Hi guys,
I found this thread via link from RaceDepartment. I own a Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel. They were limited edition and aren't sold any more, but internally I'm pretty sure it's identical to the CSR and Porsche GT3 wheels (or near enough.) I know for sure it has the same "Mabuchi RS 550 Motor".
I've had the wheel for five years, since end Dec 2009. But until recently I had barely used it; it was mostly in storage. Starting Jan 1st 2015 I've been using it heavily - probably 100-150 hours in the last 6 weeks.
Last night, it seems that the motor started to fail. The wheel is now very 'lumpy' or 'jerky' when I turn it in-game - instead of moving smoothly against the force of the FFB, it seems to turn in jerks or steps. I put pressure on it and it doesn't move at first, then suddenly it moves one 'notch' or 'step'.
This is apparent even when I turn the wheel outside of a game - I can feel the wheel juddering slightly as I turn it. Then it's distinctly noticeable when in-game - there's a very noticeable "stepping" effect as I try to turn the wheel against the FFB, especially when cornering, but also to some extent when the car is sitting still. I tried lowering the wheel FF from 100 to 50, but to no avail.
There's a
thread on RaceDepartment describing the same problem with the same wheel, and it seems that it's almost certain that my motor has gone.
I'd be most grateful if you guys could help me out with a few questions:
- Is there any chance at all that I could repair the problem without replacing the motor? Taking the motor out and cleaning it, anything like that?
- I believe the replacement motor I need is the Mabuchi RS-555PH 12V DC, as seen here on eBay.
- EDIT: Just found the reference in this thread, and apparently I actually need the RS555PH-22130 ? Eric says the basic RS-555PH is "different armature"? How much does that matter?
- Another thread on here says that the RS555PH-22130 is out of production - and indeed I can't find any for sale.
- If I do replace the motor with the same/similar make/model, could you tell me how hard that is to do? I am highly technical when it comes to software, but have very little hardware experience. I do own a soldering iron (a 48W that I bought from a supermarket for £8 / $12), but have never used it.
- But given that I (probably) have to change the motor, maybe I should think about getting a better one? I can see that these Mabuchi's are cheap and crap.
- I've read some of this thread and have been getting very jealous at you guys getting your CSWs and CSR Elites modified with Bühler motors!
- But I can't afford to send anything to Eric for proper modding (and if I could, I should surely do so with a CSW not a basic Porsche wheel), and as I say I'm not experienced with hardware.
- So I don't fancy my chances of being able to modify a motor that doesn't quite fit. I certainly don't have access to a lathe or anything fancy like that.
- But maybe there's a motor that's similar enough to the Mabuchi that it would be an easy fit - but is also stronger/better quality? I don't mind spending £20 or even £60 ($30 - $100) on a better motor if I'm sure I can fit it and it'll be a worthwhile upgrade.
Any help and advice would be very much appreciated. I really wish I could use this opportunity to upgrade to a better wheel, but I can't afford £300 (Thrustmaster) to £700 (CSW v1 + Rims etc) any time soon. And I'd hate to have to spend £100+ on a replacement wheel that's no little or no better than the one I have. (I do rather like the real leather on my Turbo S, and think it looks nicer than the Alcantara and plastic CSR/Porsche GT wheels.)
Worst case scenario I guess I'll just buy a replacement RS-555PH motor, and hopefully the different armature doesn't matter too much, and it's not too hard to fit? At least that's not too expensive (£10 -£12 including delivery from the US to UK - I can't find any in the UK itself.)
PS. I said my Turbo S Wheel was hopefully identical to more modern wheels. Internally, I'm pretty sure that's true - certainly the same motor. But there is at least one firmware difference. I have wheel settings for "FF", "Shock", and Drift (0-5), same as other wheels. But I don't have a FOR setting, and I don't have the 0-100 "Spring" and "Damper" settings that you guys have (I know the CSW has these, not fully sure about the CSR but it probably does?) To be precise, my wheel does have SPR and DPR settings, but they're not 0-100 like on new(er) wheels, they go -3 to +3 and the manual says they're only for use on consoles, not PC. I don't know if this affects anything regarding to potentially modding the motor?
Thanks in advance!