- 3,051
- Massachusetts
- GBO-Possum
I'm married to one, and it's a wonderful gift!
I'm married to one, and it's a wonderful gift!
But isn't everything you say there implicitly accepting a perceived difference enforced by society?
You think it's unnatural for a man to have a female icon for example, that in itself is very telling.
Source, please.
Yes, it's unnatural for a man to have female icons as role models to put it specifically. We've probably evolved to model ourselves on the most successful men closest to us in order to get more and better lays to put it crudely. As comparable professionals in driving, if you were an aspiring rally driver, would you want to be able to drive like Michelle Mouton or Markku Alen? Even Miriam Clegg (nee Gonzalez!) said the other day that there was a shortage of suitable women available to inspire girls from state schools on how to get on in a career.
Female car enthusiasts. We're few and far between. But why? Why is the automotive industry a male dominanted environment? Why are car girls seen as 'rare breeds'? Why is it surprising to find a girl genuinely interested in cars?
This article written by Speedhunters writer Taryn Croucher made me think about it. Whenever a girl who likes cars bursts on to the scene, everyone usually freaks out. I've had it a lot. Guys are intrigued, some instantaneously decide to hit on you, some back away in fear of being in the presence of an actual girl who actually likes cars. But why is this so? And why, in this day and age where sexism appears to be a thing of the past, are girls still treated differently in the automotive world?
Is it because girls are seen as 'weak', and 'don't want to get their nails dirty'? Why are we called 'female car enthusiasts' instead of just car enthusiasts? You guys don't call yourselves a 'male car enthusiast', do you? You just automatically presume a car enthusiast is male. Is it because parents are bringing up their children to fit in with the gender stereotype? It seems only girls with car-related backgrounds turn out to be car girls. How can we get more girls interested in these exciting, loud, spine-tingling metallic monsters of pure joy? How can we make the car scene a more female friendly environment?
It's alive and well.
A lot of people, feminists especially, argue against gender roles that society has historically placed on both males and females. Men are supposed to be strong, tough and emotionally stable while women are supposed to be caring, empathetic and emotionally expressive. Supposedly those are roles that society came up with over time and they're getting tired of it.
But what does society have to say about the fact that male humans are and generally have been larger, stronger and tougher than females since prehistoric times? It's hard to know how prehistoric humans dealt with emotions but we do know that it was the males who usually went hunting and did the scary stuff that could get you killed.
You need to be strong and emotionally stable for such tasks. Women had other roles to play in prehistoric society which were just as important and required a different set of skills.
As far as I can tell, these natural roles have persisted throughout time. I'm not exactly sure why these anti-gender role/equality/feminist people are so upset about that.
Women certainly can do anything men can do and vice versa, but as it happens neither of us are as good at doing the other's jobs as they are.
So how about instead of bitching we just focus on what we do best and get on with it. This is when they'd all call me an asshole because of course men are assholes - and yet they still want the D. Being an asshole ain't half bad sometimes, ya know.
My point is that when women do things that women don't usually do, it gets noticed. Likewise, when men do things men don't usually do it also gets noticed. Not many women are car girls and not many guys are cheer leaders, you feel me. Sometimes girls actually shun other girls for doing guy things - they'll call them sluts or whatever. Just because they hang out with dudes. Guys will make fun of cheer leaders and call them fags and whatnot.
The only difference is that we men don't actually mean it. You girls are brutal to each other.
In my opinion, if these people want to find the root of the problem they should study females, not males. Men simply don't care enough to instigate stupid problems like this - we've got work to do. But I guess that's just me being an asshole, isn't it.
EDIT: There's also the fact that some car girls are less car girls and more the car community whore. I know a couple of them. Unfortunately, I haven't had the pleasure because that's not really my style. But I would.
Having female role models for girls isn't the same as gender exclusivity in inspiration though, is it? Were people like Amy Johnson, Florence Nightingale, Margaret Thatcher never inspirational to you when you read of the things they did? They were to me (even if I didn't agree with their personal views on some things). That had nothing to do with them being women (or not being men).
The nature of society has given us more successful male figures than female but that too has nothing to do with the suitability of a role model.
Is it more likely that a boy will have a male role model in a particular area/subject? Yes. Is it unnatural if his role model is female? No, of course not.
What the hell is this supposed to mean? Do you honestly think there is a moral issue with the fact that not many women are fire fighters? News flash: There isn't....society has reached a point where it's ok to discuss equality - it's so ok, in fact, that women are now allowed to vote and won't be prosecuted for speaking their mind!
The professions you just mentioned are all dominated by men. That's funny. So let me ask your opinion. Why do you think few women either excel at or are involved with operating cars, building skyscrapers or manufacturing transistors?So? Prehistoric humans also couldn't operate cars, build skyscrapers or manufacture transistors smaller than virus cells. Times have changed ever so subtly since then.
I have. My ex-girlfriend. The reason we broke up is because she proposed an argument just like you have here which appears to be focused on arguing for argument's sake rather than asking and answering the question, "Why?"You've never met a strong and emotionally stable woman, have you? You've probably also never met an emotionally intelligent, caring man, either.
I didn't say it has to be that way. I think instead of proposing gender equality as a problem which must be faced, you should ask yourself if gender equality is a problem at all. I know female fire fighters. I know female engineers. Female scientists. I know real car girls. Women can do anything of these things. I don't see a problem necessarily. What I see is that more men than women do these things. I also see some people, yourself included, getting really upset about that fact and I don't understand why. I mean, if it doesn't have to be the way it currently is, does it actually have to be any other way? Does there have to be as many female engineers as there are male? Does there have to be more? What is the correct balance? Who will set this arbitrary limit? What is equality, even?Because it doesn't have to be that way. The whole 'being human' thing has allowed us to navigate around how we've evolved with intelligence and sophistication - humans couldn't fly before, we can now. They weren't designed to eat meat, but we do, daily. We weren't supposed to be able to burrow underground, travel into space, harvest solar energy, make weapons that could eradicate entire cities or even be able to throw a spear beyond a few tens of metres - we can now kill a single man from the other side of the world if we want. Is gender equality really so impossible in the face of all that?
I never said they couldn't and both of those things occur in our society. My point still stands that males and females excel at different things. Yourself and others seem, at least to my eyes, to see this as a problem. I don't see it as the problem. The problem I see is that people are uncomfortable with the fact that males and females excel at different things.This may be true, but just because a woman would naturally be a better single parent than a man, does that mean a man should never be able to take custody of his kids in the event of a break up or divorce? Because a man is naturally better suited to front line combat, can a woman never be a combat soldier?
Developing as a species is fine. Let it happen. Why must we force the issue by trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist? How does having 50% male and 50% female engineers develop us as a species, as opposed to merely meeting an arbitrary quota developed by a person who believes equality means to have everybody be just as good at doing everything as everybody else?Hey, instead of developing as a species why don't we just carry on hunting for berries, the odd boar and survive one day to the next without hygiene, healthcare, language, intelligence and all those other great things we've picked up in the last... 160,000 years?
I don't believe it is entirely social as I've eluded to several times already and you seem to have missed with your next point. I believe our social norms are influenced by natural tendencies. While some things aren't helpful at all, teasing in particular, I don't think they're entirely social constructs.Why do you think this is? Because of how we've evolved? Because of our genetic programming? Please. It's because children are taught at an early age what it means to be a man - blue, construction toys, robots, guns, aliens, cowboys - and what it means to be a woman - pink, dolls, nursing, making cakes, horses. Humans are, however, instinctively afraid of anything that differs from the norm (hence sexism, racism, xenophobia, 'my sports team is so much better than yours that I'll punch you in the face for supporting them', religious wars and all that good stuff that we now condemn because we're smart enough to see that it's unnecessary), but in this case the norm is an entirely social invention.
But they did have hunting, gathering, nurturing of children, building of fires, defending of villages, etc. The men hunted. The women nurtured. Were their differing roles purely social constructs like you suggest? Of course not. We see such roles throughout the animal kingdom. Occasionally the roles are reversed completely but the fact remains that there are differing roles for each gender. Certain human beings are the only animals on the planet who seem to have a problem with that. I think it makes for good teamwork, myself, but maybe I'm just a ****ing caveman.Cavemen didn't have cars, cheerleading or any of the stuff I listed as stereotypically male/female pursuits, after all.
Do that, then. @FoolKiller tried it. And his result is what you just said - his daughter wanted to do girly things. Why? Why do these equality fanatics think there is a problem with that? Why do they want to force women to be men and men to be women? I don't get it.The only way this will ever change is if we raise our own kids so that there is no distinction any more, I know I'll be giving my hypothetical daughters Lego sets, Arduinos and I'll teach them maths and engineering until they say 'look, dad, no offence but this is all crap and we'd honestly rather just play with dolls and look at horses'. I won't default to dolls and horses, though.
I got laid the other day so I must be doing something right.Charming as ever, Keef. You're such a man.
Car girls are hot.
Just sayin'.
And she in no way skipped any school just to go to Le Mans.I like cars. My eldest daughter likes cars.
Do that, then. @FoolKiller tried it. And his result is what you just said - his daughter wanted to do girly things. Why? Why do these equality fanatics think there is a problem with that? Why do they want to force women to be men and men to be women? I don't get it.
Because wallets. Guys aren't pressured to look good the way women are so we don't have things like makeup and whatnot that necessitates a bag.I once received a question from a female friend, "Why do guys like cars and girls like handbags?"
I could never understand that. Math was a tool to achieve understating of my interests, but enjoyment of it I just never understood. My friend's wife is an accountant who loves tax season. She is also the blood sucking vampire that took the life out of my friend and only allows me to borrow him for one race weekend a year.She is however most interested in maths
My daughter is the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl who has the boys hugging on her and making daddy want a gun just so he can be cleaning it when she starts dating. She always has been.It's a strange one and it could be the green-eyed monster amongst those that weren't blessed with Alpha female femininity and attractiveness to bag their Knight in shining armour. Let's admit it, these are by far the most attractive to most men and even more so when bright and bubbly.
What the hell is this supposed to mean? Do you honestly think there is a moral issue with the fact that not many women are fire fighters? News flash: There isn't.
The professions you just mentioned are all dominated by men. That's funny. So let me ask your opinion. Why do you think few women either excel at or are involved with operating cars, building skyscrapers or manufacturing transistors?
I'd hazard that it's because women don't really give a rat's ass about operating cars, building skyscrapers or manufacturing transistors. I think most women - probably not the ones on a computer-based internet forum about cars and video games, mind you - would probably agree. Why?
I have. My ex-girlfriend. The reason we broke up is because she proposed an argument just like you have here which appears to be focused on arguing for argument's sake rather than asking and answering the question, "Why?"
I didn't say it has to be that way. I think instead of proposing gender equality as a problem which must be faced, you should ask yourself if gender equality is a problem at all. I know female fire fighters. I know female engineers. Female scientists. I know real car girls. Women can do anything of these things. I don't see a problem necessarily. What I see is that more men than women do these things. I also see some people, yourself included, getting really upset about that fact and I don't understand why. I mean, if it doesn't have to be the way it currently is, does it actually have to be any other way? Does there have to be as many female engineers as there are male? Does there have to be more? What is the correct balance? Who will set this arbitrary limit? What is equality, even?
Let me propose this question to you. What does gender equality mean to you?
I never said they couldn't and both of those things occur in our society. My point still stands that males and females excel at different things. Yourself and others seem, at least to my eyes, to see this as a problem. I don't see it as the problem. The problem I see is that people are uncomfortable with the fact that males and females excel at different things.
Isn't humanity supposed to work together as a team for the betterment of the species? If so, does it not make sense that people should focus on what they're good at?
It's like a sports team. You don't put your best pitcher first on your batting rotation because pitchers suck at batting. That's usually the way it is. Is the fact that most pitchers suck at batting a problem? No. It doesn't need to be fixed. They play their role and all the rest of the team members play theirs. In the end, it all works like a finely oiled machine. There is nothing inherently wrong with roles, yet many believe believe there is, particularly when it comes to gender.
Developing as a species is fine. Let it happen. Why must we force the issue by trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist? How does having 50% male and 50% female engineers develop us as a species, as opposed to merely meeting an arbitrary quota developed by a person who believes equality means to have everybody be just as good at doing everything as everybody else?
I don't believe it is entirely social as I've eluded to several times already and you seem to have missed with your next point. I believe our social norms are influenced by natural tendencies. While some things aren't helpful at all, teasing in particular, I don't think they're entirely social constructs.
But they did have hunting, gathering, nurturing of children, building of fires, defending of villages, etc. The men hunted. The women nurtured. Were their differing roles purely social constructs like you suggest? Of course not. We see such roles throughout the animal kingdom. Occasionally the roles are reversed completely but the fact remains that there are differing roles for each gender. Certain human beings are the only animals on the planet who seem to have a problem with that. I think it makes for good teamwork, myself, but maybe I'm just a ****ing caveman.
Do that, then. @FoolKiller tried it. And his result is what you just said - his daughter wanted to do girly things. Why? Why do these equality fanatics think there is a problem with that? Why do they want to force women to be men and men to be women? I don't get it.
I got laid the other day so I must be doing something right.
That's perfectly fine because it's a really good post.Edit: Bloody hell. This must be my longest post ever.
I think another test of how we see femininity is in how girls react to Anna vs Elsa in Frozen. Elsa spends half the movie being the villain of her own story. She threatens to destroy the entire kingdom and creates monsters. She should be scary. But the toys hit the shelf and Elsa stuff was impossible to find. Anna stuff was always available. Every kid I have asked why they like Elsa more say she is pretty. Make a non-traditional female character who is the hero and the youngest kids don't care when they have the leggy blonde princess instead.
Who wants to guess why Brave slid under the radar?
First of all, I mentioned up until she was two, because that was when we put her in daycare. That was when the obvious outside influences were out of our direct control for portions of the day.Why did @FoolKiller's daughter want to do girly things? I don't know, but I somehow doubt she was isolated from society and just thought 'hey, dad, I want to play with dolls'. Maybe girls at school asked what kind of dolls she played with, maybe she was laughed at when she said 'I play with Lego' - I don't know what happened and obviously I'd never presume to.
I do. Because I'm the parent. End. Of. Story. It is the exact same reason why my parents were informed that my kids will not be around a smoker and they will not visit homes where someone smokes indoors. They tried to argue and I hit them with, "My child. My rules."I'm not saying there was no way it was entirely due to the fact that she's a girl and naturally wants to do girly things, but it strikes me as unlikely that society didn't have any influence. It's that influence that I disagree with, because who decides what that influence should be, and why?
As did I. I kind of forced it on my daughter, holding her through the "scary bear" scenes. She has a toy Merida bow and arrow set that she is hopeless with and I make stick to the wall (suction cup) every time. She has friends over and wants me to show off how I can shoot it.Also I really liked Brave
Let's turn this around a bit. What if she said she wanted to play with cars (and she still does some)? What would that mean?
I do. Because I'm the parent. End. Of. Story. It is the exact same reason why my parents were informed that my kids will not be around a smoker and they will not visit homes where someone smokes indoors. They tried to argue and I hit them with, "My child. My rules."
But let me throw you for a loop.
Ask her what she wants to be when she gets older and she will say firefight. If you ask about being a princess she will tell you she is a princess now, but she will be a firefighter when she gets older.
I think it is right to wonder why people act surprised when a female is a car enthusiast. I also think it is wrong to think that there is something wrong with traditional female and interests being pursued by females. Why act like a female who doesn't want to do the job her father or husband does is a victim? If she is happy then she doesn't need to overcome anything. This weird crusade of wanting women to be more like men is actually kind of disturbing. It gets treated like a girl shouldn't like dolls and when she does it is a problem that we need to blame someone for. We have no way of knowing who does or doesn't like dolls, but any time someone tries to give an example of where a girl showed a natural tendency to do so the immediate response is, 'society did it.' Maybe she just likes dolls and that person is being judgmental.
Why did @FoolKiller's daughter want to do girly things? I don't know, but I somehow doubt she was isolated from society and just thought 'hey, dad, I want to play with dolls'. Maybe girls at school asked what kind of dolls she played with, maybe she was laughed at when she said 'I play with Lego' - I don't know what happened and obviously I'd never presume to. I'm not saying there was no way it was entirely due to the fact that she's a girl and naturally wants to do girly things, but it strikes me as unlikely that society didn't have any influence. It's that influence that I disagree with, because who decides what that influence should be, and why?
I can see where you're coming from, but I think you might actually be taking things out of proportion a little. Yes, there is societal influence and yes it tends to favor "the norm", but there is a difference between active conditioning and observation. While many ads, movies, etc will imply that a girl will like pink/dolls/gossip it's not actually trying to force that rule on anyone. The ads and movies are mirroring reality to a degree. As a parent you'd want to make sure your children don't read into things that aren't there or don't wrongly conclude that something may be wrong with them for being different. You shouldn't try to shut them off from society though, that can be just as damaging. The influence itself isn't something that is managed by anyone, it emerges naturally.
When it comes to evaluating a specific case, it's also important to look at each case as a specific one. Foolkiller's daughter just happens to like "girly" things. The world might be full of stereotypes, but those stereotypes are sometimes based in reality to a degree. Statistically, a girl would like things that many girls like. This is not an absolute rule though, and some girls will grow up without associating to things typical of their gender. Some friends I grew up with were never into the usual girl stuff. The same goes for some members of my family which tends to conform to the stereotype behavior strongly in some cases. If people are going against the stereotypes, then the influence of society is not by itself a determining factor. That works in both directions.
Seems like?I just had a brief look at that "Black Dragon Blog", the author seems like a typical pick-up artist.
Seems like?
Same here, especially when others notice my brummie accent and ask "You support Villa or City?" I'm usually greeted with a look of thinly veiled disgust, when i tell them i support neither.I had a pretty hard time when I was younger because I hated football. Society apparently wanted me to like football - kids would play football, trade football stickers, talk about whatever team beating the other team - but my family never had any interest in it so I guess it didn't 'take' because I didn't have a dad who was into it. I still don't like football and I still feel like I'm regarded as weird by other men for it, even though there are plenty of people like me.