Some background info, most women in the company i work are working based on part-time contracts(By their own choice). Mostly 50-70%. The promotion would mean they would have to go to >80%. Plus they would have to work later shifts. They mostly don't want this and cherish their free time. (This goes for women with and without children in my line of work.)
And you know all of this about these women specifically because?
Or are these just assumptions you have made based on (at best) anecdotal evidence that you have then generalized to all working women?
In the last promotional round there were 5 spots left in the management team. And quite a view men(>30) and 6 women tried to get the positions. The 5 slots were filled with 5 women, because of the quotum. We all knew these persons male and female. And the 5 choosen were not the strongest ones among all participants.
So you were part of the interview process in this?
I didn't say most women can't be managers.
Actually by generalizing in the manner you did that is exactly what you infered.
But if you put every one that wants a position into that position despite having better males around. You won't get the best management team. This goes for all jobs in wich females are present in a much smaller number than males. If you have to pick the management out of both sexes for 50% the females won't be the strongest options. Pure based on the size of the pool you get them out. I never hear about the quotum in female orientated jobs, were males get promoted despite being present in much smaller numbers, or less qualified.
I've already said that I don't agree with affermative action, so I'm not sure quite why you are still going on about it.
I used the gay identification as a lot of male models are gay, as are male ballet dancers. So you got a certain type of 'character' in the newest clothes. I don't say they all are, but the percentage is above average i think. Not trying to offend anyone. I have nothing against gay people (i work with a lot of them on a daily basis).
Define gay character?
Oh and while you are at it then explain to me why a model or a dancer being gay matters to this at all?
Models don't design clothes, ballet dancers don't write ballets; as such their sexuality makes no difference to this at all.
I just would like to see we can agree that there are differences between man and woman and that we can appreciate the strong points of both. As i feel that because of marketing and these 'positive'discrimination rules we are putting a lot of stress on the young ones to be more of a homogeneos species. Were the distinction between the sexes are being leveled.
The problem that's not what you are doing at all, what you are calling for is not a level playing field at all, its a maintenance of the status-quo, a status-quo that is still discriminates against women in terms of both potential and earnings.
I suppose I should have said related to the paper.
No in future you will make sure that you are both accurate in your citations and you provide sources, the AUP is quite clear regarding this manner.
I have to say it still strikes me as rather odd that you managed to attribute a quote to a source that clearly doesn't contain it and quite clear comes from a totally different source. It took me all of 30 seconds on Google to unearth that.
As such your reason for this occurring was either an attempt to attribute greater weight to this claim that it warranted or you were simply being incredibly lazy and/or inept. Either way its not a good way to post here at GT Planet.
What's interesting is the effect it's had on the blogger was the same effect it had on me in the workplace.
What, that western living is toxic to women because it makes it harder for you to get them to sleep with you?
There were a couple of female engineers learning the ropes with two different attitudes; one very bright, capable, but still feminine and at ease, whilst the other not as capable and full of anger. Myself and others felt compelled to help and treat both the same particularly because they're in a male environment and it's interesting how the very reactionary attitude of the latter where you couldn't say boo without there being some 'sexism' in it just makes you say to yourself "you're on your own love, get on with it". Not to mention the ingratitude too.
From observation, those that maintained the feminine traits seemed to fit in very well because they behaved the way men like women to behave, whilst at the same time they weren't compromised from being able to get promotion either.
Ah I see now.
So if a women doesn't fit into your pre-existing, narrowly defined idea of what a women should be then if she asks to be treated differently then its her fault.
To be honest your own comment of "you're on your own love, get on with it" pretty much sums it up, and I thought my own industry (automotive) still had its share of '70s dinosaurs.