Cargo, you're not as passive or subtle as you think

I'm not quite sure you played pre-hotfix either, by the sounds of things. The detail was unbelievable. It is a stupid game and I was sitting there with big grin on my face the first time I used the wheel, before the hotfix. I was speechless. You could feel the grainy-ness of the tarmac and how it differed from one section of a track to another...or on track to another, etc. You could feel TWO different FFBs going on at once; ie the weight shift AND the road texture, not just one or the other as it is again, like pre-1.12. It sucks compared to pre-patch and idk how anyone with a g27 could think otherwise. It was too different worlds from the night before, when everyone was still using 1.11. Right now, you hit a curb and THEN you feel the weight shift. Before the patch, you would hit the curb and feel the weight shift before you even got off of or away from it. IDK how it can even be debated to be honest. It was that much better.
I didn't say you had to, I just don't think that PD should factor Fanatec users and their opinions in where they'll affect people with common to GT6 wheels, to be honest. Let alone supported. People with crap generic wheels aren't complaining...they're unsupported afterall and that would be kind of silly to do so, all things considered. It would be expected, because there is no FFB designed for their wheels. Just like yours, but PD screws with the G27 drivers slightly so fanatecs work so-so. Yes, let's compromise a driver for what has to be no less than 100:1 users, from g27 to fanatec.
I don't understand you being upset that it won't work right, just because yours is expensive, because you bought it, have it, like it, etc. That's what it comes down to with Fanatec owners. "I spent a lot on my wheel or I'm a really serious sim racer (I promise), therefor it should have it's own driver or at least work correctly." LOL. Your wheel works with GT6. It just doesn't work right, like every other unsupported wheel. What's not to understand or swallow? You have no grounds to complain on.
There are very, very few fanatec users in GT6 and for good reason. People don't buy fanatecs to play GT6, which is beyond understandable. Was in a room the other night and some weirdo went off on his rant, because his fanatec is a joke with GT6 at the moment, complaining about Kaz as if all GT players know who he is, etc. My buddy's ten year old generic logitech wheel, which also runs a driver not meant for it, is a joke with GT6 at the moment as well. Both of you are using unsupported wheels and that is your own faults. You either bought the game and then bought and unsupported wheel...or you bought a wheel, knowing the game doesn't support it. Both are amusing. You spent good money on a wheel. Spending money on a good wheel, knowing or being uncertain that it will be unsupported...not our problem or mistake to deal with. That is your own, but it is partially made our for reasons of which I do not understand.
Spend more energy on PD supporting your wheel, than complaining about drivers that are meant for you and yours My g27 is a joke on some sims, but I don't complain, because I expect that. It is not meant for some serious sims to be effective. I don't know how you expect differently on the flip side of things, other than the fact that it is on the other end of the spectrum - not too cheap to be supported, just not supported and it is expensive and that doesn't sit well with fanatec users on GT6.
You're lucky enough that you are able to utilize our drivers and have it at least not be total garbage. They're simply not going to spend time on a g27 driver to make an incredibly small amount of users satisfied enough to play GT6...with another wheel using said driver. That would make no sense. But, they'll dumb down the G27 drivers, so the fanatec is tolerable...sometimes. Which is stupid, as the bad taste you leave in g27 users' mouths is a far greater issue than disgruntled fanatec users, because there are few on GT6 in the first place, as I've said...and that's also common knowledge, obviously.
Don't buy a game that you know your wheel is unsupported on and then complain about the FFB. That makes zero sense. You knew what you were going to get - whatever it was going to be, it wasn't going to be quite right. Sorry, just getting to the point and being honest/realistic. A lot of us bought GT6, knowing that the G27 would be supported and there are a ton of G27 users. We would like our wheels to work and not have the (supported) drivers changed on us, because people with other wheels with their own respective (supported) drivers have issues, dissatisfaction, etc. We have enough problems with supported wheels working correctly. I'm sorry to say it like this, but after spending money on a wheel, building a nice rig, buying sims and GTs and STILL having our own issues with FFB...they shouldn't be giving your wheel a second thought. I know that doesn't sound very nice, but it is frustrating for someone who paid attention, bought what I should, spent time and money on things that I KNOW will work/be compatible...and still not have them work correctly because of people with other wheels, some being unsupported. That is very, very annoying. Part of the reason our torque is weak, is because it would be too much on your wheel, because it is the same data signal going to a more powerful motor (fanatec motor obviously). If it was an electrical signal, that would not be a problem (it would actually be the other way around, like trying to power a large speaker with a small amplifier), but it is a data signal and that causes a problem. The compromise is BS and the hotfix was BS.