Favorite quotes

- There is no statute of limitations for murder
- Why the 🤬 not?

Johnny Gat - Saints Row 2
"You've just been self-assembled! That's rubbish. You've just been IKEA'd! That's awful. You've just been flatpacked!" - NerdCubed, after hitting a security guard with a chair in XIII
"Relax Finch, it's just tea, I haven't guessed your favourite colour yet" - John Reese, Person Of Interest

"I breached the space-time continuum. Not really" - Harold Finch, Person Of Interest

"Yes, I'm sure the CIA will be very impressed, when they shoot you" - Harold Finch, Person Of Interest"

-"Poke him in the eyes? That's your technique?
-No, that's your technique, and if that doesn't work you can always take your thumb, jam it into his eyesocket and twist until you hit his brain" - John Reese & Harold Finch, Person Of Interest

"I said bring it back in one piece, not bring back one piece" - Q, Spectre
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- You have two worlds
- Two
- And their both coming together
- Uh oh
- What happens when worlds collide?
- Boom

- How stupid do you think I am?
- I'm willing to put a number on it.

It isn't rocket science! It's just quantum physics!

She's my carer. She cares so I don't have to.
"We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s okay, that’s good, you’ve got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
"There are two kinds of people: ones that are trying to build their future and ones that are trying to rebuild their past." - Max Payne

"Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about it, even if it's all in your head." - Max Payne

"As time went by, you'd find yourself locking every feelings and fears inside your own safe deposit box, because you feel vulnerable talking about it" - believe it or not, i made this one :lol:
"You are an asset. When you are not being a pain in the asset."

- It's a swan
- From where? Chernobyl?

- This thingmajig is going to save all your lives so you should all thank me.
- Save us from death by chair?
- Suicide by sitting?
- Chairs, the silent killers.
One of my favourite quotes is from an austrian TV moderator (Armin Wolf) who said the following about those people posting hate against refugees on facebook:

"Es gibt schon schöne Trottln"

Which translates into something like:

"There are some quite idiotic people out there"

What I like about this is, that the original statement is kinda primitive, but as moderators are normaly quite classy when talking, this just expresses how serious the situation is.
"Racing is life; anything that happens before or after is just waiting." -Steve McQueen

"Words have power, but only if people will listen. When they won't, actions speak loud enough for anyone." - Takahashi Ryosuke
Kate Beckett - It's watch and observe, not participate and annoy.
Richard Castle - Participate and annoy is more fun but alright.
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One of Bruce Lee's many pieces of sound advice:

"Man, he is constantly growing and when he is bound by a set pattern of ideas or way of doing things, that's when he stops growing."
Unless you're a cat in a box owned by a guy named Schroedinger. Then you're quantum.

Thing about this box is the cat is dead inside.

Otherwise you would hear meowing or moving if the cat was alive.

And inorder for it to block out any sound, it has to be air tight, and if it is air tight, the O2 levels will go down and CO2 will go up.
So if their is a cat that is alive in this box, it soon wont be.
The 80's are never over, YOU DON'T JUST TURN OFF THE 80's!!! - Jack Howitzer

Interviewer: “The helmet has a special meaning for many drivers. How important is it to you?”
Kimi Raikkonen: “It protects my head.”
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