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  • Thread starter berty1979
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I agree its a beast, fun in the corners as well. I managed to get the back end out the other day :D without using the handbrake haha
I think we should let Runfast keep his mic on in the race, so if he is unfortunate we will get to hear the result :lol:
Pagey- Get out of here, how did you do that? Drive over a banana skin? If anyone hits Runfast thay have no soul, I havent seen an american get hit so many times since Ricky Hatton fought Freddie Pendleton!
My only worry is overtaking at GVS will be difficult, so people might get desperate..

I was doing 60mph and realised the turn i wanted was 20m ahead, so i slamed on the brakes and turned in as hard as i could, and ended up drifting it round haha also i may add it was in the wet
It will be fairly tough, especially if someone is driving defensivley but thats all part of the fun man.

That sounds dangerous dude, your father would not be amused! :grumpy:
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Nope, he would have a heart attack. It was pretty dangerous....but i must admit, it was quite fun ha
Im really looking forward to this one 👍
I want to get into a full on battle with a few people this time. I got a flat out strat too so no messing about 'caring' for my tyres this time :D
overtaking at Grand Valley? Easy with that long straight.....draft on strong and all.

If draft was on weak it would be tough to pass.
Yeah exactly theres only really 2 places to pass, if you catch someone at the wrong moment you will be sat behind them for half the lap
Yeah exactly theres only really 2 places to pass, if you catch someone at the wrong moment you will be sat behind them for half the lap

Unless your ballsy as hell. Which hopefully i get the chance to be. I dont want to sit behind long
I have tried many many times skate :lol: And is that Ronin i see watching this thread :lol: blast from the past
Force India are the honey badgers, we can do anything :D we know no fear!!!

We have a saying down here in merry old somerset- "i aint no pussbag, im the mother ****ing honey badger!!!" :D
SM- we would totally own this championship if it wasnt for your connection :D

Pagey- I trained there for my old job, I was in a bar and some girl asked me where I was from. I said "Wales" and she said " I dont like welsh people" !
I didnt mind though (I got off with her friend :D)
Somersetish people dont really like anyone else haha we are all farmers set in our ways, scowling at newcomers who we dont recognise :D
You sound like a player :P
SM- we would totally own this championship if it wasnt for your connection :D

Pagey- I trained there for my old job, I was in a bar and some girl asked me where I was from. I said "Wales" and she said " I dont like welsh people" !
I didnt mind though (I got off with her friend :D)

Ahh, so thats the night you met flossie!
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