Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
I have been out of commission for a little while fellas, got an infection that started in a cut in my finger and developed into something really nasty. I have been off my feet for the last few WEEKS! Only just started getting around again.

I still don't have home internet though, so I won't be able to get back to you guys same-day for a while. Please be patient, I will get back you as soon as I can.

Eric, whats going on. PM me, maybe I can help.
I have been out of commission for a little while fellas, got an infection that started in a cut in my finger and developed into something really nasty. I have been off my feet for the last few WEEKS! Only just started getting around again.

I still don't have home internet though, so I won't be able to get back to you guys same-day for a while. Please be patient, I will get back you as soon as I can.

Sorry to read that, I hope you are better now.
My QK1-1500 arrived - doesn't look suitable for the std CSR/GT3 wheels - the output shaft on the back comes out only 6.5mm vs 11mm on the RS555PH. The distance between the 2.5mm mount holes on the front is also slightly different - 25mm vs 26mm stock. It is made by Mabuchi though.
I would have personally contacted Eric Prior to ordering in questionable motor's that might not even fit. And why is the Rear length of the shaft a problem ? You dont want it to be Long in the first place...Motor mount holes Technically could be made a little bigger if need be. 1mm isn't THAT big of problem. 2-3 or even 4mm ya sure. But 1, Not really.
The rear shaft in this case is for a position encoder gear IIRC. It doesn't need more than a couple mm max of engagement to work, as there's no real resistance in the encoder gear train. However, I listed those as CSW replacements since the CSW doesn't use the rear shaft. Not sure if they can be made to work out on the CSR/GT series or not. I have some takeoff GT-style motors, but not sure what kind of condition they're in.
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I would have personally contacted Eric Prior to ordering in questionable motor's that might not even fit. And why is the Rear length of the shaft a problem ? You dont want it to be Long in the first place...Motor mount holes Technically could be made a little bigger if need be. 1mm isn't THAT big of problem. 2-3 or even 4mm ya sure. But 1, Not really.

Why bother a guy I don't know who seems to have enough on his plate at the moment? If you'd read my previous posts, a mere few inches up the page, you'll note I didn't expect it to work but it was cheap and i'm not using a CSRE or CSW so the rear output shaft is an issue due to the rotary encoder gearing running off it. Also, it's not 1mm, it's 0.5mm for each hole and while it's not a major issue to elongate the holes in the bracket it's mounted to, it would still need addressing - something which the less-able might have an issue with, so it's worth the warning. If not done correctly, it could also cause belt issues.

If you get a moment, might be worth adding a few lines about the non-CSRE/CSW wheels to the first post with my findings.

Anyway, my chinese-fleabay-specials should be with me in a couple weeks, hopefully they will be proper RS-555PH-22130 units as advertised and I can get rid of the notchy steering.
hello eric,

i need your help. my CSW BASE has conked out, where it turns on but does not turn off, does not align and is not read by the computer. i would like to send it to you for fixing. what is the possibility of that?
Has anyone successfully replaced the right thumb stick /DPAD / Navigation switch on their CSR / Elite wheel? PCB mounting spot S2003. I have recently purchased a second hand CSR Elite and the thumb stick is loose. Up and down works fine, but left to right works as it pleases when the wheel is rotating.

I think however that I have found a suitable replacement part, waiting for it to arrive from UK. I will need to multi-meter it to be 100% sure that it will do the part. The datasheet is here for PN: SKQUCAA010

Ill update my post once I’ve tested the switch or got it working.
Bummer, well I have one if fanatec can't get you one

Hello Blue, I just purchased a used CSRE and I am wating for it too arrive. I would like to ask is there a chance you still have a PCB for sale as well as maybe some other spare parts? I would like to have some backups, especially a V1.5 or 2 motor block and PCB. I am buying the wheel As-Is and do not know the full condition. I have always wanted an elite wheel and now that I found one I can afford I would like to ensure it works/lasts. I have also considered a motor upgrade as I am pretty good with electrical/mechanical repairs and modification and I have experience with sim racing wheels. I just don't know if I can afford to upgrade right off the bat. Please feel free to respond or message me with anything you may have available. Anyone else who may have CSR Elite spare parts feel free to reply as well :) Thank you for your time, Seth.
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Hello Blue, I just purchased a used CSRE and I am wating for it too arrive. I would like to ask is there a chance you still have a PCB for sale as well as maybe some other spare parts? I would like to have some backups, especially a V1.5 or 2 motor block and PCB. I am buying the wheel As-Is and do not know the full condition. I have always wanted an elite wheel and now that I found one I can afford I would like to ensure it works/lasts. I have also considered a motor upgrade as I am pretty good with electrical/mechanical repairs and modification and I have experience with sim racing wheels. I just don't know if I can afford to upgrade right off the bat. Please feel free to respond or message me with anything you may have available. Anyone else who may have CSR Elite spare parts feel free to reply as well :) Thank you for your time, Seth.

Yeah I still have a spare one, I have a few spare bits and bobs for the csr elite
Yeah I still have a spare one, I have a few spare bits and bobs for the csr elite

Really! Once the wheel arrives on Tuesday and I can confirm there are no major mechanical issues I would be interested in the PCB and maybe some of the other spare pieces you have. Is it ok if I message you when the wheel comes Tuesday and see what parts you may be Willing to sell?
Really! Once the wheel arrives on Tuesday and I can confirm there are no major mechanical issues I would be interested in the PCB and maybe some of the other spare pieces you have. Is it ok if I message you when the wheel comes Tuesday and see what parts you may be Willing to sell?

Yeah sure you can
Awesome, thank you very much! I will pretty much definitely want the PCB and some other spare parts. I was only able to afford this wheel because I got a really good deal so I just want to make sure there isn't more than meets the eye when it arrives lol. I would love to have a csw or csw2 but unfortunately my budget does not permit such things at this time lol.
The only reason I was able to get the elite is because it was offered to me for $90 shipped! The seller said that the wheel is fully in tact and worked well last time it was used but there is a slight wobble in the rim. If the wheel does function well and the wobble is something I can fix than I think I got a pretty good deal and it would be worth investing in some spare parts to keep it going as long as possible. I will definitely be contacting you as soon as the wheel arrives and I can confirm that it functions as expected. I can't express how excited I am to have found this wheel at that price and a way to get some spare parts. I just hope the deal wasn't "too good to be true" lol. The seller is reputable on the forums though and I dont have a reason to think he would leave out any details.
This thread is very helpful btw, I have been able to read through some of it and really learn a lot about these particular wheels. Even before I had purchased the elite I had read this thread over the last year or so because I always wanted one of these wheels :)
It was on ISRTV. I buy almost all of my gear there. I will say that was an unusually low price. The guy who was selling it sells a lot of gear. He put up an add for the elite and some other items. I ended up buying a csre, black csp pedal/heel plate kit, and inversion kit for my old elite pedals for $125 shipped! I was very grateful. Earlier that same day I got a response to the CSPV2 wanted add I had posted(you can post wanted ads). The guy sold me a set of csp v2's with an extra load cell, Tilton dsd pads, and extra stronger gas/clutch spring. They came with all original packaging and accessories like they were right from fanatec. The only small issue was a couple very small knicks on the heel plate which he told me about. His offer price was $130 shipped which I gladly paid. These were two unusually good deals though, how I got two in one day I dont know. There are fair to good deals posted often but you have to be quick. I was the second person to respond on the add, he was asking $50 shipped so I told him I would pay $90 shipped so he knew I was serious and so I didn't miss out. He the offered me the black csp plate kit for $25 and the inversion kit for $10. The csp v2 pedals, which were from a different member btw, arrived yesterday and I am actually surprised at how good the condition is. Isrtv is in my opinion the best place to buy/sell even if every listing isn't a crazy good deal, most people have very good reputations. There is also a thread called "recommended sellers" in the buy/sell forum. Here you will find many reputable users, of you see one of them selling you can pretty much bet its going to be legit. It helps for new members who aren't well versed in the forum and haven't learned the common visitors to the site.
Yeah, I got one from Zebrawire. It's a little beat up but the price was right, and it works like a champ.
I ended up buying a csre, black csp pedal/heel plate kit, and inversion kit for my old elite pedals for $125 shipped!

WHOA. You sure you got an Elite? Carbon fiber face, red aluminum base, looks kind of like a Clubsport wheel?? If so you got the deal of the century!!
Yup, according to seller. I made sure to confirm because I have a regular csr. He even had a dsd dashboard he offered to sell me that he said would work with it. Trust me I am as skeptical and shocked as you are. As soon as it arrives I am going to be giving it a once over then I will post the results. If I'm really lucky the loose wheel will he those 4 screws that hold the adapter on that always come loose lol.
WOW that's a real bargain! Mine was 10X that amount when I got it here!!

If the wobble is a problem with the collar on the shaft that you can't fix (they did have some issues with stripping the threads out on the 2 locking bolts) don't stress I have spares :)