Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
A new forum post by Bethesda's Jason Bergman promises an upcoming patch to New Vegas for PC, 360, and PS3 to be released in a couple of weeks. The post promises the new patch will fix stability and optomize the game.

The post also promises the the new DLC announcement is "coming very soon"

I loved New Vegas, but when GT5 came out I dropped it like a... Well, like I dropped everything else I was playing, and I only played it again last week. I feel like I need to start again as I've forgotten what I was doing, where I was or even what my character was (the enormous amount of sniper rifles I have in my inventory almost all loaded with custom ammo is a big hint, though).

I had FO3 on PS3 but hated it because the glitches totally ruined it for me (crashes, loss of items, being permanently locked out of my Tenpenny Tower suite, flying Deathclaws, I saw one guy who wasn't even holding a weapon firing a minigun from his mouth (no joke)), I'm pretty sure my PS3 didn't like it because friends with FO3 had half the problems I encountered, so I got NV on my 'PC' (Mac with Bootcamp), and I'm glad I did; quest-breaking glitches can be worked around with the console, for example in one quest I found the game kept breaking if I stayed in a vital area for about 10 seconds after some quest dialogue happened, which wasn't long enough to get to the door to leave the area, so I just quickly typed the command to teleport to a different area after the quest dialogue instead.

It's a great game, so I'm really glad I can enjoy it properly. If anything I like it more because working around the glitches becomes something like a puzzle game within a game...
New FNV PC patch coming out on monday. No word yet on console release. Here is a list of many of the things included in the new patch.


* Automatic Guns - SMGs, the Assault Carbine, and the LMG are more accurate across the board. They're also more durable. 12.7mm SMG mag capacity increased to 21.
* Shotguns - Buckshot has received a x1.2 inherent DAM mod. This slightly incentivizes using buckshot over slugs when enemy armor is not an issue. Magnum buckshot has a x1.3 DAM mod and a small amount of DT bypass. Spread for many shotguns has been lowered.
* Hunting Rifle, Anti-Materiel Rifle - Hunting Rifle and AMR now have the lowest spread of all rifles. Hunting Rifle RoF increased, Crit Chance set to x2. Anti-Materiel Rifle's Crit DAM has been raised from 80 to 110 to make it more viable when compared to the Gobi.
* Sniper rifle, Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle - Sniper Rifle and Gobi now have a higher RoF and lower AP cost. Both have x2 Crit Chance. Gobi has increased DAM and much higher Crit DAM over the Sniper Rifle.
* That Gun - That Gun is now a slow-firing hand cannon that does huge DAM firing 5.56mm out of a short barrel.
* Hunting Revolver – Rate of Fire increased.
* Service Rifle - DAM slightly lowered, firing animation changed to the one used by Marksman Carbine, RoF dramatically increased. Spread decreased.
* Silenced .22 pistol, Silenced .22 SMG - Crit DAM and Crit Chance significantly increased.
* 5mm Ammo - Base ammo has 10 points of DT bypass. AP variants have 25 points of DT bypass. This affects the Assault Carbine, Minigun, and CZ57 Avenger.
* .308 JSP - DAM mult reduced from x1.5 to x1.3. x2 CND degradation effect added.
* Lever-Action Rifles - Cowboy Repeater, Trail Carbine, Brush Gun - RoF has been slightly reduced, AP costs have been significantly increased, and spread has been slightly increased. Cowboy repeater custom action RoF increase has been reduced. La Longue Carabine spread has been significantly lowered.


* Dynamite - Larger explosion radius.
* Frag and Plasma Grenades – DAM increased.
* 25mm Grenades - Slightly increased DAM on the explosion.
* 40mm Grenades - Significantly higher DAM on the explosion.
* Missile Launcher / Fat Man - Now have much better zoom FoV and good accuracy. Missile and Fat Man projectiles (not the explosion) have a large base DAM. Both are extremely effective on direct hits, but still potent even if a direct hit is not scored. N.B.: Listed DAM on weapons assumes a direct hit!

Energy Weapons:

* Gatling Laser - Base DAM is higher. Against heavily armored targets, this is still a poor weapon. Against lightly armored targets, especially with Over Charge or Max Charge ECPs + Gatling Laser Focus Optics + Laser Commander, it has extraordinary DPS.
* Tesla Cannon, Tesla-Beaton Prototype - These now consume far less ammo per shot and can be fired several times before a reload. DAM is beefy with an additional 2 second DoT.
* Pew Pew - Lower ammo capacity, consumes far fewer ECs per shot. Still a two-shot weapon.

Melee and Unarmed:

* Ripper, Chainsaw, Thermic Lance - DAM lowered, all ignore DR/DT.
* Bladed Gauntlet, Mantis Gauntlet - Ignore DR/DT flags removed (were not supposed to be marked as such). Mantis Gauntlet animation/sound fixed.


* Splash Damage – Functions properly.
* The Professional - 10mm Pistol, SMG added to perk list.

Also, a new promotional image for honest hearts has been found on XBL.

New Vegas DLC: Details on Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road

May 3, 2011 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today announced three downloadable content packs will be released in the coming months for Fallout®: New Vegas™. The three packs will be released simultaneously for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, and Windows-based PCs.

Honest Hearts™, Old World Blues™ and Lonesome Road™ will further expand upon Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas takes all the action, humor and post-apocalyptic grime and grit of this legendary series, and raises the stakes.

Available on May 17, Honest Hearts takes you on an expedition to the unspoiled wilderness of Utah’s Zion National Park. Things go horribly wrong when your caravan is ambushed by a tribal raiding band. As you try to find a way back to the Mojave, you become embroiled in a war between tribes and a conflict between a New Canaanite missionary and the mysterious Burned Man. The decisions you make will determine the fate of Zion.

In Old World Blues, releasing in June, you will discover how some of the Mojave’s mutated monsters came to be when you unwittingly become a lab rat in a science experiment gone awry. You’ll need to scour the Pre-War research centers of the Big Empty in search of technology to turn the tables on your kidnappers or join forces with them against an even greater threat.

Lonesome Road, available in July, brings the courier’s story full circle when you are contacted by the original Courier Six, a man by the name of Ulysses who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the start of New Vegas. In his transmission, Ulysses promises the answer as to why, but only if you take one last job –a job that leads you into the depths of the hurricane-swept canyons of the Divide, a landscape torn apart by earthquakes and violent storms. The road to the Divide is a long and treacherous one, and of the few to ever walk the road, none have ever returned.

Reviews of Fallout: New Vegas have called the game as “an utterly essential purchase” (MSN UK) and as “addictively, rambunctiously fun” (Entertainment Weekly). The Associated Press awarded it a 4 out of 4 stars and said “Bottom Line: It’s a Blast”, while GameSpy gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars and called Fallout: New Vegas “one of the best games of the year.”

All downloadable content for Fallout: New Vegas will be available for download on Xbox LIVE® for 800 Microsoft Points, the PlayStation®Network for $9.99, and both Steam and Direct2Drive for $9.99.
OP, just like you I adore fallout 3, I check my game time and I have clocked up 190hours of it I have so much stuff it lags my game (ps3 so it's legit :P) I have bought new Vegas but I cannot tell you about it as the intro is quite hard if you have not put points into the correct skill :(
Chris Avellone clarifies on the speculation that your items will be taken away again in the upcoming Fallout: New Vegas add-ons, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road in Bethesda forum:

In Dead Money, we did it for the survival/horror experience. None of the future DLCs strip gear from a player, although in Honest Hearts, because of the caravan journey you're on (and the distance) you can only carry a certain weight limit (which can be increased with skills and perks).

In both Honest Hearts and Old World Blues, you'll find out fast that you're in a difficult situation and need to finish the adventure once begun - but both adventures take place in an open world free-roaming location (similar to Point Lookout). Once there, you can tackle your objectives in any order or ignore them entirely. After completing the adventures, you can return freely to both locations from the Mojave.

In Old World Blues, it's very, very easy to return anytime you want, and we tried to make it as easy as possible for people to do so.
Lonesome Road is a bit different. As the name suggests, it's more a road that leads to an end destination (though not like any road you may have seen before), so it's structured a bit differently - you can travel it, and come back anytime you want. You can also return to it after the adventure is over.
I was disappointed in Dead Money. Not sure if I want to spend more points on dlc for this game. I think my problem is before any dlc was released, I spent over 200 hours between 4 characters. That's a crapload of time and I think I got burned out on New Vegas lol.
Honest hearts is out today for you xbox and PC guys. It should have been out on PS3 today as well but with the issues the PSN store is still having its been delayed. I am really looking forward to playing it to. :(
Why would you play a Fallout game on a console? :crazy: Considering how buggy the Fallout games are, at least if you play on PC you can get unofficial patches that fix things Bethesda didn't. :P

Honest Hearts is only around 400-500MB, which is surprising. Thought it would be closer to a gig.
Honest Hearts is short. Like, real short. I just did the main questline, ignoring side quests, and I was back in the Mojave a couple of hours later :crazy:
This one is an open world setting correct? I assume if you take your time and do some exploring it should take a little longer.
BAH! I just loaded up NV for the first time since before the patch came out, upon installing and loading up my last save, something was amiss. Hmm, seems like I'm missing a few weap- WHERE IS MY WEATHERED 10MM? Apparently the patch causes issues with DLC so you have to reinstall... oh well that's not so bad I'll just go to the playstation sto- **** THE STORE IS STILL DOWN.
This one is an open world setting correct? I assume if you take your time and do some exploring it should take a little longer.
Sort of - you're free to wander around the national park and discover all the locations, although in terms of side quests there aren't many to speak of. There are 20 quests in total, and I think completed sixteen of them (the most you can legitimately complete is 18, I believe); so unless you fool around in the river for an afternoon I can't see it taking more than 3-4 hours to complete in its entirety.

I've got to say, the NV DLC has been very underwhelming thus far - Dead Money was weird and Honest Hearts was crazy short, both were quite boring too imo. FO3's DLC was a lot better, hopefully Bethesda/Obsidian pick up their act and make Old World Blues & Lonesome Road fun.
I've got to say, the NV DLC has been very underwhelming thus far
Agreed, Dead Money didn't hold a candle against any single DLC from FO3, and it's too bad this one sounds like this one's a dud too (I'll probably still get it to stay on top of the achievements though). They really need to release one on the scale of Broken Steel.
I haven't looked for my 10mm yet. Haven't had to use it since I got a real gun. I have noticed however that some of my weapons that I've modded the weight down are still the same weight but they still show they've been modded.
Honest Hearts is short. Like, real short. I just did the main questline, ignoring side quests, and I was back in the Mojave a couple of hours later :crazy:
I havent purchase any DLC yet but was wondering if this would increase my level cap from 30 to 35 without buying the Dead Money DLC? Dead Money does not look good to me at all. My character is at level 30 so I really only need DLC for the level cap increase but want it to at least be decent DLC.
They all raise it by 5. If you buy all of them you could hit level 50. The thing with dead money for me was while it was enjoyable and you got some cool loot from it its not very replay friendly and the fact that you can't go back even if you wanted to.
They all raise it by 5. If you buy all of them you could hit level 50. The thing with dead money for me was while it was enjoyable and you got some cool loot from it its not very replay friendly and the fact that you can't go back even if you wanted to.
Ok thanks for the heads up. I will probably pass on DM but pick up HH. I dont like when the dlc takes away your weapons like it does in DM. I might even buy HH tonight. I still have not even beat FNV yet. I hit level 30 and quit playing.
Yeah DM was fun and the automatic rifle/holo rifle are cool but I just haven't had the urge to play it since I completed it. Thats the problem I have with it.
Ok thanks for the heads up. I will probably pass on DM but pick up HH. I dont like when the dlc takes away your weapons like it does in DM. I might even buy HH tonight. I still have not even beat FNV yet. I hit level 30 and quit playing.

I admit that it was far too short and the lack of ability to return was disappointing (not to mention there isn't any point that I can see and the plot explanation for it doesn't make sense). But the story and some of the dialogue are amazing, enough to justify giving it a try IMO. So far it (based on what I've heard of HH) the DLC is a bit sad compared to F3. I do love it when you lose your weapons as long as you get them back at some point, it adds a bit of challenge that is lacking once you hit 30 and have tons of ammo and weapons.
From what I understand about HH there is a weight limit for the trip meaning you can only bring along a few piece of clothing or weapons. I think the maximum through perks or speech checks is 100. Perhaps forgoing this and going with only what you can normally take would provide a similar challenge.
Correct. At the very start of the DLC you're told you can only bring 75 pounds of equipment with you (can be raised to 100lbs through a speech check); any equipment you leave behind gets stored in a crate. Once you've done the DLC you pass by the crate on your way out, so you grab your stuff from it and head back out to the Mojave.
75 eh. So you could take a suit of power armor with helmet and 2-3 guns. I was actually hoping it would be a little lower so I'd be forced to say wear leather armor or something if I wanted any guns. Maybe I'll play through it the first time on my hardcore save so I have to deal with ammo weight.
I went ahead and purchased HH last night just for the level cap increase to 35. I have not actually played HH yet. I plan to finish up the storyline hopefully this weekend. I think I am very close because I have been working for NCR and had to make a difficult decision last night for Yes man involving House. So lets just say I made yes man happy and things have changed a lot now. I think I am very close to the end so I am stocking up on stimpacks and ammo.
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There are still several missions after you take care of house. Even if you were at the end already doing the final mission would mean you would have to start a new game before doing HH.
I have a couple saves available that I can play HH with. That way I dont have to start all over if I dont need to. Because I really dont see myself playing through NV again. I just havent been able to get into it like I did with Fallout 3. I was severly addicted to F3 with over 200 hours and 3 full playthroughs, but I just cant get into NV.