New hitman Game announced

  • Thread starter mika haka
I enjoyed what i played i just wish there was more my only grip is i prefer a hard copy of a full game in stead of episodes. I really want to support this game it seams to get back to the root of hitman if there is even more variation and its expansive it will be good
Love the trailers, enjoyed the PC Beta (Although I would like some changes) and I can't wait for the 11th of march!
I hope this bombs. They've delayed the physical release until next year, in the hope people cave in and buy the episodes. I'll wait until it's in the sales next year. Episodic releases need to stop before they become the norm.
I bought the intro pack, then the full game on Friday which includes prologue, Paris sanguine among other exclusive content. After playing it once or twice the game is good. But here is the bad. On square Enix forums, everyone is complaining including me. Because I made it through the test tutorial of which there are 12 or so challenges ways to complete the tutorial, the Final test so you can complete a few or many at once but not all in one mission. So I got to the Paris level after the final test called the showstopper where you get to walk down a fashion walk if you use Kruger disguise.

There are assassination contracts which gives you ways to complete each level which isn't part of the career. Buts it's weird like the career includes the same challenges for tutorial or Paris too but some new ones are available for the final test. These new challenges weren't available before yesterday when we kept losing connection to hitman service. So they must of added them.

I was doing well on Paris level and took ages to get to where I manually saved the game. More than a few too many times now there has been a disconnection from the hitman service servers. It could happen while your playing the challenge contract or level when you start it online and then poof you are offline and lose everything you worked for. When I came to play my manually saved game the next day and there was no connection to the service the game told me I had to connect to the internet or hitman service in order to load my savegame.

So basically none of the challenges or contracts or career or weapons or gear can be accessed and played when you are offline and square Enix servers go down unless you start the tutorial, final test or Paris from scratch with an offline mode connection and once you go online you can't reload an offline save when you ate online. Everything you've done from the manual save that was done online. This annoys me that an integral part of the game can not be played unless you are online. For scores and leaderboard trophies etc. Virtually most of the game can not be played unless you are online.
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I hope this bombs. They've delayed the physical release until next year, in the hope people cave in and buy the episodes. I'll wait until it's in the sales next year. Episodic releases need to stop before they become the norm.
Yeah there was a time I was hyped for this game, now I probably will never buy it. I will have forgotten all about this game long before its half finished and I am done buying unfinished games.
Huge fan of the series from the start, but definitely not getting this. Episodic gaming died almost a decade ago, no need to resurrect it from the dead.
I wouldn't call either The Walking Dead episodic series a failure, nor the Tales from the Borderlands TellTale Games made.
The season premiere / Episode 1 is quite good since it is huge and can be tackled in many ways anf the challenges r epic. Hooked on and really like the episodes idea. I play only on weekends so can't complain.

The season premiere / Episode 1 is quite good since it is huge and can be tackled in many ways anf the challenges r epic. Hooked on and really like the episodes idea. I play only on weekends so can't complain.

I know a lot of people don't like the episodic release which is why they won't buy this game and I understand their point of view. This is my review and impression so far. So I hope you all like what I have to say.

At the same time I have been slating square Enix aswell on their forums too about losing connections to servers. Some refuse to pay $60.00 or in my case £44.99. For me though I played the beta bought the intro pack and bough the full experience. I have not been dissapointed even though bring disconnected a lot. When you are online though the game is truly brilliant.

Mostly people don't like fact that the game is highly unfinished and not complete. And so it doesn't justify paying a full price of a game.
The other issues is always online. Well if you play offline say in Paris the first proper level. The level is pretty big and you get 8 opportunities which you can track. And that's it. There is none of the live online content which makes the game fun.

You can't access challenges, which includes more Assassination, discovery, feats, targets, and items. But you can still replan a mission and change concealed weapons, gear, suit. You can choose to place a smuggled item into a certain area or location. However offline you can't change your starting location. As you unlock a higher mastery level with xp points you unlock these locations so for instance instead of starting at main entrance, you start off undercover in the kitchen under a kitchen disguise.

When you go online though you can change start locations based on your mastery level and this is when the game gets really really fun because all the challenges become available. Again assassination, discovery, feats, targets, there are a lot of these and you can choose to discover these opportunities and plan them your way. Eventually elusive targets will become available when square Enix brings new targets to the game.

There is also Contracts. You need to be online to access these. They are featured Contracts, my contracts, latest contracts, escalation and elusive targets. I'm still not sure how contracts works. Which ones are added by square Enix or whether they are all player created and uploaded by other people like you. As you can create your own contracts and mission for others to play.

Escalations. I have tried this for the final test where you have to eliminate Jasper knight. Basically it's different. A safe is in the office where is wasn't before. You have to find a key or crowbar and part of the issues is to break an enter open the safe steal content which is only vodka which you can place on the table whereas before in the assassination mission you have to track an opportunity and go about getting the vodka a different way. The Final test had 5 levels of escalations and eat time adds a new rule to abide by. Or it adds a new target to eliminate or two or three targets based on the escalation level.

You have to use certain weapons, you can not pacify an enemy and you have to eliminate target enemy with a specific disguise. So escalations gives you rules to abide by. Also there is a timer is 90 secs to hide bodies whereas this doesn't apply in the normal way of playing.

There are lots of ways to complete and gain these trophies for assinating someone using a certain aperatus or object in the level. Loads of ways to plan it out. It never gets boring. It's taking me a while to complete as there are so many methods and objects and aperatus to to utilize at your disposal. It may take you a while to do them all. You might do a lot in one play or only a few in one play.

Despite the episodic release and monthly release of new level or locations. There is a lot to do and stuff is always changing or either being added or updated to give you more challenges. The career shows your Paris level mastery level. I'm only at level 3. There are 20 mastery levels. They basically unlock certain weapons to be available to you or smuggled to certain locations called agency pickup, or new gear to be unlocked to you at certain levels or new starting locations to be unlocked at certain levels.

When you are online there are 75 challenges available to you. I have only completed 8. The rewards go to unlocking the Paris mystery level rewards I talked about above via the xp you get for completing the challenge. Also you are awarded the trophies. When you go to destinations. You can view the challenges. Assassination there are 24, discovery there are 34, 20 feats, and 2 targets to take out or complete. Just so you all have a clue how it works. All in all despite the Always on internet and problem of being disconnected a lot these are hugely annoying and unacceptable but despite that I always can not wait to get connected to the servers because all the challenges become available and the fun you'll have is really worth it.

I'm sure the servers and their network will be sorted out. Despite this the game is really good and is really worth buying. Because for one level besides the tutorial and the final test and all the challenges available to them. To know that there will be a lot more locations coming, the game already has a lot to offer to keep you playing for over a month until the next location is added. It's pretty impressive and should keep anyone happy as long as square Enix keep their servers online and maintained. The amount of free reign and do it your way using any method is brilliant and what makes hitman great.
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...Despite this the game is really good and is really worth buyin...

I have to say, you're not quite selling it to me yet :)

I wanted this to be a fantastic iteration of next-gen (new-gen, this-gen) Hitman, it sounds like a bag of spanners to be honest.
I have to say, you're not quite selling it to me yet :)

I wanted this to be a fantastic iteration of next-gen (new-gen, this-gen) Hitman, it sounds like a bag of spanners to be honest.

Well I wasn't trying to sell it specifically to anyone. Its just my review on the game really. Its not a pure open world environment if that is what you were looking for, then I am also a bit let down too, still I enjoy the game. But the locations are just that, locations, and they are like levels, but it depends on your personal definition of huge.

The first proper career location is Paris, set within the grounds and chambers of a Palace Sanguine where the Showstopper fashion show is held. It retains the old style combat and tool mechanics system from the old hitman games. The environment is packed with objects you can pickup, tamper with or throw, meaning you can still throw fire extinguishers, ratchets, hammers, screwdrivers, crowbars. You can climb up drain pipes and shimmy across and jump to other ledges but its basic stuff.

You can pick up and use any weapons from enemies or throw any of these tools or weapons to lure enemies, knock them out. Use them as a deadly weapon when in assassin crawl mode and use them to eliminate the target. You can kill someone with a piano, push them off a balcony, release the chandelier onto someones head, tamper with live electrical wires, or OHP, to electrocute someone. Obviously use lights to lure enemies by switching power on or off, poison people with rat poison or other deadly chemicals. Use explosives. Use Drop lights or speakers onto enemies.

Of lot of the stuff you can do is still old hitman style combat and mechanics and tools. And you really can exploit and use objects in whatever way you want to eliminate targets. You have free reign and choice to do it your style your way as long as objectives are sufficient to pas the challenge and gain trophies. But you have to unlock mastery levels to unlock new tools. Say unlock level 5 to unlock the sniper rifle and the pile driver barge becomes available so you can complete that assassination challenge to sniper two targets from a vantage point in under 10 seconds because you lure them out to their apartment balcony by setting off the fireworks.

Just thought I'd say a few more words really. I'm not really bothered that either way, I'm enjoying this game so far and its pretty good. Can't wait for all the new locations to come starting April and each month which will really show us whether hitman can show us anything we haven't been able to see or do yet.
Episode 2 Is out and it is really impressive.
#Hitman #Sapienza #worldoftorrow #episode2 #hitman2016 #gameplay

I so want to try it, but I'd be so annoyed with myself for supporting this release method.

Me too, but luckily I was in the market for a cheap CPU and the FX-8300 I ended up getting came with a code for the full experience.
#Episode3 #Marrakesh #Headshot #SniperRifle


Edit: Click to play the whole clip with sound
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HITMAN finally got it's physical release yesterday, and I managed to pick it up today. Can't wait to start playing once I get home.
It's a good game, a little light on the story side but there are so many ways to take out a target particularly the ones in the main missions. I found it quite overwhelming at first but once you start to understand how all the systems in the game work there's a lot of fun to be had with it.
It's a good game, a little light on the story side but there are so many ways to take out a target particularly the ones in the main missions. I found it quite overwhelming at first but once you start to understand how all the systems in the game work there's a lot of fun to be had with it.

I don't know I haven't played the new one but the past hitman did a good job on story I thought. Then again you can't always get metal gear depth.
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I don't know I haven't played the new one but they past hitman did a good job on story I thought. Then again you can't always get metal gear depth.
I haven't played the previous games but with this one there's some cutscenes at the start then it's pretty much a 2 minute cutscene after each of the locations (the whole game probably consists of 25 minutes of cutscenes in total).

The main story is barely told via the gameplay (I can only think of one instance) but I don't think people are buying it for that anyway, the story isn't bad there's just not much of it.
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