New hitman Game announced

  • Thread starter mika haka
So after spending most of the day waiting to get my progress transferred to Hitman 3 from Hitman 2, I finally had a couple of hours with the new game. Just finished Dubai level. It’s good, well designed, but smaller than something like Paris or Sapienza. Similar to the DLC levels from Hitman 2, which are actually of good quality, but smaller in scope.

Another thing that reviewers were mentioning and somewhat downplaying is the lack of mission stories. There are only a maximum of 3. I don’t know if there are some more hidden ones, so far I maybe spotted one, but I’m not optimistic. I looked through the list of assassinations as they may indicate a few unique ones, and there are a couple, but not nearly as many as in previous Hitmans. Again, I hope the other levels are better and more varied and/or maybe I didn’t discover everything yet, but I’m cautiously pessimistic right now. I’m afraid reviews may have oversold the game. They made it seem like the level quality is best in the series, but I’m not sure at the moment. Maybe there are some innovative ideas here, which helps shake things up, but in terms of freedom of approach and variety of available options things maybe have taken a tiny step backwards.

Game is full of the same fun stuff as the other games in the series, but it may end up feeling like an extended expansion pack rather than a full new game. Graphics are a bit better, but these improvements were already present in Hitman 2 DLC levels. Resolution on PS5 improved from 1440p to 1800p, which is nice, but overall a small improvement and hardly noticeable unless you’re sitting very close to the TV. Found a few minor bugs so far, but nothing game breaking. Server stability isn’t great, but it’s only day 1, so that is to be expected.

Update: One annoying issue that seems to pop up frequently in recent games (Cyberpunk suffers from this as well) is the broken HDR, which results in blacks that look grey and just overall washed out look of the game. What’s strange is that in Hitman 3 it seems to only affect the new levels. If you play Hitman 1 or 2 levels in the latest game, it seems fine. Hopefully this is something they fix quickly as it really does the new maps no favours and spoils the initial experience.
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Ok, so now I’m almost done with the game (doing the final mission), I’ve got a better idea of what’s going on with Hitman 3. Took me about 10 hours to get here (single play through of each map so far), so maybe 11-12 hours to finish the game. Pretty good, considering there is a lot of replay value that’s left in other ways to play the same map and doing escalations and elusive targets. Look forward to elusive targets as I’ve not done any in the previous games.

Overall, it’s a great Hitman game, so no surprise there. Some of the levels are really fantastic and do compare favourably to previous two games. I was not sure whether there are hidden mission stories initially and was a bit bummed that there were only a maximum of three, but looks like there are hidden ones, so that’s great. I actually prefer it that way now that I played it. Don’t know how many there are, but I hope there are a few to discover. Some of the maps are definitely going to be up in the top of my favourites in the trilogy. At the moment, Chongqing is my personal favourite, we’ll see if it changes after more play.

Anyway, I was a bit worried initially whether it’s of the same or better quality as the other games, but now can definitely say that it doesn’t disappoint and serves as a great conclusion to the trilogy.
I've played Hitman 2 for over 150 hours now and still haven't moved on to the H2 content yet, I've decided to cap all the H1 stuff off before I get into H2 which means 2 challenges and getting silent assassin in all escalations, I don't have much left now though. I've accidentally left a load of difficult/bad challenges until the end so it's been hard going for the past, like, 10-15 hours... But it's still really good fun. When I succeed, that is.

The Patient Zero silent assassin suit only run was really, really hard to work out but the "you know the number" challenge was really fun, working out ways to deliberately infect people was an interesting change of pace... Even if my technique was mostly to fire a gun wildly into the air to get NPCs to run to (infected) security guards. There could be an entire game built on that concept, probably.
I've played Hitman 2 for over 150 hours now and still haven't moved on to the H2 content yet, I've decided to cap all the H1 stuff off before I get into H2 which means 2 challenges and getting silent assassin in all escalations, I don't have much left now though. I've accidentally left a load of difficult/bad challenges until the end so it's been hard going for the past, like, 10-15 hours... But it's still really good fun. When I succeed, that is.

The Patient Zero silent assassin suit only run was really, really hard to work out but the "you know the number" challenge was really fun, working out ways to deliberately infect people was an interesting change of pace... Even if my technique was mostly to fire a gun wildly into the air to get NPCs to run to (infected) security guards. There could be an entire game built on that concept, probably.

It's amazing how much content is in these games isn't it. I've got H1/2 and sank just over 20 hours into just the training levels& Paris. I've only just started Sapienza. I won't move on until it's 85% or more as these levels are just too good to rush. I love this these games, but I've actually stopped playing as I was curious about Blood Money and have now started on that. Only got to the third level, the medical facility, but I can already see that there loads of replay-ability built into this game too. I can see myself playing these games on and off for the next decade at this rate. So glad I stumbled across the world of Hitman.
It's amazing how much content is in these games isn't it. I've got H1/2 and sank just over 20 hours into just the training levels& Paris. I've only just started Sapienza. I won't move on until it's 85% or more as these levels are just too good to rush. I love this these games, but I've actually stopped playing as I was curious about Blood Money and have now started on that. Only got to the third level, the medical facility, but I can already see that there loads of replay-ability built into this game too. I can see myself playing these games on and off for the next decade at this rate. So glad I stumbled across the world of Hitman.
I just started on H1 and have sped through a few levels just getting a feel for controls and looking for different uses of various tools around the maps. Got to Colorado and figured I'd go back and start learning the maps for real.

I'm doing a lot on Paris, and have figured out a quick silent assassin run. Now to make it suit only... I think I've got a plan, but it requires a body to be found. Hmm.
Tonight I completed all of "The Classics" (for the first two difficulties, anyway) in a single run in Miami, I think that might be the first time I've ever done that - then again it's been over a year and a half since I completed all the Classics challenges for the Hitman 1 missions so maybe I'm wrong. The same route worked for Master too, with a couple of minor alterations to get around the guards' improved senses, so that was cool.

The other night I spent over an hour working on beating a friend's time on The Cheveyo Calibration, when I told him I'd beaten him his first response was "what are you talking about?", then it turned out he'd also spent an hour beating my time, except he did it in 2019 and he has zero interest in reinstalling all 160GB just to try to maybe beat me again. Which I'm fine with, I think I'd really struggle to make up any more time... I'm placed at no. 393 out of 70,656 with a 1:21 run (beating my friend's 1:27, which beat my old 1:35), which is possibly the highest I've ever scored on any global leaderboard - and the PC leaderboards are full of cheaters, too. The thing about that, though, is that I have no idea what a good legit time really is.
Just spent hours on the third level of a really fussy escalation, finally did it by the skin of my teeth, exited the level and... It hits me with a "disconnected" message. That's infuriating.
Lots of new content coming up for Hitman 3.
Right on time as I’m kind of starting to go back to older maps as I’ve played through the new ones a bit too much at this point. These new escalations look good, especially the deluxe ones.
Hope the new patch will fix some of the annoying bugs as well.

I have h1 and 2 full content, digitally on ps4/5, and looking at the pstore, i only see the woa hitman 3 game to buy, which includes all 3 games.
But no discount at all for having already the 2 1st games full content including extras.

Seems a little cheap, it's 93cad$ for the base version, and 133$ for the deluxe, which has the sarajevo 6 missions, which i had in h1 but lost it seems since switching h1 over to h2 version.

Also has the 7 sins missions, which I'd like to have.
That and the new locations of h3 i want to add, but looks like the only way is buy the full woa?
No discount for having more than 2/3 of the content already bought....
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