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  • Thread starter berty1979
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You got any plans for a new series brett? :)

Skate-if your struggling with consistency at GVS i can help you out, i have a good setup :) plus its good for pace, i will send it to you tomorrow, i cant remember it off the top of my head

Thanks man. I can never get it right with tuning.(As i suck massively at it) I reckon if i had a good one i can place way higher as im pretty consistent.
I wish i could learn how to tune.
Thanks man. I can never get it right with tuning.(As i suck massively at it) I reckon if i had a good one i can place way higher as im pretty consistent.
I wish i could learn how to tune.

The tuning is only important with non formula cars in GT5. I find that I only finish 1 place higher in races (maybe 2 places higher) with my setup that I use for all formula cars (FGT, Ferrari F1, X2010/11) than with default setup. (I accidentally used default at trial mountain.) I was off the pace anyways there, I likely would have been top 3 if I'd played the track properly.

In a PC game project c.a.r.s. or i racing you WILL need to set the car up properly...... Dont know about i racing car settings...GT5 is for fun....car settings are not important because the nasty bumps that exist on a lot of tracks are not simulated (the nordshlief is littered with them).

Downforce is paramount & aerodynamic effects are greatly exaggerated in the game. Simulations can be off and GT5 is "way off" compared to the real world. But hey, so were Ferrari's computer simulated designs. They lost the F1 championship by a large margin because of being in-accurate.

Anyways >>>> Your like 14 aren't you? When I was 14 I could not get many laps off. I dont remember how old I was when I played GT4. I remember being able to do laps at Monaco in the Formula GT but I wasnt any faster than the AI which was pathetic in that game. So I improved by a ton since your age. You will rip it 5 or 6 years from now. Best stick with it and not give up.
Oh i will definitely stick with it. Im pretty fast anyway its just that i just started tuning cars towards the end on fgtc s1. So i still dont have a hang of it.
I got disconnected about lap 12/13. It was a tidy race but just wasnt for me, my laptimes were better than practice but I wasnt enjoying it. I started 11th and made my way to 6th, after my first pit I came out 14th then made a few spots back before my screen went funny and I got the dreaded message (disconnected from lobby).
Rich has taken over and he will be taking the willing drivers on.
I am going to start something new with shorter sprint races maybe 2/3 races on a different night to the classics.
I wouldnt mind seeing that one bro, they definitley have different styles but can switch to crazy mode if there is overtaking to be done (shuey,button,hamilton).
Button- smooth but great overtaker, poor in qualifying
Schuey- Great overtaker and very dangerous to overtake him :(
Hamilton- Crazy all the time, great in quali.

Looking forward to taking you on at GVS mate :D
1.17! It would appear I am in trouble again, that is two seconds better than me on a full tank :scared:

Practice tonight at 815pm GMT and top secret testing for a new championship idea after :D

Guys that are signed for the classics please go and re sign with Rich on the new thread if you are still competing.
The following drivers have responded already 👍
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1.17! It would appear I am in trouble again, that is two seconds better than me on a full tank :scared:

Practice tonight at 815pm GMT and top secret testing for a new championship idea after :D

Guys that are signed for the classics please go and re sign with Rich on the new thread if you are still competing.
The following drivers have responded already 👍
You about 2 secs a lap faster on a low tank. Thats why I think qauli should be done with fuel sim/tire sim off if its going to be a mere 2 laps...... It would make quali times actually look fast instead of slower than you run in the race. :sly:

Now if its 20 minutes of running fuel sim can be on I guess.
Pagey- Still in the testing stage mate but all will be revealed :D

Rich- Thats not too bad then mate, I never practice with an empty tank. The FGTC is still the 2 laps on quali. I like the extra drama it brings :D
:lol: you are using the mightiest of all insults! I am impressed :D

How do you think I feel, you have got 2 people at the most watching you, I have 14!!!
Yeah....the 2 laps method kinda favors the lucky few who get a super crazy good 1st or 2nd lap.

Whats this, every race I hear people getting extra laps. I've never gotten an extra. :(

Whats this, every race I hear people getting extra laps. I've never gotten an extra. :(

Thats when one of their laps is compromised by another driver, either having to pull over, or being held up by someone :)
I'm sorry I was an jerk at Spa today.

For Grand Valley I'd give strike 2 for anyone who causes a major incident in the first 2 major hairpins (the first hairpin and the tight one at the bottom of the hill).

I'm SICK and TIRED of dirty drivers in this group. At this point bans need to be given out for people who cannot stay off the back of the car in front at the start of a race.

It really should be an automatic ban for S2 if you cause another pile up. Its not difficult to avoid slamming into the car in front. The GTP rules are not being followed in this series and its time for that to start happening.
A ban is way too harsh, double penalties will hopefully keep people in line.
No driver in this championship is dirty, after 17 races i can say that :) i think in the first corner its the sheer number of cars, and in 1 on 1 situations i think its drivers being too impatient and seeing the red mist, not the fact that they are dirty
No body intends it, it just happens. How can you expect 14 cars in a tight turn to not make contact?
Everyone needs to try and back off on the first corner and follow the other cars. Double penalties are in place for lap 1. S1 becomes S2, 10cp becomes 20cp, you get the picture. I dont think we have dirty drivers just a few dim witted ones :lol: we need to educate people but at the same time remember that accidents will happen and not to throw your toys out of the pram if it occasionally happens to you.
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