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  • Thread starter berty1979
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PB- Dont remember seeing that on GT4 but I only got about 70% of the game done.

Etid- I was just getting you back for pitting me in the practice race :D

The car I sent Spurgy for winning the Indy500. Careful it's difficult to handle with all the power.
Trying to get excited about F1 by watching Brazil. I WISH we were racing that track instead of the insane TM.....Looks like it may rain there. Should be interesting.

I think I gave spurgey a Lancia or something. LOL, the inability to gift expensive cars really ruined it. Ah well.
I hope it does rain, come on Jensen!!!

I gave him an impreza WRC couldnt give him the Zonda I wanted to :(
Bert i shared the targa florio course for the classics. Tell me when your done and ill upload the high speed spa course.
Ok bro, doesnt it work that if you mark it as a favourite I can take it whenever?
I wont get a chance to play it until Tuesday though ok.
Man, I'm always wasted for these FGTC races because I stay up until 2 AM on sat. nights. Wish I could get you guys to change the race time to 1 AM GMT.
Haha, if thats you when you are wasted we dont want to change the time!
Smithaz is the same as you so stimulants must make you faster :lol:

A reminder for everyone.
1. Re-set router where possible.
2. Clear cache in network options.
3. If you are about to be lapped remember to yield at the FIRST available opportunity and not to re overtake until the end of the NEXT (not current) lap. You may re-overtake under these circumstances but if you take out a + 1 lap car the penalty for doing so will be doubled!
4. No stupid overtakes on the first corner and beware diving inside of fast corners.
5. Mute your mic's during qualifying (apart from stewards on track).
6. No rage quitting (this carries a harsh penalty).
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Race Report
My race was 🤬 terrible. On the first lap pigboy had a lag and he smashed me into the wall 10 times or more because of the lag. It damaged everything on my car and i was 25 seconds behind. Caught up to kn but he was dreadfully slow and i couldnt pass him without causing a crash as he was all over the road. Then i spun out trying to pass him. Rhy hit me(lap 9 i think) and i got engine damage. Then spurgey went to fast and hit me and i got engine damage again. Then i got hit a third time for engine damage. I had a race with musilino later and he was incredibly dirty. Then i had an even more 🤬 race from there. This better not happen at indy or im gonna explode.
Race Report
My race was 🤬 terrible. On the first lap pigboy had a lag and he smashed me into the wall 10 times or more because of the lag. It damaged everything on my car and i was 25 seconds behind. Caught up to kn but he was dreadfully slow and i couldnt pass him without causing a crash as he was all over the road. Then i spun out trying to pass him. Rhy hit me(lap 9 i think) and i got engine damage. Then spurgey went to fast and hit me and i got engine damage again. Then i got hit a third time for engine damage. I had a race with musilino later and he was incredibly dirty. Then i had an even more 🤬 race from there. This better not happen at indy or im gonna explode.

:ouch:Sounds nasty. Couldnt see you, I dont think I came ac-crossed you at all the whole way? Were you in the race? The connections in this race though didnt seem as bad as they've been.

I had a couple of interruptions but it was relatively mellow. My pace on average seemed to be 1 sec/lap off. I dont know what my deal was, just couldnt keep up. The fantasy "original" tracks dont agree with me for some reason. I maybe dont use them enough. I'm still learning the FGT hopefully more speed will come with time.

Indy road course hopefully bodes better for me. Smithaz will probably be up there with me, pagey, ryhs, spurgy, etc. It might be a close race with a 3 or 4 way battle. I think I can maintain a winning pace there.
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Great race guys, thanks again to pagey for keeping me on my toes. Race report to follow, updating OP now. About time I got a win!!!
Race report: Killed 3 dragons on skyrim. Bet none of you did that during the race did you! :lol:
Race report :
Congrats rhy :) that win probably means you have the championship
Pretty frustrating race for me, i span on both of my qualifying laps so i was down in 7th. I managed to climb up to 3rd but had lost a fair chunk of time to the leaders.
On the first stint i was slowly reeling them in, a few tenths a lap, plus my tyres lasted longer than i thought 👍 so when i pitted on lap 15 i was only a few seconds behind rhy, and then got him in the pits.
Second stint i lost the lead to rhy due to a dodgy overtake, my car was pushed wide as rhy came from about 20m back and his car launched up the inside, so i presume it must have been lag. I then got caught in traffic so lost a little more time, but maintained the gap to rhy ahead. I always seemed to get bad luck with traffic, the guys ahead always caught them on the straight, so they could duck in their slip stream and gain from it. But i always caught them on the corners, but thats just the way it goes.
I pitted on lap 29 or 30, cant remember which, and this is where i lost the race. It confused me, on my inlap i was matching rhys pace, and also on my outlap. But after rhy pitted i was 15 seconds behind, so i somehow lost 15 seconds in a few laps and i didnt spin once, plus i was putting in fairly good lap times. I really cant work it out.
So on my 3rd stint i knew i would have a hard time trying to catch rhy, i took 2 or 3 seconds out of him but it was no way near enough. I pitted on lap 41 for mediums.
Came back out about 15 seconds behind, and knew i wasnt gonna catch up, i wasnt really pushing too hard and i was keeping pace though. It seemed as though rhy was pushing quite hard, which puzzled me as he had a decent gap back to me.
So i was cruising for the last 10 laps with one hand, sipping a cup of tea :D i spun a few times so i was 30 seconds behind, if i had not been fooling around the gap would have been about 15-20 seconds but hey ho.
Results in the OP, Rankings and profiles done. Fastest laps and stewards pending.
My report to follow.
No movement in the rankings this week :(
PB- Nice report bro.

Pagey- ? I am totally confused. We are only half way through the championship, I could be beaten by 5 or 6 people mate so all is not lost!
Nice report apart from the first line :D

My race report

I qualified 2nd with my team mate on pole so Mercedes locked up the front row which was a great start. I had great traction off the line and went past SM to take the lead going into the first corner, I pulled out a small gap within 2 laps with SM sitting in my draft. After a few laps of this and a good 4 second gap opening up I gestured for SM to take the lead and we went round together for another couple. Unfortunatley my team mate planted his car on the grass and I was alone, not for long though as Pagey was 3 seconds behind and very slowly nibbling away at my lead. I made a few minor errors and lost the lead but I chased well and we swapped position again somehow. I pitted and he folllowed my lead letting SM take back first, I put a little too much fuel in and me and Pagey got out of the pits at the same time.
With me on mediums I kept up for a while until I nearly lost it and I let him escape the draft trap. I remained 3 or 4 seconds behind which was fine for me as I was on the slower tyres. I pitted early for my second stop to try and undercut Pagey, it worked perfectly, just as he was getting up to speed after his exit I went past him and another car (momentum old chap). With the lead and RS tyres I kept him at bay, racing hard and getting lucky with the lapped cars. At my last stop I only had to put 9 litres in so it was a fast one and I came out in a good position. Towards the end of the race I had a decent lead but kept up a fast pace as for once I wasnt struggling with tyres. I was mega confident from the very start and thanks to my pace on mediums I knew I had it sewn up from lap 44. Sweet race and dominant finish, happy days :D

Dont know who got fastest lap but I got a 58.something.
I have a question. Is the fgtc ending this season, then going to the classics. Or going for a 3rd season.
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Detailed race report:

I was strolling along during the race to a town north east of Snowhawk fort. The wind was chilly and the journey was long. As i travelled i pondered on the ease of this trip. That was until I was strolling through an open field to be joined by a dragon. A rather nasty one aswell. So i fought defeating the dragon. I was low on health, I was out of potions and I had exhausted by Arrows on this previous encounter when i noticed in the distance a rather large winged lizard circling the sky. I readied my self again for battle. No more shying away at distance.I had to battle face to face. I ran to the beast using a shout to bamboozle the dragon to keep it grounded. It worked and i began the argues battle ahead. With my mace i took a considerable chunk of health from the beast and i prepared myself for another encounter on the ground. When it landed I went for it. To and Fro my mace went slashing and thudding into the drangons scaley exterior. I unleashed a final blow jumping on it's head and whacking it several times in what seemed like its eye. This battle was won. I healed my self with a spell and continued my journey. Came across a camp of ruffians who were no match for me.They never knew what hit them once i turned into a werewolf. The massacre of 10 men lasted, and im not joking, 30 seconds. A carried on making good time in wolf form. Once returned to human form I continued my journey. I heard in the distance approaching wings. I feared the worst. I turned to see a much stronger dragon bearing down on me. This was going to be interesting. Until i noticed something. Across the sky came firey arrows like solar flares beating down on the dragon. I made haste and once the dragon landed I finished it off. Then killed the people that helped me because they seem peeved off i killed it. Shame for them. And so my journey continues.I see obstacles in the way, many, many challenging but i will take them as a step towards completing this ridiculoussly long game.

That is all :D
Nice Ellis, as if you could defeat a dragon with a mace! (Arduous is the word you wanted, your welcome) :D
It would need to be, a 100 foot high big scary howling thing with talons and 8 inch teeth vs a little bloke with whats basically a heavy stick and a leather codpiece!!!
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