Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Well, I pulled the trigger and placed the order in the U.S. for the two rims V2 pedals and CSW base. It gets here when it gets here. :embarrassed:

It's summer time and the glorious outdoors awaits some serious mountain bike riding in the meantime. :) I'm mostly curious to trying these things out as I have never owned a Fanatec product before.

The trusty G25 needs some attention in the meantime. LOL
I honestly don't think Fanatec would intentionally try to scam customers out of money. Especially this (sim racing) community, bad news like that would probably crush fanatec.

Apparently not, (you get sometime in september or later) and im pissed because of it.
Normally a customer would take their business elsewhere ......... but nobody else makes a product this awesome. Just dont understand why I have to now put down 800+ $ for a product I won't actually know when its coming. Willing to let you put a hold on my funds and then you can have it when I know im getting something. Fanatec cant even tell you when there will be stock. Even if they said when more will be in stock I will never believe one of their projected "dates" ever again.
And i'm bitter I didnt win the photo contest >,<

What was your photo of? Not that teenage girl in her boyfriends room was it? LOL
What was your photo of? Not that teenage girl in her boyfriends room was it? LOL

nope, It was me at my basement battlestation with the blue black motorcycle helmet :lol:
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I think Fanatec did not expect such a success. I really have no idea about how many people would buy a clubsport wheel. One thousand, ten thousands ?

I heard the first batch is in the hundreds- 100 to 999, who knows. But it was air shipment which accounts for the limited amount. The next shipment from China will be via sea- so it will probably be in a 54' container. Imagine how many CSW bases, wheels and pedals fit into one of those and imagine the truck tipping in over in transit while on the highway and thousands of those precious little boxes scattered being run over by rush hour traffic ;)
What was your photo of? Not that teenage girl in her boyfriends room was it? LOL

The girl in her boyfriend's room was a member here, but got banned because she went on his account and made like 4 threads saying to vote for him. :lol:
I really do not understand why so many people are complaining. Fanatec said they where going to have low stock. Yes, they probably could have planned a little better for their website. That does not change the fact they sold out in like two minutes and you (the complainer) probably would not have gotten a wheel even if everything was working fine.

Also, putting your money down and waiting for stock is common practice. this day and age very few companies expect you to pay for goods in advance. Some companies may ask for a deposit to show your intent, but we're talking about paying £1000 for Fanatec to sit on for maybe 4 weeks, maybe 8 weeks..who knows. It really isn't good business practice.
As for getting upset, of course people are upset. I am..
I had my current Fanatec gear up for sale in anticipation, if I'd have sold it to fund part of the CSW kit I'd now be without a wheel.
I got an order in and paid by paypal in the first short window of the 'new' site being up. Why would I assume I'd not get a wheel :s Now my funds are tied up somewhere for another week if I cancel to get a refund..or for weeks/months if I decide to keep the order.
This is why people may be upset ;) this day and age very few companies expect you to pay for goods in advance. Some companies may ask for a deposit to show your intent, but we're talking about paying £1000 for Fanatec to sit on for maybe 4 weeks, maybe 8 weeks..who knows. It really isn't good business practice.
As for getting upset, of course people are upset. I am..
I had my current Fanatec gear up for sale in anticipation, if I'd have sold it to fund part of the CSW kit I'd now be without a wheel.
I got an order in and paid by paypal in the first short window of the 'new' site being up. Why would I assume I'd not get a wheel :s Now my funds are tied up somewhere for another week if I cancel to get a refund..or for weeks/months if I decide to keep the order.
This is why people may be upset ;)

you're putting it mildly... I just want the CSPs v2 for now and I don't understand when it will be possible.
It doesn't say if the CSP V2's are actually in stock or not.

I gave in and told them I'll keep my order live so hopefully I'll get a full CSW set in August..
Back Online!

After launching the old website and CSP V2 yesterday we put the new ClubSport Wheel Base and rims back into the webshop.

The current lead time is until September at the moment but the first products will be shipped to customers this week.

I waited a few hours to see if the server runs stable and this is the case so we are back on track now.

Of course we will still have to add the new products to the wesbite and homepage but for now you can find them directly in the webshop

USA / Canada

Fanatec Gameshop

Pedals are taking orders, were csw says in stock September
It doesn't say if the CSP V2's are actually in stock or not.

I gave in and told them I'll keep my order live so hopefully I'll get a full CSW set in August..

It'll be worth the wait.......I'd be happy enough waiting until September. Just a guess but that's two months away roughly, so the following batch would be November hopefully. I'd say I'll put my order in then.
It'll be worth the wait.......I'd be happy enough waiting until September. Just a guess but that's two months away roughly, so the following batch would be November hopefully. I'd say I'll put my order in then.

I'm sure it's worth the wait mate. My frustrations are wearing off ;)

Anyway, now I can concentrate on other bits (like a new seat) etc and enjoy some more racing before the CSW stuff arrives ;)
I know, most of us all have great set-ups already lol my wheel is barely a year old and to be honest I still love it! I think we've just got a bug for new upgrades ......I've a list of things I'd like to buy lol But I know I've got enough to keep most people very happy
Yeah the csw was a certainly an obsession for me. But I currently have a 3+ year old g25. It's getting really coggy. But I am a sucker for beautifully designed items.

edit: I was looking and noticed this question hasn't been asked. are the 5 different settings saved on the wheel? or is it saved on the base?
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I really do not understand why so many people are complaining. Fanatec said they where going to have low stock. Yes, they probably could have planned a little better for their website. That does not change the fact they sold out in like two minutes and you (the complainer) probably would not have gotten a wheel even if everything was working fine.

Also, putting your money down and waiting for stock is common practice. this day and age very few companies expect you to pay for goods in advance. Some companies may ask for a deposit to show your intent, but we're talking about paying £1000 for Fanatec to sit on for maybe 4 weeks, maybe 8 weeks..who knows. It really isn't good business practice.
As for getting upset, of course people are upset. I am..
I had my current Fanatec gear up for sale in anticipation, if I'd have sold it to fund part of the CSW kit I'd now be without a wheel.
I got an order in and paid by paypal in the first short window of the 'new' site being up. Why would I assume I'd not get a wheel :s Now my funds are tied up somewhere for another week if I cancel to get a refund..or for weeks/months if I decide to keep the order.
This is why people may be upset ;)

There are a few things you all should know about the generator of the post that museumsteve, myself and others have replied to, that may better explain his personal views on the situation.

He was chosen to be a CT of the CSW/CSP V.2 for another forum.

So he has had his hands on this stuff for a few weeks now, obtained at half price unlike the rest of you craving to get your hands on it.

There is a 200 page thread on this forum titled: Another Fanatec wheel arrives! It was started in May of '08 and runs through Oct. of '11.

You can find postings there about Fanatec's previous product launches.
Trawling though its many posts may give you some insight, and perhaps even a sense of deja-vu.
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Well, I pulled the trigger and placed the order in the U.S. for the two rims V2 pedals and CSW base. It gets here when it gets here. :embarrassed:

It's summer time and the glorious outdoors awaits some serious mountain bike riding in the meantime. :) I'm mostly curious to trying these things out as I have never owned a Fanatec product before.

The trusty G25 needs some attention in the meantime. LOL


This is my first Fanatec order, too. I have been following Fanatec off and on for the past couple of years and though they have their issues it does appear that the product quality and customer service are improving. Even with many complaints in the past of the QC people still say the Fanatec products are a good deal for the price point.

This is my first Fanatec order, too. I have been following Fanatec off and on for the past couple of years and though they have their issues it does appear that the product quality and customer service are improving. Even with many complaints in the past of the QC people still say the Fanatec products are a good deal for the price point.

Me too! I've been following them like you and I'm mostly anxious to see for myself what all praise is all bout. :)
I've put off my Trek Top Fuel 9.8 purchase for a few weeks to be able to rationalize the FANATEC buy, but heck, it's just for fun right?

Me too! I've been following them like you and I'm mostly anxious to see for myself what all praise is all bout. :)
I've put off my Trek Top Fuel 9.8 purchase for a few weeks to be able to rationalize the FANATEC buy, but heck, it's just for fun right?


Compare it to a years worth of Make-up, phone bills, stuff you don't do, etc. :sly:

Anyway this was my first purchase too, it was only pedals and 2 loadcells but I can't stop thinking about it and I'll get to bed about 10 or 11 and won't go to sleep til 12 or 1AM :lol:
Me too! I've been following them like you and I'm mostly anxious to see for myself what all praise is all bout. :)
I've put off my Trek Top Fuel 9.8 purchase for a few weeks to be able to rationalize the FANATEC buy, but heck, it's just for fun right?


Or just lie about the price saying that you were among the lucky ones to win a promo code with a huge discount (I know I know, lying to your S.O. is bad).

I'm patiently waiting for the first few batches to clear and to correct whatever problems the hardware might have. I saw on ISR ~2 weeks ago with the announcement of RSeat Challenge coming this Fall. It looks like something that I can put in my room instead of a rig. And since I'm also waiting for the release of the Clubsport Shifter (who knows when), I might as well order everything at that moment...
Not me, maybe because I did not ordered ?

For my Elite, I had received two mails. The first one was a "delivered" mail info. The second one was sent a day later with the tracking number.

Wednesday I received the "delivered" mail for my Clubsport V2 pedals, but no tracking number until now.
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This message was sent to you at the request of ENDOR to notify you that the electronic shipment information below has been transmitted to UPS. The physical package(s) may or may not have actually been tendered to UPS for shipment. To verify the actual transit status of your shipment, click on the tracking link below or contact ENDOR directly.

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Scheduled Delivery: 18-July-2012

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I got this last night. This is a replacement BMW GT rim for the one I tested. My right paddle shifter simply stopped working in game.... But, rest assured, I was the ONLY one to have an issue out of nearly 100 BMW rims sent out for testing. I must ship the defective one to Fanatec so they can pinpoint IF anything was wrong. As for what they said about the F1 rim issue, I have had NO issue with mine!
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Eh, I didn't have my full address showing. Plus, I hope none on here would want to come stalk me at night :P

Btw Rich, just got a VW!!!!! 2012 Jetta 2.5SE, pics are in my profile here!
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