February DLC

  • Thread starter FosterG
Hang on a second, you're now claiming the models in FM4 weren't accurate?

Let me break something down for you right here and now:

Lamborghini Reventon: Wrong color (granted that's easily fixed so it's hardly an actual gripe) and the driver's seating positioning is off. A problem not present in FM4.
Lamborghini Reventon: The air brake is still non-functional.

What's even more ridiculous is that I'm more than positive T10 said Autovista cars were practically next-gen ready, and that the Autovista system was just a big test bed to see how detailed the cars could be in the future. So if this is the case, why did we have to buy the Reventon? Where are the other Autovista cars, like the CCX, the DeLorean or the Spyker?
@King1982 - Except I'm willing to bet money at least some of these weren't remodelled at all (the Alfa 33, for example). Chances are they just had a higher-quality version from when they first modeled it; I refuse to believe T10 are that short-sighted.

My bet is you're right. I've been told that some of the cars have the exact same paint glitches they've always had since FM2. How you have the same paint glitches in entirely new model? You don't. You're just upping the to higher quality version that was always there. Soooo glad I skipped this one...first Forza I've ever skipped and I will likely not return unless there is a serious change in direction at the top.

Meanwhile....Cha-Ching goes Greenbucks.:sly:
Looking it up, its on the FM4 Moving Aero thread. Works ending in 5 minutes, so I didnt bother looking for the pic.
What the Reventon has is a spoiler that can be set up or down, but it's not active (which means that it doesn't automatically rise past certain speed). Since the game doesn't allow to fix the spoiler of a car in the position you prefer, they chose to model the car with the spoiler lowered. GT6 did the same.
Ugh. Might as well just stick with Forza 4 since I already have the cars and they look well enough detailed for now. Seems like the logical thing would have been to release packs with all new cars for the first six months, then perhaps add in some older ones afterwards or as maybe one of the expansion packs they had hinted to.
They are not even trying to cover up the raping anymore.

Turn 10 RAPAGE coming to you by Wormburner! BBC! Bring your white sluts to the slaughter as he is Turn 10's MONSTER!!!!!

Turn 10 to me have lost it, They idea what the fans want and no idea how to make the game better.............NFS online....Yeah OK Turn 10 & Wormburner....thats exactly what we want.....

Forza is FAR better than GT but you know what....they are so far up thier own arse i hope they fail miserably. I would not be unhappy if MS set them free. Dirty robbing bastards !Set the worm free!!!!
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Hang on a second, you're now claiming the models in FM4 weren't accurate?

Let me break something down for you right here and now:

Lamborghini Reventon: Wrong color (granted that's easily fixed so it's hardly an actual gripe) and the driver's seating positioning is off. A problem not present in FM4.
Lamborghini Reventon: The air brake is still non-functional.
Hyundai Veloster: Absolutely lacking the same full-on Auto/Forzavista experience found in 4.

And I'll just end it right there as to be quite honest I haven't made a list of everything; the examples above just happened to come to mind. So, tell me again, what is there that we should be so head-over-heels in love with when everything that's been supposedly improved from 4 is now fundamentally flawed in several ways?

...And I haven't even begun to mention the fact that several cars lack body upgrades found in 3 and 4.

I'm sorry but really?

Your complaint is that they've rebuilt these models from the ground up?

You guys do realize that the past Forza games have had really good car lineups and it only makes sense that they will remodel and reintroduce past models too. Are most of the new cars repeats because they are in older games? Sure but that's because they've already collected data and recorded sounds on these cars making them easier to rebuild.

You can cry and whine all you want about it but these cars never looked like this in Forza 4 and Forza 5's biggest thing is the jump in graphical fidelity of the car models. This isn't Gran Turismo and Microsoft isn't going to just port over a bunch of Forza 4 cars just to inflate a car list and they also aren't going to give cars away for free after rebuilding them just because they were in a past game.

If you don't like this then don't buy the DLC and as far as the Season Pass is concerned you knew all along this was going to happen so why even act surprised at the sight of it?

I for one am very happy to see the MC12 returning and it looks fantastic and I'm sure it sounds better too, will I pay for it?

Sure, when I get the chance but I'm not going to whine about already paying for it in past games too.

Where is everyone yelling about NFS games having the same cars or tracks?

Where is everyone yelling about GT reselling you the same cars with every new version of the game?

Honestly it's funny to see this kind of talk on GTPlanet, although I can't speak of this particular community I've seen this attitude defended over and over again.

With GT you're literally paying for the same exact cars and tracks you've bought in the last game but at least with Forza they are remodeling them and improving their sounds and physics.

That's basically the thing here; you are paying to have a ForzaVista version of the car you had in FM4. If that excites you enough to pay an extra 10 bucks for it that's fine, but for me i would rather not pay extra for that.

To be honest the FM4 version already looked pretty 👍

No you're not, your paying for completely remodeled cars with improved sounds and physics that you can actually drive and not just a autovista version.

Reading comprehension: I suggest you try it.

Nope that's basically what people are asking for...

Really? So you think they'll never have to update these?

The concept of "future proofing" is a flawed one from the start. There will always be changes; we're just increasingly getting to the point of diminishing returns - hell, some will argue we're already there. And this ignores what I already said; that it's very likely T10 already had higher-quality versions of the models in the game.

Please, teach us.

Just so we're clear, you're now saying the FM4 models aren't accurate, in general? I'm curious.

Are we honestly going back to the conspiracy theory that Microsoft has been sitting on these models already created?

If you've played both Forza 4 and 5 extensively you would know that the quality difference in the cars is immense.

My bet is you're right. I've been told that some of the cars have the exact same paint glitches they've always had since FM2. How you have the same paint glitches in entirely new model? You don't. You're just upping the to higher quality version that was always there. Soooo glad I skipped this one...first Forza I've ever skipped and I will likely not return unless there is a serious change in direction at the top.

Meanwhile....Cha-Ching goes Greenbucks.:sly:

Spoken like someone who has never even played the game... which you openly admit funny enough...

Also paint glitches with be the result of textures and not models and the textures and the way paint and materials even work now are completely different from past versions of the game.

What's even more ridiculous is that I'm more than positive T10 said Autovista cars were practically next-gen ready, and that the Autovista system was just a big test bed to see how detailed the cars could be in the future. So if this is the case, why did we have to buy the Reventon? Where are the other Autovista cars, like the CCX, the DeLorean or the Spyker?

Actually no they didn't say that.

They said Autovista models were prototypes for Forza 5 car models but still were not up to the quality wanted in Forza 5 so they weren't ported over.
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Give it a rest, really.

When you begin purchasing my games and whatever DLC then and only then can you dictate what I can and cannot dislike.

If that's too much for you, then guess what, too damn bad.

What the Reventon has is a spoiler that can be set up or down, but it's not active (which means that it doesn't automatically rise past certain speed). Since the game doesn't allow to fix the spoiler of a car in the position you prefer, they chose to model the car with the spoiler lowered. GT6 did the same.

As for this, thanks for the correction. But then I wonder why it's not in the 'always active' positioning like the Venom GT is.

@McLaren I'm all confused now. :lol: So it is active like I originally thought?
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MC12 for me & that's it. I can live without the Z8, FF, & 33 Stradale.
What the Reventon has is a spoiler that can be set up or down, but it's not active (which means that it doesn't automatically rise past certain speed). Since the game doesn't allow to fix the spoiler of a car in the position you prefer, they chose to model the car with the spoiler lowered. GT6 did the same.
That's incorrect. It deploys at 80mph just like the Murcielago's. Go to 1:38 & you can see it rise.

The muscle behind the Reventón Roadster is a massive 6.5-liter V-12 rated at 670 bhp and 487 lb.-ft. of torque. This is enough to propel the car from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in 3.4 sec, and to a top speed of 205 mph. To help with stability at high speeds, a rear spoiler deploys at 80 mph for increased downforce. At speeds of 136 mph or above, the spoiler will change to a higher angle of attack to further enhance grip.

Read more: http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-sho...0-lamborghini-reventon-roadster#ixzz2rwSHK9gw
Give it a rest, really.

When you begin purchasing my games and whatever DLC then and only then can you dictate what I can and cannot dislike.

Give it a rest? This is a forum isn't it?

I'm only expressing my own opinion on the matter...

I guess I can repeat what you've said.

"If that's too much for you, then guess what, too damn bad."
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@McLaren I'm all confused now. :lol: So it is active like I originally thought?
You were correct. You know the car is based on the Murcielago & that car's spoiler deployed at 80mph to increase downforce. The Reventon would naturally adopt the same basic characteristics meaning it too would need an active spoiler to create more downforce. The only difference is it creates more because the body is longer allowing for a larger spoiler.
Where is everyone yelling about NFS games having the same cars or tracks?

Where is everyone yelling about GT reselling you the same cars with every new version of the game?

Explain to me the thought process when you wrote this. I'm genuinely intrigued in how you possibly think content being sold with the game at the time of its original release is at all related to content that comes off as blatant rehashes being sold after the fact.

Screaming at the top of your lungs "it's new!" "it's new!" isn't going to change the fact that some of these vehicles suffer from the same livery editor bugs that their previous generation counterparts suffered from. So, is that not a reason to believe that they are not in fact new, or am I supposed to believe that somehow Turn 10 and their modeling affiliates somehow made the exact same mistakes twice, perhaps even three times over?

Because if that's truly the case I'm less likely to buy future DLC than I already was.
Spoken like someone who has never even played the game... which you openly admit funny enough...

Who says I haven't played it? I haven't been a sucker enough to actually buy it. But it's been played enough to know the supposed quantum leap in physics wasn't really all that much, and it wasn't that much better looking than FM4. Trusted sources (not you) have told me how the paint glitches are still in the same places on the same cars. You want to make excuses for your supposed next gen remodelled cars then be my guest. I'm still betting with SlipZtrEm that they aren't new models at all.

And of course, I'm sure you've played lots of GT6 with the paragraphs of stuff you just wrote about it...right?
I think that's Spa. Stop at 0:59
At first I thought you were right on, but I decided to go check it out and it's definitely NOT Spa!

I'm starting to suspect that they might be showing us the Ring.

...and it wasn't that much better looking than FM4.
Said no one ever that actually spent time playing.
At first I thought you were right on, but I decided to go check it out and it's definitely NOT Spa!

I'm starting to suspect that they might be showing us the Ring.
I think it is the ring, too. Looks like Döttinger Höhe or something similar. On neogaf HeliosT10 said something that could be related to a new track, in my opinion.
Feb's shaping up to be a good month for Forza 5 fans :)

@ mods
Can i post neogaf links?
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I see no reason why not, unless you're linking to things you're not supposed to. :P
Explain to me the thought process when you wrote this. I'm genuinely intrigued in how you possibly think content being sold with the game at the time of its original release is at all related to content that comes off as blatant rehashes being sold after the fact.

Screaming at the top of your lungs "it's new!" "it's new!" isn't going to change the fact that some of these vehicles suffer from the same livery editor bugs that their previous generation counterparts suffered from. So, is that not a reason to believe that they are not in fact new, or am I supposed to believe that somehow Turn 10 and their modeling affiliates somehow made the exact same mistakes twice, perhaps even three times over?

Because if that's truly the case I'm less likely to buy future DLC than I already was.

Is this a joke?

You're complaining about them rebuilding content that was featured in previous titles right?

Yet games like NFS will do the same thing with a new release when they relaunch the title and you're basically "rebuying" the content in your own definition.

Gran Turismo is a even worse offender as you are rebuying the same exact content you bought in GT4 and GT5.

GT Prologue was even worse as you paid $40 for it than rebought that exact content along with the new and ported GT4 content in GT5 for $60 without any kind of discount at all.

What does it matter if it's DLC or not? Your rebuying the content no matter if you're buying the full game or the DLC for the game.

Livery editor bugs =/= model bugs.

These bugs probably have more to do with the limitations of the livery editor than the models themselves....

Are you kidding me? You're trying to say they didn't rebuild the models because the livery editor has similar glitches? Like I said this has to do with livery editor limitations rather than the model and textures themselves.

At first I thought you were right on, but I decided to go check it out and it's definitely NOT Spa!

I'm starting to suspect that they might be showing us the Ring.

Said no one ever that actually spent time playing.

That is most definitely Nurburgring and not Spa.

Who says I haven't played it? I haven't been a sucker enough to actually buy it. But it's been played enough to know the supposed quantum leap in physics wasn't really all that much, and it wasn't that much better looking than FM4. Trusted sources (not you) have told me how the paint glitches are still in the same places on the same cars. You want to make excuses for your supposed next gen remodelled cars then be my guest. I'm still betting with SlipZtrEm that they aren't new models at all.

And of course, I'm sure you've played lots of GT6 with the paragraphs of stuff you just wrote about it...right?

I don't have to play GT6 to display the opinions I've said, the only thing I'm talking about is the carried over content which is a fact.

The fact that you say the physics aren't a leap and it doesn't look much better just solidifies my opinion that you haven't played it much or played it without a neutral view of the game.

The livery editor's limitations would be responsible for any "paint glitches" and not the models themselves... In fact the glitches still being there isn't surprising considering the livery editor hasn't changed much from past games.
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What? :lol:

According to this self-imposed logic—whatever it may be—you're unwittingly implying that Forza 5 is less of a game than 3 and 4, relative to your GT5: Prologue > GT5 > GT6 comparison as I'm downright positive the content grew between each of those titles, padded numbers or otherwise.

We're done here. Feel free to continue your crusade with someone else please.
What? :lol:

According to this self-imposed logic—whatever it may be—you're unwittingly implying that Forza 5 is less of a game than 3 and 4, relative to your GT5: Prologue > GT5 > GT6 comparison as I'm downright positive the content grew between each of those titles, padded numbers or otherwise.

You asked for a explanation and I gave it to you.

Whether or not the content is in DLC or the initial game you're still rebuying the content. At least when it's DLC you get a choice on whether or not you want to buy that content 'again'.


Content grew in Forza 5 too....

Should it be mentioned that after 7 years GT5 only managed to have around 200 new cars and 800 GT4 ports without interiors and still poor car sounds? Also some of those 200 new cars were rebuilt models of the 800 GT4 cars and had repeats like the Ford GT.

It's insanely hypocritical to defend the porting of exact content through three games yet complain about rebuilt and upgraded cars(including sounds, interiors, exteriors and physics) that you have the option to purchase or not and won't stop you from playing or enjoying the initial title.


Aren't you the one that started this "crusade"?
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