File stored on internal HDD != Internal file structure.
You are right on about data cluster and also on the right track. Continue to read Data Storage (Block), Block Size, and Allocation. It's under "See Also". See those blocks when you defragment your HDD? These blocks in PS3 are 4MB each and PS3 is not going to build these blocks blocks for you all the time. You still understand we are not talking about Windows 95 high level computing that PD can drag/drop/move,copy/paste, right? We are not talking about 0-9, A-Z, we are talking about 0x00000002–0x0FFFFFEF at the end of 1st 4077KB that points to the 2nd 4077KB that ends with 0x0FFFFFF8–0x0FFFFFFF. If you have a 4078K file where there's no pointer to the cluster at the end of the block... The pointers for save file over 4MB are usually intact internally. But once copy over by the one from USB... PS3 throws the tower and said this is bigger than 4MB and should be created in 8x4MB = 32MB allocation (Max volume size), hence error message.
With that said. I am not going to explain low level computing. But seems like you know everything already. 👍
I am done. Not going to check this anymore. For those who need helps shrinking the file size. There are a few things you can try. PM me.
Where is the faceplam button?
File structure has more to do with file format than data clusters or data blocks. is the way data is structured in a data file.
.doc .avi .jpg are examples of file formats and file structure is merely how the computer knows the difference between them.
At any rate, you were flawed from the get go and I'll show you.
PS3 uses Fat32 file format which has a limitation of 4MB cluster. Your other save files that are bigger than 4MB are actuallt multiple files designed to workaround that environment. Little Big Planet had the same problem at launch.
Simply not true, FAT32 is not limited to 4096KB clusters. It can't even do 4096KB clusters and only supportes up to 64KB clusters (which is still not widely supported even). Heck, even NTFS doesnt even do 4MB cluster size.
You also just confused a cluster with a file size. A file is nothing more than a collection of data clusters, thus it can clearly be larger than the cluster size.
Lastly, the PS3 does not use traditional FAT32. If it did, one could easily hook it up to a computer and browse the contents.
The PS2 used the Playstation File System, which could support 2TB file sizes. If the PS3 uses traditional FAT32, that would be 100 steps backwards.
Max cluster count 268,435,437 (228-19). Max file size 4,294,967,295 (232−1) bytes. You could Google the reason for -19 or -1.
Try copy over a file over 4GB without using FTP and let me know if the file show up on the PS3 not as Corrupted Data.
You even admit it's limited to 4GB file sizes, not 4MB file sizes.
I said it multiple times and you kept ignoring it. It is impossible to even start copying a file over 4GB to the PS3 without using FTP or the optical drive because you can't plug in any storage device to the USB slots that uses a file system more advanced than FAT32. Are you getting this yet? You keep telling me to copy over a file over 4GB, but from where? Nothing you can plug in and browse could have a file over 4GB on it in the first place.
If you have a chance to look at the file structure inside your PS3, not a single file is large than 4GB (and no, I am not talking about hacking). I went off topic because someone asked the reason of 4xxxKB.
32-bit cluster size... 4KB, 32KB, 512KB... PS3 is not running on DOS or Windows 95.
I am out. Have a nice day.
As I already said, I have files inside my PS3 larger than 4GB.
Having a jailbroken PS3 has allowed me to be able to dig into it. I'll repeat this again too, being jailbroken does not change the hard drives file system in anyway, but does indeed give me access to look at it. I'm really curious, if you didnt hack yours, how exactly were you able to get a chance to browse the PS3's drive in full in order to come to your conclusion?
Keyword: internal. I have 4GB files on Windows 95 too.
Any larger than 4GB, if so I'm all ears on how you made this possible on a FAT32 formatted drive