
Well, I guess this is as good a place as any for this:


McGowan's thoughts on a big, blue, immortal guy strangling a blue shapeshifting woman:
It's not the outrage over the supposed injustice or triggering or whatever the problem is with the image that bothers me. In this day and age it's not hard to find someone, somewhere is going to be offended by everything. It's the apology that follows that bothers me the most.
It probably wouldn't have been such a big deal if they featured other stills with a similar theme.

As it is, I think it is a bit overblown. The film is full of violence against women. And men. And children. And random broken limbs, slashed jugulars and whatnot. Frankly, it's a pretty brutal movie that I'm sorry I actually brought my kids to.

It probably wouldn't have been such a big deal if they featured other stills with a similar theme.

As it is, I think it is a bit overblown. The film is full of violence against women. And men. And children. And random broken limbs, slashed jugulars and whatnot. Frankly, it's a pretty brutal movie that I'm sorry I actually brought my kids to.
I'm sure it would have been a big deal regardless, the SJW's have to find something wrong or they have no reason to exist. If that had been the only violence in the movie and she was thrown around like a rag doll for a few minutes while screaming, "Oh I'm a helpless mutant girl, can some big strong mutant man or maybe Jason Statham come and save me? Oh dear, what will I do", I could see where they might have something to crow about. Without seeing it or reading any reviews I am fairly confident that lots of male and female mutants and non-mutants experience varying levels of violent attention throughout the movie.
If that had been the only violence in the movie and she was thrown around like a rag doll for a few minutes while screaming, "Oh I'm a helpless mutant girl, can some big strong mutant man or maybe Jason Statham come and save me? Oh dear, what will I do"

I quite agree.

SJW's have to find something wrong or they have no reason to exist.

Yawn. Thankfully the film didn't put people in sad little boxes, from what I read it was equally violent to all.
If that had been the only violence in the movie and she was thrown around like a rag doll for a few minutes while screaming, "Oh I'm a helpless mutant girl, can some big strong mutant man or maybe Jason Statham come and save me? Oh dear, what will I do", I could see where they might have something to crow about.

Nope, it's fine for a movie to have a weak female character. It's sexist to pretend that it's not ok for a woman to be weak. The same would be true for men.
We all just have to remember that it's OK for:

A man to strangle another man.
A woman to strangle another woman.
A woman to strangle a man.

But not a man to strangle a woman? I mean, I get the first reflex that someone who is serious about women's rights has that might lead to that reaction. But at some point they have to realise that if everyone is equal then this is going to happen some of the time. It seems to me like the people who find this offensive aren't really for equality, they're against anything that might demonstrate power over a woman. Which isn't the same.

And of all the things, they complain about Mystique (one of the most aggressive, dominant, self-motivated and controlling characters in the movies) getting thrashed by Apocalypse (a character whose basic design is "should be able to kick the 🤬 out of anyone without breaking a sweat")?

Negro, please.
It's kinda like the feminist who thinks she's tough enough to punch a man, then cry abuse when he jacks her back. They want equal treatment until the negative side of that equal treatment happens. Where were those loud mouths decrying foul here, when a poster was made showing the big russain chick choking out the metal dude in Deadpool? Like most things feminist (and I argue, most "groups" like this) it's two faced as hell.
So you don't have an example of a self proclaimed " feminist" who thinks she tough and punches men, you just have a video of drunk college girls and inner city girls acting like idiots.
OK then.
And are outter city girls some how better than inner city? Kinda the vibe I'm getting from that comment.
How does who post it change the content?
"The red pill" is a group of men who believe they have taken a metaphorical red pill and woken up from Matrix style indoctrination about women and their behaviour, believing it's an open secret that women are illogical and irrational, hold the true power in society, but are catered to by the feminist controlled society because it puts women on a pedestal. This means we should be wary of a video they created showing clips edited together to present women as hypocritical. Think critically about the media you consume, and why people are skeptical of the source of your evidence for a made up caricature of a feminist "who thinks she's tough enough to punch a man".
"The red pill" is a group of men who believe they have taken a metaphorical red pill and woken up from Matrix style indoctrination about women and their behaviour, believing it's an open secret that women are illogical and irrational, hold the true power in society, but are catered to by the feminist controlled society because it puts women on a pedestal. This means we should be wary of a video they created showing clips edited together to present women as hypocritical. Think critically about the media you consume, and why people are skeptical of the source of your evidence for a made up caricature of a feminist "who thinks she's tough enough to punch a man".
My critical thinking skills are just fine. To think this group had to try hard to piece together a victim badge video is laughable. Watching videos by Anita Sarkeesian, Laci Green or Suey Park, etc. and using critical thinking skills I came to the conclusion that many so-called feminists are simply professional victims. I'm not saying there aren't good ones. There are, but I feel a good number mirror the three mentioned above, they don't want equal rights, they want special privilege.
Following all the deserved hate that Rapist Brock Turner is getting, so-called "red pill" weirdoes easily qualify as "professional victims".
I wouldn't know, I don't associate with them. They just had a relevant video to share. I also fail to see how a rapist getting a light sentence due to his sporting accolades holds any weight the red pill people waving a victim flag. As far as I can tell, they stand against thebso called "feminazi" types, the "feminists" like the ones mentioned in my last post. I sure didn't see them saying a thing about Turner, his case, or that rape is right under any circumstance.
I wouldn't know, I don't associate with them. They just had a relevant video to share. I also fail to see how a rapist getting a light sentence due to his sporting accolades holds any weight the red pill people waving a victim flag. As far as I can tell, they stand against thebso called "feminazi" types, the "feminists" like the ones mentioned in my last post. I sure didn't see them saying a thing about Turner, his case, or that rape is right under any circumstance.
First of all, are you familiar with the "red pill" movement? They call themselves that because they see themselves as "awakened" to what they see as the "true nature" of women, i.e. intellectually immature, emotional and manipulative, which they see as polar opposites to their own ideal of masculinity. It arose out of "pick-up artist" culture, as a way of (for want of better words) keeping women under their control.

As for why I mentioned the rapist Brock Turner in relation to that movement, it's because they don't exactly take an enlightened view of asking someone for their consent before partaking in sexual acts with them.
NSFW/L for the following links, which are comments made by "endorsed contributors" of the "red pill" subreddit:
Exhibit A - "Women are sexual objects"
Exhibit B - "Like I give a 🤬 what the legal definition of rape is"
Exhibit C - "She already said "I do" [when asked if every occasion of sex within a marriage is automatically consensual]"
Exhibit D - Another "all sex acts within marriage are automatically consensual" post
Exhibit E - Sleeping girls are A-OK for having sex with

I'm no fan of man-hating "feminazis", I'm far, far less of a fan of these "red pill" arseholes.
First of all, are you familiar with the "red pill" movement? They call themselves that because they see themselves as "awakened" to what they see as the "true nature" of women, i.e. intellectually immature, emotional and manipulative, which they see as polar opposites to their own ideal of masculinity. It arose out of "pick-up artist" culture, as a way of (for want of better words) keeping women under their control.

As for why I mentioned the rapist Brock Turner in relation to that movement, it's because they don't exactly take an enlightened view of asking someone for their consent before partaking in sexual acts with them.
NSFW/L for the following links, which are comments made by "endorsed contributors" of the "red pill" subreddit:
Exhibit A - "Women are sexual objects"
Exhibit B - "Like I give a 🤬 what the legal definition of rape is"
Exhibit C - "She already said "I do" [when asked if every occasion of sex within a marriage is automatically consensual]"
Exhibit D - Another "all sex acts within marriage are automatically consensual" post
Exhibit E - Sleeping girls are A-OK for having sex with

I'm no fan of man-hating "feminazis", I'm far, far less of a fan of these "red pill" arseholes.
Thanks for the info. I had no idea they where such a group. I thought them more aligned to someone such as Thunderf00t in thinking. Duely noted.

Surely if they were asking to be socially, sexually and financially dominant for the next 1000 years then that would be equality?
Is that really how equality should work, by granting special privilege on past transgressions? I don't buy that philosophy at all. That doesn't mean I don't understand and lack empathy for the climate that created these groups and organizations. I just don't think you fix inequality with extra rights.
Is that really how equality should work, by granting special privilege on past transgressions? I don't buy that philosophy at all. That doesn't mean I don't understand and lack empathy for the climate that created these groups and organizations. I just don't think you fix inequality with extra rights.

Of course not, I was mostly being facetious. However... it is ironic that there are groups of men who kick back against the seeing that some women seem to want extra rights as if the very idea of sexual inequality has suddenly become heinous.
We all just have to remember that it's OK for:

A man to strangle another man.
A woman to strangle another woman.
A woman to strangle a man.

I love the fact that in the movie Deadpool, Deadpool himself when fighting against a woman states "is it oppression if i kill you...or if i don't? it's confusing..."

BTW above all the things that had been said about man choking a woman, in context, we're talking about a VILLAIN doing VILLAIN THINGS.
Wasn't that sort of the point of feminism?

No, the point was about equality. What I was trying to say was that some men, despite their sex having enjoyed enormous socio-political advantages for a 1000-or-so years, are terrified of the idea that some women want (in their view) to have more advantages then men. Suddenly the argument is about exact equality despite those men not being prepared to practice it in their current situation.
No, the point was about equality. What I was trying to say was that some men, despite their sex having enjoyed enormous socio-political advantages for a 1000-or-so years, are terrified of the idea that some women want (in their view) to have more advantages then men. Suddenly the argument is about exact equality despite those men not being prepared to practice it in their current situation.

Do those enormous advantages include immortality if they've had them for a 1000-or-so years?
No, the point was about equality. What I was trying to say was that some men, despite their sex having enjoyed enormous socio-political advantages for a 1000-or-so years, are terrified of the idea that some women want (in their view) to have more advantages then men. Suddenly the argument is about exact equality despite those men not being prepared to practice it in their current situation.
Let's be straight here, thanks to religion, men have had the advantage over women for far longer than 1000 years. However, every area and walk of life at some point in history has been both the advantaged, and disadvantaged.
That said, it's not fear, at least on my behalf. We don't stop the cycle if one group takes more rights than another group. That just creates more inequality. It's also a tad hypocritical to fight for equal rights by demanding special rights.