Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
I'm a little concerned about us getting too off-topic, but I still feel that this discussion is related to "Fanatec Announcements" and the way people react to them.

I was going to wait for LogiForce to reply to my query, but I did make a broad statement, so I'll make a response now...

First: Publicsafety. I have nothing against you and I've found in your previous postings that you are quite positive and considerate in general. I've noticed your postings simply because you've listed your "home" as Kingston. I just moved from Kingston, for the second time, just over 5 years ago. I still have some relatives there... So I felt an affinity when I'd notice your posts:)

Second: mrbasher. Your ears must have been burning: I find it funny that you were the first to respond when I mentioned negative comments. Until recently, I always thought that LogiForce seemed relatively fair to Fanatec, however I've found you to be consistently negative on this forum and on others including Thomas' blog. I know you have an agenda in wanting to sell your expensive adapters but, in my opinion, you go over the top in trying to discredit your potential Fanatec competition. At the least it's a conflict of interests; however I find it morally questionable. To whit: I was actually considering buying a TH8RS and your adapter until seeing your attitude on various forums made me not want to do business with you.

All this being said, is it not possible for us to actually have discussions based on merit and quality while keeping the ego and emotions in check?

Zoomie, have you considered why the market for the "expensive adapters" exists?
Basher has provided the Fanatec community with an option to use other shifters.

Seems to be more of a supportive role as opposed to competitive at present.
I guess that could be re-defined as competitive when the CSS sees the light of day.


The only predecessor to Basher's "expensive adapter" was the now-discontinued roughly same-priced InterfaceOne.
The InterfaceOne was only a bare PCB which required the buyer to source their own enclosure & cables.

So once again, what is the demand that created the market for "expensive adapters"?
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I'm a little concerned about us getting too off-topic, but I still feel that this discussion is related to "Fanatec Announcements" and the way people react to them.

I am also concerned this is going way off topic and nowhere very fast, I suggest you continue this with PM's and leave this thread to what it is supposed to be.
my 2 (Canadian) cents.:)
If you "don't care" then why are you asking about it? So that you can get free development ideas for your own product?
I'm curious because I read a lot of negative opinions on these forums, constantly, and I find it somewhat fascinating that people like to make efforts for things that they end up saying they "don't care" about....(?)

I am not making any commercial products nor ever will.
As Basher mentions I am working on getting my own hydraulic handbrake working, if possible on both PC and PS3. This is a personal project and I will end up sharing info on my trials eventually for free and everyone to read eventually. The reason I decided not to do this too publicly as Pilmat has done for his hydraulic brake in his G25 set, is because I do not want to mislead anyone and be the cause for them to have more costs than necessary.

About Project C.A.R.E. (mentioned by Basher too), that's something that isn't commercial either. I wish to develop a wheel (and possibly more things later) eventually which anyone in the world will be able to construct by commonly available parts (if at all possible). Also I wish for the wheel to be upgrable from a cheap gear and/or belt design up to a very expensive direct drive design with aid of powerful high speed hydraulics.
The idea is to develop this in public and share any information possible among the community to further the development of our beloved hardware. This includes anything from parts information up to complete CAD designs of parts needed.
Then reason I started this is because not everyone is lucky enough to have access to commercial wheels of high quality, or are simply out of reach because of transport costs or corrupted transportation and customs agencies in their countries,
The second reason is the dissatisfaction from customers about products from commercial companies and/or their services. So what better to learn about and building your own hardware I thought.
The last reason is because we are in economic uncertain times and we can not be sure if our beloved companies are able to fight their way through the storms. Plus it seemed like a fun learning project.
Of course this means I will also not hide anything from anyone, even commercial companies like Fanatec, or any other. So indirectly the things we learn might find their way to a product near you as it is picked up by this companys. This does not make me sad that someone else makes money with my efforts, as I know that others who do not have the ability or the wishes to make their own to also enjoy the advances.
This is also the reason I chose the short CARE (stands for: Community Aided Racing Experience), as I wish this to be a project where simmers will take care of the joy of other simmers and have happy racing times together. :)

The project is a bit silent at the moment, but I will be picking it up again soon. With the help of other knowledgable people.
Link to Project C.A.R.E.:

Finally to your question
I am just raising these questions because I think others might be interested in their answers. Many just read these forums and don't post often and keep questions to themselves, while their answers might be not only interesting for them but others as well. In this case to make a product purchase decision.
So it is not that I do it for the fame or shame I bring upon myself, possibly. I just wish to inform myself and others within and outside (passerby's and googlers) this community.

The reason I asked the question about modding the seventh push down is because I think there might be peoplewho would want to do this, but still complete the Clubsport hardware set as a whole.
The question about the mounting hardware is because I know there are guys out there who have build their own center consoles in which they now have dropped into a slot another brand shifter (Carson has done this for example if I recall well). I think that mounting it all around the top when dropping it into a hole in MDF (or other material) might be the best to make it rigid and non-flexing.

So yeah, kinda self interest in new hardware with questioning more for the benefit of others.
As a little kid I was the kind that always took everything apart to know how it worked to satisfy my almost genetic level of curiosity. I guess I just never got rid of this completely.

Anyway... End of spammage. :)

One more thing...

The reason I will not go commercial or set up any business what so ever is due to my hereditary diseases that have effected me since I was a baby. This has gone into such a state that I eventually has to live on so called state benefits.
In short what this means is that I for one will not endanger my financial position in these economic times (due to starting up a business and losing said benefits). Nor do I have the financial means to start up a business either.
The sole reason that I can do this hobby is than also that I am still forced to live at home with my parents due to finances that give me a bit more to live off, but not enough to live by all by myself.

So with this said, Fanatec or any other commercial company does not have to fear my presence at all as a possible rival. I hope they as well as you all will understand my position with this thoroughly and its consequences for me.

Here is to hoping that I will one day be able to contribute more than just my constant spammage. ;)
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I think that is an extremely gracious response from Logiforce, and a perfect opportunity to now stray no further from the topics intended for this thread (and certainly not in that direction anyway).

I am sorry you feel that way and I am sorry you will have to continue to wait in order to use the shifter you would like.

I am no saint. In the past, I have on occasion been fairly vocal when I feel something is out of place. That is my right as a consumer and something manufacturers, myself included, must deal with and learn from. Fanatec is not exempt from this and admittedly, I have tried to put some pressure on them to actually release the shifter they have been working on for over 3 years now. 3 years in which people were repeatedly told an item would be available "soon" or that beta testing would start on "soon." I assure you I am not alone in my dislike of this. Nor am I alone in having posted my opinion on the subject. Just take a look at their Facebook page and Thomas's blog...

The difference, and I understand your opinion here, is that I currently provide a service which negates the need to wait for a decent shifter. However, I fail to understand how my annoyance with delays regarding the Clubsport Shifter can possibly sell more adapters for me?

Fanatec's shifter is not released. Fanatec has not mentioned a release date. They have not mentioned a projected price point. Where is the competition? I am now competing with a product that has not been released, has no projected release date and no current price point...

My conscience is clear and I have no agenda other than to provide the best possible products I can to people that need them.

This is the last I will say on the matter. I suggest you read the following document, you may have missed it when signing up:
Finally to your question
I am just raising these questions because I think others might be interested in their answers. Many just read these forums and don't post often and keep questions to themselves, while their answers might be not only interesting for them but others as well. In this case to make a product purchase decision.
So it is not that I do it for the fame or shame I bring upon myself, possibly. I just wish to inform myself and others within and outside (passerby's and googlers) this community.

The reason I asked the question about modding the seventh push down is because I think there might be peoplewho would want to do this, but still complete the Clubsport hardware set as a whole.
The question about the mounting hardware is because I know there are guys out there who have build their own center consoles in which they now have dropped into a slot another brand shifter (Carson has done this for example if I recall well). I think that mounting it all around the top when dropping it into a hole in MDF (or other material) might be the best to make it rigid and non-flexing.

So yeah, kinda self interest in new hardware with questioning more for the benefit of others.
As a little kid I was the kind that always took everything apart to know how it worked to satisfy my almost genetic level of curiosity. I guess I just never got rid of this completely.

Hello Logi, and thank you for your response. I'm very happy to see that we can have a nice, civil, discussion. As I mentioned before: I've always felt that you had been a fair person in the past, I had just become concerned about the negativity more recently. BTW, I am terribly sorry to hear about your personal situation: I hope things work out well for you in the future.

It's obvious to me from your post that we share some common interests (taking things apart, etc. -- that's why I studied engineering!)
If you are interested, we can discuss things more personally in a PM.

To everyone: My only purpose in writing my initial post was to discuss a general public issue and understand certain peoples' motivations in a social context. I feel that part has succeeded for now..
I'm very happy to see we could all have a mature discussion. Thank you.👍
I reckon it will be Friday, so that all have something to discuss over the weekend. Though it is just a wild guess.

Shifter looks great and big.. Not so noisy as the other Fanatec shifter and also the throw seems to be perfect! Sequential shifts looking better than TH8 sequential shifts and also the fast shifting in H mode from 6 to 1 was impressive!

Also the new CSW rim is finally fully round and has a stripe in the middle :)
Anyone else already noticed the badge of the company? :)
Looks like a great shifter, switching from sequential to H gate seems very easy and fast.
You were right Logi, we got the video on Friday.
I hope next week we will know how much and when. I have to admit that if how much is reasonable, I am very interested.
"Also the new CSW rim is finally fully round and has a stripe in the middle"

Nope. I paused it and it is just the BMW rim with a Fanatec emblem.


Blurred out rim looks like a Porsche wheel. Kind of like a GT2 wheel but actual sized...

Do we need special glasses to see your picture.:lol:

Is this what you wanted to show?

shifter seems like its got good spring and tightness to it in sequential, just seems a bit too loose and free in h gate mode for my liking, still i could be misreading it from the video
shifter seems like its got good spring and tightness to it in sequential, just seems a bit too loose and free in h gate mode for my liking, still i could be misreading it from the video

The innards look fairly substantial so I'm hoping for the right amount of resistance. Compared to the inside of a TH8, the CSS looks brutal ;) and the TH8 feels great.

I'm just about sold anyway :D
Thomas Blog
Next week we plan to unveil pricing and put both versions in the shop. The last big issues we found were all sorted out and the shifter now lasts 7 digit shift cycles. We still need to run several tests with external beta testers but we are almost there!

wondering what he means with "both versions"???
shifter seems like its got good spring and tightness to it in sequential, just seems a bit too loose and free in h gate mode for my liking, still i could be misreading it from the video

This was my thought as well. Though it has to be said that the video didn't showcase the H-pattern resistance well.
Still somewhere inside of me I felt as if Rene did go into the gates a bit too easily.

Edit: Also another thing to note is that it had the same plug as we now have on the CSR E and CSW bases. So this means the shifter does not have USB and will not function as a standalone. Unless Fanatec sells a fancy SFA1 like device that does the opposite, so instead of going from USB to Fanatec PS/2 plug, go from Fanatec RJ12 to USB.

It is funny to note that Fanatec decided to use almost the same design principle as Takiei did when he made his shifter from a dissected Fanatec Porsche H-shifter and a original Toyota MR2 shifter (if I remember well), using a spring loaded gate system at the bottom of it.
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