Fast Seven - April 2015

  • Thread starter Fazerfan
To be perfectly fair, it's not shy about telling you to leave your brains at the door.

Sure, but there was the utterly insulting bit toward the end where the movie wanted me to believe Dom might be dead. Just earlier I watched him run straight off a cliff and survive a tumbling wreck with nary a broken bone or scratch, and prior to the crash I watched him take a wrench to the face and only appear mildly dazed.

But, oh no, he tumbled his car after crashing into a support column — now he's in danger! 🤬 you, movie. :lol:

The best part was the tribute to Paul.
The franchise successfully transitioned into the superhero genre a few sequels ago. There's just a little car porn thrown in for good measure. Adjust expectations and enjoy accordingly!

Which bodes well because I forgot to say I've seen Superman in more danger than this.
It used to be about Paul's character, now i can feel it's about Vin's, especially after Paul's demise. Almost dying after crashing into a support column while a few days ago survived a fall down the cliff unscathed is ridiculous. Succesfully managed to hang a bag of grenades to the chopper steps in one shot is just too much. It's like he's almost immortal but almost died of a stupid mistake.

I started to become pissed when Dom crashed the Daytona to launch himself in the air in Fast 6.

I freaking hope they ground the 8th movie a little bit.
They are good-guy superheroes fighting international villains now. Take it or leave it. "Grounding" the series is incredibly unlikely since the box office numbers started to skyrocket with Fast Five's bank heist on wheels. Making the family into actual good guys after that has done wonders. I personally don't find it any more ridiculous than the goofy portrayal of criminal L.A. tuner-car gang subculture in the original or the straight out of a rap video vibe of the second one. I think the first 3 or 4 had much more limited audience potential because they were the teenage boy wannabe car-guy fantasies (also see the popularity of games like NFS:Underground). Now they are much more accessible action-comedy movies with a big lovable cast.

I'm confident that the majority of people watched the latest one because Vin is a badass superhero, The Rock is maybe the most charming/likable action star on the planet right now, and Jason Statham is always cool (and bonus for having done his own crazy car movies prior). Oh, and hey, there are still some cool cars, awesome stunts, and great comedy derived from the chemistry of the cast.

I've seen all the movies and Paul's death has absolutely zero bearing on whether or not I'll see future sequels.
I wouldn't say "good guys" but misfit anti-heroes doing work that others can't, in cars. So like the a-team mixed with suicide squad mixed with speed racer. I don't know.