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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Ive never raced in the rain, always in the dry. And every time i have topped the time sheets :D One race i overtook 15 others to win
15? Jensen button of the Kart world (ref. canada gp 2011)
I dont know about all karts but the ones we were in understeered horribly and I just couldnt get the hang of it. I was beaten by a girl on the last lap :( That hurt bad but I convinced her my kart was misfiring :)
Yeah, there was a massive pile-up on a chicane :D
It depends where you go, the track down in cornwall, Kart world at St eval, they oversteer quite a lot, but then that may have just been the track layout
15? Jensen button of the Kart world (ref. canada gp 2011)
I dont know about all karts but the ones we were in understeered horribly and I just couldnt get the hang of it. I was beaten by a girl on the last lap :( That hurt bad but I convinced her my kart was misfiring :)

I would always win in the slow karts at the fair. I did last did it when I was like 12 or something.

I would think in organized kart racing they weigh the driver/kart together and keep a minimum weight limit. Otherwise a small child or little girl who's well trained would dominate on less total weight = better acceleration & cornering.
Thats true but I am fairly heavy and do very well, its just fun although it gets very competitive at times. If your really fat or muscular you probably wouldnt fit into the seat!
I only got the g27 as i came into a bit of money from child premium bond thingys, wouldnt ordinarily be able to justify 180quid for something that is basically the same as i already have. Cant wait till it comes tho, seems like a pretty nice bit of kit. I like the idea of shift lights, hopefully will be able to use those rather than the onscreen red light thing. Also will be cool to have a play around with clutch, could race the classic cars authentically with clutch and shifter! Only ordered it today so hopefully it should be here by end of week.
Bret- Voted on what? Also u would only buy 1 if u didnt have a real car? I find driving on the roads rather ****, 90% of the time there are other cars on the road so u cant belt it anyway. Snow/icey driving is the best fun u can have on the roads.
Rich- I wish i could race a bike, went out on bike for half an hour other week for a bit of exercise, was in agony by time i got back! I blame driving, since i started i havent walked so far as to the local shop, i was reasonably fit 2 years ago!
Ronin- I think we are just talking about arrive and drive mate so cvt's in most cases.

Smithaz- Remember the classic car thing you signed up for, look for CCRL on the racing series and vote on the poll 👍
I know what you mean about real driving but we are lucky here in North Wales, our roads resemble race tracks and you wouldnt see a copper late at night unless you were very unlucky. In the city its pointless trying to enjoy your car to be fair.
Brett- If you dont set the kart up properly, you will get horrible understeer in the wet, especially if you take the normal racing line :P I love racing in the wet because you cant see a thing, plus most people arent very good, at least at my club, and its fun driving round the outside of them :) until they go wide and crash into you, thats not so fun.

And the race went alright for me, was a bit annoyed about the first corner, but the crashing did originate from a small mistake by me, so I cant really complain, plus I messed up putting mediums on... twice. But im happy with 4th.
Rich- I wish i could race a bike, went out on bike for half an hour other week for a bit of exercise, was in agony by time i got back! I blame driving, since i started i havent walked so far as to the local shop, i was reasonably fit 2 years ago!
Its great, very painful at times. :sly:
In Britain bicycle racing should be very easy and cheaper to get into than here in the USA where bikes are expensive as used cars. I live hundreds of miles from most of the races. :( Its great fun though.

The British National team really destroyed the world championships road race. It was one of the most dominating races a team has had in a while (painful to watch).
I dont get the chance to set the Karts up, only talking about the arrive and drive etc. I cant defend myself :lol: I am rubbish in the rain for sure.
Your mistake was minor but unfortunatley its consequences were massive :(
Brace yourself for the stewards report bro. I know your an excellent driver so its nothing personal.
I thought it was me at first and felt a burke for the entire race.
@rich- You can get a nice used BMW for the price of some of the bikes I see round here. I guess your a road biker who likes to wear lycra (sorry) but we got this major mountain bike place near me and those bikes are cool.
Yes, I had a look through and I think every crash in the first and second corner was linked to the small mistake by me -.- but I did get punished for it seen as I was 2nd to last by the second corner, boring and frustrating race for me because most of the time I was by myself :( endlessly trying to chase smithaz.
It was bro, thats how these things happen. You will be punished in line with what anyone would get, 3 stewards have reviewed it and although a decision hasnt been reached I would imagine you will face the full force of a CAA(s).
Just take it in your stride and be aware of it next time 👍
I dont get the chance to set the Karts up, only talking about the arrive and drive etc. I cant defend myself :lol: I am rubbish in the rain for sure.
Your mistake was minor but unfortunatley its consequences were massive :(
Brace yourself for the stewards report bro. I know your an excellent driver so its nothing personal.
I thought it was me at first and felt a burke for the entire race.
@rich- You can get a nice used BMW for the price of some of the bikes I see round here. I guess your a road biker who likes to wear lycra (sorry) but we got this major mountain bike place near me and those bikes are cool.
Mtn biking is extremely big time in the upper midwest....but I've always done road. Dont know why. We run a Cyclocross race up here that I was supposed to help out with, forgot.....damnit.

But Road/track,CX, mountain is where its at and all those riders wear lycra. You gotta problem with that pal? :crazy:

All cyclists wear lycra except downhillers.....and the downhillers used to wear skinsuits until the UCI banned them!!! The UCI was trying to improve safety. :scared:
-spurgy I like it better if im by myself, i tend to be slower if im following somebody.
Iv wanted to go karting for ages but nobody, including myself, will take the lead and organise it. I would be quite pissed off though if i wasnt fast.
No I have no problem with lycra, on a woman! :D

Biking is ok I guess but I know zilch about it, I raced BMX as a kid but thats the extent of it. I prefer combat sports and team games.

Smithaz- thanks for finally voting, I can stop nagging you now!
Hopefully just a CAA(m) I didnt really feel as if i did much plus every still had the possiblilty of taking avoiding action, but we'll have to wait and see what I get, its like chirstmas come early :D
SM- Go when you can m8, its awesome 👍

spurgey- No chance bro, I know there was no intent but the consequences were horrendus for at least 5 drivers, most of them in with a shout of the win. Like I said before, its part of racing and I will be sure to say happy xmas when I publish the reports :lol:

Rich- Bring it on susan! I would threaten you with a wedgie but you would be immune by now :D
Meh, at least even if I get a CCA(s) its only ten points, I can make it up, and I still had the fastest lap which you havent put on my profile :(
SM- Could be difficult we all live in the four corners of the world!

Spurgey- Meh. CAA (s) -10pts is the lowest penalty :( Your profile is updated.

Ellis- Cant comment unless you bring it up bro.
A subtle but yet sincere apology from ETID.

Over the past week I have made some rather irrational comments towards certain individuals.

A message to Skate:
I had no right to make that harsh gesture towards you. I apologise.

A message to Sandman: I also had no right to make some uncalled for comments towards your video and also towards you. I apologise.

A message to Brett: I am extremely sorry for showing you up in front of the Moderators, in front of new comers, but more importantly in front of the whole FGTC and Classic Car Racing participants.

Over the past week I have created some unnecessary mishaps and rants. I also lost my temper and reported Sandmans video for copyright. I apologise for these idiotic remarks and I promise it won't happen again.

Regarding the race at Indy, here's what happened:
As I qualified everything seemed fine connection wise. Then as the track was loading I went to rite a message on GT5 and the game froze but I could still hear everyone speaking. I reset my PS3 and I loaded it back up, chose my user, went to sign in and error code over and over. Shame I was hoping to hold my fastest lap but I had wished that goodbye due to my poor setup and tune. This is why I sent Ellis a message regarding a tune and a setup. He will tell you this is true.

Well I hope we can move on from this.

Sincere apologies,


EDIT: W0o00o0o0o000o00o0o0o0000TtttT!!!$$!!11!$$!!$$
100th Po0o0o0o0oo00o0sstttt !
Thanks Etid
As far as I am concerned lets move on now.

Stewards report is 50% complete 4 drivers under investigation.
To all FGTC racers.
I want to say I'm sorry for leaving a bad comment after race in lobby! I was upset with the way my race started and ended! I feel like I had a target on my car. I would have finished better than last! I think :) but that's ok, maybe I got paid back from a past race or something! I try to race as clean as I can! I know sometimes I freak out and drive harder when I'm being challenged for position and I screw myself up sometimes. If I got into anyone at Indy I'm sorry for that! Road rage:(
Peace out:)
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