Fallout new vegas

  • Thread starter ajwilli
I couldn't pick between the two honestly. They're both a 10/10 for me. I like the artistic direction of lonesome road a little better, it really does feel very post-nuclear holocost like F3 did. That said I think the writing for OWB was very good and rather funny and there was a lot of good loot to be found as well. You really couldn't go wrong either way. I say buy them both though if you can.
OWB and Lonesome Road are both very good, as TA said OWB wins hands down from the writing standpoint but I didn't feel it fit in with the whole post-apocalyptic wasteland idea too well. Lonesome Road did a much better job of that, but it's also a lot more linear than Old World Blues.

If you're only getting one, buy Old World Blues (mostly for the comedy factor), but you really should get Lonesome Road as well, particularly because it closes out the Courier's story - I guess you could say it's the New Vegas equivalent of Fallout 3's Broken Steel, which brought the fight against the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland to (more or less) an end; Lonesome Road is the same but with the Courier's history instead of fighting the Enclave.

Speaking of Lonesome Road, finished it yesterday afternoon. I made sure to make a hard save before the point of no return so I could reload after the final cutscene and see what the other endings were. Pretty good DLC, would definitely play again. Obsidian/Bethesda have definitely made up for Dead Money and Honest Hearts being complete suck with OWB and LR :)
Thanks guys. I'll probably start with OWB and see how it pans out for me. If it draws me back into NV enough, I might splash out for LR in the end.

If you're only getting one, buy Old World Blues (mostly for the comedy factor), but you really should get Lonesome Road as well, particularly because it closes out the Courier's story - I guess you could say it's the New Vegas equivalent of Fallout 3's Broken Steel, which brought the fight against the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland to (more or less) an end; Lonesome Road is the same but with the Courier's history instead of fighting the Enclave.

Yeah, this was my dilemma. OWB looks hilarious. That quirky sense of humour that was in F3 a lot but I felt was missing from NV. At the same time I'm sort of interested to see how the story pans out.
They will, it'll be called the Game of the Year edition :P

It would be nice if they released retail versions like they did with F3. Not in the mood to fork out for the entire game again since I already dropped a ton of cash on the collectors edition of NV when it was first released.
Game of the year only makes sense if you didn't already buy the game when it came out. I have the Collectors edition so it was cheaper to just buy them all.
I finished the DLC again. I wasn't sure but it turns out if you launch the missiles at both targets you do open up both new areas in the Mojave.
I downloaded patch 1.7 last week, but my character still doesn't level up past 30. I was under the impression that the patch inadvertently let people level up past 30 without the dlc.
I really like NV. It's so much closer to it's roots than F3. Also it feels more realistic and "alive" than F3. There's stuff going on in the world and it makes more sense.

I really hope obsidian is put in charge of future fallouts, although they need to work on their bug-fixing skills. I luckily never had any problems with NV other than the occasional crash (PC), just like in F3.

I like F3 too though even though they missed the point of fallout, but I have difficulties getting back into it after NV.
I feel the same way. There was just so much going on in New Vegas, and I liked the factioning elements. Plus the way every town/faction has there own opinion of you.

I just feel that the world map was better too. In Fallout 3, you were always having to find your way around collapsed buildings. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I loved the way in New Vegas, things were so sparse at times.

In both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, there were many hidden quests that you had to get out there and find, but in New Vegas, there was so much to do from the word go. And still hundreds of secrets out there. I actually would like to see Obsidian have a go at the Elder Scrolls too.
I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas. In FO3 I have two characters over 60 hours each and in New Vegas I stuck with one character and yesterday went over 100 hours! Been trying to complete Dead Money before I buy another dlc pack. Dead Money is hard! But I love the game so I'll keep playing it. 👍

edit: By the way what is the max level a character can have now? I was wondering because I reached level 35 with my New Vegas badazz lol and don't recieve any more xp. Do any of the other dlc packs raise the level? I hope so because I never got the long haul perk and that was to be my next one chosen 👍
I have a question. I've just finish playing Fallout 3 GOTY (i did platinum trophy, all quests 100% including DLC missions).

The game especially at the end started to "FreezE verry often":grumpy: 👎 it was unbearable. It starten when my save file get bigger then 11mb.

Now i want to play Fallout New Vegas and my question is this game also freezes so badly like "Fallout 3" ?? Or is it any better after save file reaches 11mb?
I've had a fair amount of problems with the ps3 version of the game, it has gotten better with patches but I haven't played the game in a while. I'll be picking it back up soon though to finish the remaining DLC. I would say I've had slightly more trouble with this game than F3 but it hasn't stopped me from playing.
My road to full 100% platinum in Fallout 3 was full of pain and anger. So when you say that New Vegas gived you more problems than fallout 3 it worries me :/

But i love this post apocalyptic climat so probably i will jump right in to desert areas.
Yep, way more bugs in NV than F3, but that shouldn't detract from playing it. Still one hell of a game that shouldn't be missed. Purists of the fallout series will tell you NV is closer to the original isometric version with regards to story and content but my personal taste had me liking F3's atmosphere more. The mechanics are better thought out here however and it was still a heap of fun exploring.
I just bought the Old World Blues add on, and now the games runs like S***. It lags like you wouldn't believe and is pretty much unplayable, anyone els experience anything like that?

I'm on PS3 by the way if that makes a difference
Yep, way more bugs in NV than F3, but that shouldn't detract from playing it. Still one hell of a game that shouldn't be missed. Purists of the fallout series will tell you NV is closer to the original isometric version with regards to story and content but my personal taste had me liking F3's atmosphere more. The mechanics are better thought out here however and it was still a heap of fun exploring.

I think that for this moment Fallout 3 is much better from start to finish. New Vegas present different climate. Even the beginning of the game is kind of boring. I'm a guy who suppose to exit another Vault, but there is no story behind that :yuck: Maybe copying start from Fallout 3 would not be a good idea but it should have some story behind at least.

Anyway for now i don't have any problems with Vegas, but it's just a beginning of the game, in F3 i didn't had any problems either it was fantastic. Nightmare started at level 22 :/ I hope this time Vegas would be much better but i will see that later.

Geeezzz, i cant get it use to new climate. Kind of MadMax but it's not exactly the same.
Yep, way more bugs in NV than F3, but that shouldn't detract from playing it. Still one hell of a game that shouldn't be missed. Purists of the fallout series will tell you NV is closer to the original isometric version with regards to story and content but my personal taste had me liking F3's atmosphere more. The mechanics are better thought out here however and it was still a heap of fun exploring.

On the bug front, I think it depends on the person. Some people claim Oblivion was a buggy mess, but for me it wasn't. For me, F3 was far more buggy than NV.

I'd actually rank them (least bugs to most) Oblivion, NV then F3. F3 was the king of bugs for me.

Geeezzz, i cant get it use to new climate. Kind of MadMax but it's not exactly the same.

It's a lot easier to travel about than Fallout 3 was. In Fallout 3, there were so many destroyed buildings blocking your path. In this one, the only thing blocking your path will be deathclaws.

Both are very worthy games with a completely different atmosphere. Currently scouring the capital wasteland for places I haven't seen before.
Both are very worthy games with a completely different atmosphere. Currently scouring the capital wasteland for places I haven't seen before.

I finished main plot, I've played all DLC add-ons. And still there is a lot of places where i didn't travel 👍 Fallout 3 is fantastic :bowdown: and sometimes I'm still discover new places.

And yes. Sometimes that was really annoying to travel through subway stations cause i could not find right path. Like find Tacoma Park.
I finished both and I have to say I prefer Fallout 3 by a big margin. The whole setting and story is much better and the finale in New Vegas is straight up disappointing compared to Fallout 3s incredible ending.

After having played through the story with 2 endings and winning some extra trophies, there is no more motivation to play anything else, tbh. I dont want to play the Legions storyline cause I cant stand that Caesar moron and the whole republic storyline is too boring. I m not even motivated to discover the 50+ spots that are still open on my map, whereas in Fallout 3 I discovered and cleared every single one.

New Vegas was a bit too underwhelming compared to Fallout 3, all in all.
I wish only to play both fallout games on PC :/ not on consoles. Those freezes really make my mad.

I only hope that Vegas would be a little better.