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  • Thread starter berty1979
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I am sorry mang, dont report me mang, I had too much coffee :(
Would you like me to change the test video?
Skate- Dont remember that one, thought I had seen them all.

Pagey- I think a 1.20 is the record but it was so long ago, before we logged data

Rich- As long as you wear your lycra, sailor ;)

SM- Turnips for everyone 👍
Enough with the baaaad sheep jokes already!
Lets get baaaack to the business of racing :sly:

I get the feeling that a person from the past is present here, I can see the name....mick....mickey.....NO, Mike I am hearing mike, is there anyone called mike in the thread?
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There is bigger disaster's in the world like your attempts of mini modding and why sheep are limping outside the town of dolgellau :lol:
You missed it Ellis, Sandman Runfast and me were just constantly piroetting round the track, there were a LOT of expletives :lol: On one corner, runfast span, and a split second later sandman span. I came along, doing my best not to spin infront of them.....and i span :D
It was like the three stooges in cars :)
Good first practice though, got used to the track and almost have my tune down (suspension needs a tweak).
Best lap I saw was a 1.17.xxx and I was 1.6 seconds down, race pace is good though but tyre wear is rough.
Stewards 90% complete, results up tonight and I am sad to report there are 10 drivers under investigation.
I might be able to get close to mustards time i recon, but i only had 2 clean laps out of about 30. I really do HATE that hairpin with a passion :crazy:
I did have a little chuckle when you, SM and Runfast were in a big pile of cars pointing in different directions all at the same corner :lol:
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