it.

The plane I am talking about is wrecked on top of a mountain.
Strange. I haven't encountered many of the glitches it seems a lot of people are seeing. The biggest issue I've ever had was enemies no clipping into the ground and such.
I finally finished up the campaign last night with about 80+ hours. And that includes searching every single location on the map. The ending was actually a LOT more rewardging than I expected. The decisions you make truly have an effect on the way the end of the game plays out. l would have to guess there are at least 10 different ending possibilites minimum. I started the game working for the NCR but somehow made a couple wrong decisions with House and Yes Man so the NCR wasnt happy with me at the end. Not really the ending I worked for but oh well.

I dont see myself playing through the game again. I just couldnt get into it like I did with Fallout 3. The only highlight of the game in terms of Vista points was the Vegas Strip but it ended up being underwhelming. So I might play through the DLC I purchased and then after that probably just be done with this game and trade it in.

I dont think I am interrested. I just havent been able to get into FNV like I did with F3.

At least it's a lot longer than F3.
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