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  • Thread starter berty1979
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A ban is way too harsh, double penalties will hopefully keep people in line.
No driver in this championship is dirty, after 17 races i can say that :) i think in the first corner its the sheer number of cars, and in 1 on 1 situations i think its drivers being too impatient and seeing the red mist, not the fact that they are dirty
In the first turn their very, very dirty.

No its not difficult to start a race. Follow behind the car in front. Dont try to pass. If you try and pass & hit other cars than your strike 2. The 1st turn mahem would be over with.

Double penalties wont do it, but my strike 2-3 would be an excellent deterrent.

In real life they get through the first corner. Why can you not do it in a videogame?
In the first turn their very, very dirty.

No its not difficult to start a race. Follow behind the car in front. Dont try to pass. If you try and pass & hit other cars than your strike 2. The 1st turn mahem would be over with.

Double penalties wont do it, but my strike 2-3 would be an excellent deterrent.

Its just a lack of judgement, going 150mph into a tight corner with 13 cars around you, not knowing when the other driver is going to brake and not knowing what line hes gonna take of course there are going to be accidents.
Earlier on in the touring cars you yourself ran afoul of this, late on the brakes and pushing me wide. It happens to all of us.
And in real life they have been racing for 20 years and their job depends on it, we are ordinary people who like racing on the ps3....there is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference
My lexical skills are obviously greater than you first envisaged brett :D
Or is it that it just sounds weird coming from someone like me? :lol:
Its just a lack of judgement, going 150mph into a tight corner with 13 cars around you, not knowing when the other driver is going to brake and not knowing what line hes gonna take of course there are going to be accidents.
Earlier on in the touring cars you yourself ran afoul of this, late on the brakes and pushing me wide. It happens to all of us.
And in real life they have been racing for 20 years and their job depends on it, we are ordinary people who like racing on the ps3....there is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge difference
I was angry & dirty in both touring races. Maybe I'm having a bad day.

I agree that first turns are complicated. Thats why caution must be used by all. If you dont use caution and hit somebody, its your fault. Its your responsibility to brake early. Its one of the most basic skills in online racing. My online friends can do it in the Ferrari F1s, and X2010/11s. So can you.
I think you are having a bad day.
On the other hand what you are saying is right and we just have to drill people to use caution in the first corner. I have a system in place that helps but it will never be 100% perfect because there is a lot of people on track and mistakes are made.
I was angry & dirty in both touring races. Maybe I'm having a bad day.

I agree that first turns are complicated. Thats why caution must be used by all. If you dont use caution and hit somebody, its your fault. Its your responsibility to brake early. Its one of the most basic skills in online racing. My online friends can do it in the Ferrari F1s, and X2010/11s. So can you.

Yes i do every race, i have only ever had 2 penalties and they werent for 1st corner incidents.
Give people a break dude, we enjoy racing
You said it yourself, your having a bad day. Maybe other people do, cut them some slack

And ellis i cant find your stressy mother thread anywhere, please point me in the right direction :D
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Its in the rumble strip, I checked it out but didnt want to comment. There are a lot of decent people on this thread.
Hey Brett I'm excited about the DTM series have you made a thread for it yet?
I have done an interest thread for people to sign up and for us to work the settings/tracks. I am having trouble getting Ellis and Pagey to agree on a time though. Go to the thread and list your top 3 cars in order when you sign up 👍
Dude, that is the most disgusting and pointless rubbish I have ever seen. Please get rid of it, I feel sick now :(
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My car handles ok but I am still scrubbing tyres like mad at the front if I want to compete with the faster drivers. My best time still a 1.19.5xx but this will be hard to get in quali :(
I have to keep my car quite loose at the back to get round the tight sections too.
My FGT feels totally strange here.
Understeer plus Oversteer.
=> 3.5-5 seconds per lap slower and I don´t see any improvement.
I tried many different settings I used before, but it is still not going to be better.
But I´m kinda consistant driving the slow times => hope you guys make many avoidable Sandpit visits :D

@First Corner: I find it hard to judge where someone is going to drive. I´m always aiming for the inside line to not get hammered of the Track. I tried the outsideline in the CLMC-Series and bam got the knock in the gravel. (Yesterday at spa again, but there is plenty of space ;)).
=> I sometimes knock someone, but it´s just a touch and won´t lead to carnage

Tip: There is a flashing number near the Gear indicator. If it flashes you´ll eventually have to begin with your braking ;)
People will spin at the hairpin, you will get some places there mate, on the first corner I think the mid field need to brake eary and the back even earlier.
The indicator is way too early but it gives a good idea when you start the game I guess, we need to start getting the first corner right.
I find it quite usefull, when learning the track i see when it comes on and count 1, or 2 seconds before i need to brake depending on the corner.
Fair do's if it helps. I cant usually take my eyes off the track when going into a corner :lol:

2 days till the race, are you going to do the honourable thing and beat me? :D
Maybe thats why i spin quite often :D
Im starting to doubt it, i have the pace. But this track kills my tyres when im driving quickly. I can average high 1.18s--low 1.19s quite easily but my tyres dont last long (i wont specify the number of laps :D)
So im debating whether to absolutely gun it, hoping im fast enough to get away with another pitstop, or whether to take it easy...........hmmmm.......GUN IT!!!! :D
Today im going to practice gunning it. I did set 1:20s yesterday so i think i can place high.
You will be fine mate, hopefully your form will improve slightly too, you are ranked quite high so you need to start gaining places 👍
Just realised fiddling with your gearing actually works :) played around with it and went 8 tenths faster, did a 1.18.6XX. And my tyre wear isnt too bad, getting less wheelspin with the new gearing so looking good for sunday, unless I mess it up which is quite likely :D
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