FGTC | OVER | Congrats to Spurgina!

  • Thread starter berty1979

Shall we allow one result to be dropped this season

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  • Poll closed .
Indy- What do you mean ' career being a turnip'. Does that mean the career is too easy? or tough?

Lozzy- Where did you dissapear to? Havent seen you in the FGTC for a while mate?
My motor in dfgt wheel is shot done its burned up holy ship! Wtf:( gonna try to get a new wheel this week. I'm looking at g27 wheel.
Sandmang has got a 27, they look pretty cushty. Were you drifting or doing an enduro or something mate?
Lozzy- Where did you dissapear to? Havent seen you in the FGTC for a while mate?

I've been very busy with the last few weeks of uni, getting my assignments in and doing presentations, not to mention exams. I'll be finished my assignments at 12pm on the 14th, and the final exams on the 21st.
Good luck with your exams mate, just let me know next time as its better than not turning up.

Pagey- Switched to Legend difficulty last night on F1, its much more realistic in terms of AI pace 👍
Guy's I'm going to order F12011 tonight! The mother said I had to finish my art coursework or your not getting the game and your going to fail so... I did it all last Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Pagey- I still suck badly in the rain but the effects are pretty cool.

Etid- You might get it Fri or Mon if you order today 👍
Ordered it, should be here Friday. Whats the co-op championship like? Any problems or lag?
Graphics could be a lot better but I like the geeky side to it (KERS/DRS/tuning options) and the cars handle much more realistically than the GT5 formula cars.

I will have to find some time to practice on TM soon :nervous:
Fastest lap is a 58.000 so far I think, set by the sweaty monster that is Spurgy :lol:

Im faster in the first sector, the same in the second, 2 tenths off in the 3rd, then I lose 7 tenths over the last two corners :confused: I think there may be some skullduggery afoot
F1 career is far difficult than I expect from grand prix
Here is how everything going on career:
AI Difficulty: Professional
Race Length: 40%
TCS: Moderate
Driving Line: On
Team: Lotus

Round 1 Australia:
Qualified for 12th
Finished in 4th

Could've taken 2nd but car spun out on last lap and Webber and Button took the opportunity to pass me, now to get ready for Malaysia.

Any thoughts

EDIT: Brett I think its b/c I'm use to GT formulas that I'll probably have to adapt to this games engine
Pagey- 58 is a good lap, I expect to be hitting somewhere around that myself. TM takes a lot of concentration too, it should be a great last race. Did I mention we are using the reverse version of the track? :)

Indy- You are doing VERY well if you havent had the game that long, Lotus is a hard car to drive and I dont think it has DRS. Does it even have KERS?
must've read the thing wrong, but anyway is there a place i can save my setups throughout all my sessions
Pagey- 58 is a good lap, I expect to be hitting somewhere around that myself. TM takes a lot of concentration too, it should be a great last race. Did I mention we are using the reverse version of the track? :)

Say what now?? I think your having a giraffe with me :lol: Plus it says in the track information bit that it's the normal track

In other news I have firmed my choice with the University of Chichester :D

So I will be going to uni and living here: (not living in this actual building but most of my lectures/seminars will be in there)


Sadly I think it will be the end of any race series for me, I will be too busy, but I have till late September to enjoy it.
I am of course jesting, I hate the reverse version. Bad memories of getting lapped in a 2 player race on GT4 :(

So we have your company until september, how will we cope when you have gone :(
Update on my F1 Career:
Malaysian Grand Prix:
Qualified for 6th
Finished in 1st :D 👍

Notes: I was only .6 seconds off pole time but sector 3 gave me a hard time on this track but the race itself I took 1st right after the 1st 2 turns and hold off Vettel and Button through the majority of the race to maintain 1st and to make sure they don't get away.
1st in a Lotus on pro? Your a lot better than I was in Season 1, I would suggest putting these career updates on the F1 thread or risk the furious vengeance of the MODS!
Plus the other guys might be more interested over there 👍