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  • Thread starter berty1979
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Negative. Yellow and purple white are no good. I guess green/white can be a force india option along with orange/white.
Saves me 5 000 000 credits so thats fine by me :D

......holy mother of sweet jesus!! Cape ring is truly going to sort the men from the boys

Edit: i think i will need a nappy for this race
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I most certainly will. I have just had a prelim go round and I verbally abused my PS3 more than once. I had a 1.50.020 which was to be expected so I tuned a little and I know I can hit a 1.48 if I can string it together, kept crashing in the last sector!!!! grrrr
How did you get on bra.
I had one lap where i didnt spin, a 1.49.2 so not too bad.
Some of the corners are worse than the tight hairpin at GVS! For example you come out the pits on cold tyres straight into that first corner, its like driving on ice.
Also the spiral is veryyy tricky...awesome track though :D
I didnt spin at the spiral once but struggle in other places instead. Once I have the tune I will be ok but your right it is a scary track. Its the uneven surface that gets you mang.
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You were good there last year mate, should be a good one 👍

Stewards report in the OP, penalties have been applied where possible.
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Yes and I can now publicly admit that I felt a right burke for what I did. I have no idea why, also the fastest lap has passed to the next fastest driver.

I have noticed that the quicker guys have been scrambling a bit too hard to get in front, dont push slower drivers out of the way, its even worse if they are on the same lap as you.
What the hell did i get a penalty for i didn't cause an accident. I knocked runfast and waited and that was it. Nothing more.
Ellis- Dunno mate, if you want to challenge it send me a PM, next person to publicly challenge a penalty gets a strike 1.

EDIT- See above and change your attitude.


Ok I am going to add a rule about challenging penalties. If you challenge a penalty and it is upheld to be excactly same as in the stewards report you will recieve a further penalty. This will encourage people to check the replay BEFORE they make an appeal and not just do it out of hope because if it is the same result it is a waste of my time. You must also put WHY you are challenging it.
Ive got a 1.49.0XX so far at Cape, think I can do a 1.48.6 with no mistakes, hopefully faster with more practice, the problem is, if you set up the car to go round the spiral, it understeers everywhere else, but if you get it right everywhere else, you just spin on the spiral, its really annoying, especially the bump halfway through. And the kerbs are horrible too, some of them spin you right round, apart from that I like the track :)
Thats decent time and you are bang on there. I can make the spiral great or the rest of the track, should be an interesting one :D

Ill repeat this so people dont miss it.


Ok I am going to add a rule about challenging penalties. If you challenge a penalty and it is upheld to be excactly same as in the stewards report you will recieve a further penalty. This will encourage people to check the replay BEFORE they make an appeal and not just do it out of hope because if it is the same result it is a waste of my time. You must also put WHY you are challenging it.
Yeah its definately challenging :)
I think its going to be a race where if people keep their car pointing the right way, they are going to do well. The track reminds me of nurburgring for some reason, not the layout but because of how narrow it is and the challengingness :D
I won it by a good way in S1 and Sandman came 2nd. There is a couple of quicker drivers this year thet will try and stop that from happening though. I remember spinning twice on the later laps and still winning by a pretty fat margin.
Also Brett, I can understand what youre saying, but it seems a bit generalised, I mean I dont think people who do bother to watch the replay first and just view what happened differently to the steward should be penalised for speaking out. Maybe people who put a valid reason dont get a penalty? Just and explaination of the way the stewards point of view.

Ok I am going to add a rule about challenging penalties. If you challenge a penalty and it is upheld to be excactly same as in the stewards report you will recieve a further penalty. This will encourage people to check the replay BEFORE they make an appeal and not just do it out of hope because if it is the same result it is a waste of my time. You must also put WHY you are challenging it.

Both lotus members think this is a poo idea. Because What if it seems a fair appeal and on my screen i dont hit anyone but on yours i do?

But yes i am still appealing.
No, it has to be judged. No one likes it but it is absolutely the single most important thing for a racing series. If you dont have a valid reason for challenging it, dont.
Should it not be, if it is a stupid appeal, not if the appeal is not given then there should be a fine,
Ellis- Ok, ill look into your appeal. If the 'Lotus boys' ran the championship they would soon find out that things are not as simple as they seem.
We got 3 choices here.
1. No appeals
2. People can do what they like
3. My system
Your taking a blunt perspective to this. Why not have a system like tennis? You have 3 appeals a season? that means you will have to think about our appeals while not faring deductions for doing so?
Ellis- Nope, only appeal if you have checked and can see a good reason why I should spend even more of my time checking replays. If I come to the same conclusion again you get a penalty, if not I will reduce your original penalty. Seems fair to me that the onus is on you (1 driver to check) rather than me (15 drivers to check)

skate-My replay is fine mate. Whats your alternative suggestion?
No so suggest a workable alternative?

This is riveting isnt it :D

Tomorrows UK vs The world still has space for 2 non brits and 1 brit.
Sign ups for the 90's DTM racing are going public in the next few days so if you want in, sign up.
S3 sign ups are open too but wont go public until the new year

I am off to check the 2 appeals I have been sent. Anyone from this point are subject to the new rule 👍
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Just did some more practice and im down to a 1.48.283, think a 1.47.8XX is possible if im very brave through last sector, but its still very tricky, easy to take a corner a bit too quickly or clip a kerb and your laps ruined, race should be interesting, can see a few high speed crashes happening :D
But for an appeal is it just you checking it out or multiple stewards. Cause if its multiple than that is good.
Just me on the appeals, chances are its another steward that gave you the penalty in the first place. I dont have any need to punish people for doing nothing.
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